Welcome to JAYCEE's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of JAYCEE
7/2/2012 My spotted girl.... this marks your 3rd year at the bridge. I can't believe how fast time has gone. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Funny how one large white dog with black spots had touched the depths of my heart and soul. I see other harlequin danes and I see you. I know now my love that the cancer isn't in your body anymore and you are young healthy and free. I hope you never lost that goofy way you had with toys and running and everything you did. I hope you never lost always having to have the last word either. I can clearly remember you arguing with me. I remember how mad it made me yet how funny it was. Now that is a golden memory. Thank you sweet girl for being part of my life and being a blessing I will always hold so very close to my heart. I love you baby girl and I always will.

5/24/2012 Happy 10th Birthday my love. God I miss you. I can only image how your party at the bridge will be. My goofy girl will be running around like crazy. Tyler got you a basketball and placed it on your grave. He remembers how you loved playing basketball. I realize Jazzy with each passing day my heart has never really healed. I think of you with smiles and my heart fills with love. You touch and blessed my life like no other has. I love you baby girl. Run now and Have the happiest of Birthdays. And always remember I am with you in spirit just like you are always with me.
Love you forever kiddo...... Mom

My sweet spotted girl ........... Merry Christmas not a day passes that I don't think about you. You are always on my mind and my heart is and always will be filled with Love for you. I know you will be celebrating this holy day in heaven in the grandest way. Enjoy my love. I love you forever and miss you with all my heart. Merry Christmas baby

7/2/11 Sweet baby 2 yrs ago today we set you free from the cancer and pain. It broke our hearts to lose you but I would never make you stay for me. I love you baby you are forever in my heart and soul. Run Free Play Hard and Sleep in the angels arms.

6/10/11 I can not believe 2 yrs ago today Dr Jatin told me you had cancer and we were going to loose you. My heart was broken. I love you baby and I always will. Kisses and hugs

5/24/11 Happy 9th Birthday my love .... kisses and hugs forever


7/2/2010 ,, My sweet girl, It took me a while today to come here and even now my heart began to break and the tears are filling my eyes, just like one year ago. I miss you my love ..... I was with you in thought and spirit today at 1:55 the time they told me you were gone. I thought back to this day one year ago ... it was so unlike today. See baby the sun is shining and the sky is so blue, like I have never seen it before. Last year it was raining so hard but the rain stopped when we took you to the Tahoe for your final ride. When we brought you home it began to rain again and my tears were falling with the rain. You had your blue sweater on because we didn't want you to get chilled with the rain. I remember standing at your grave as daddy and I placed you there and the rain was pouring down and you couldn't tell the rain from my tears. Unlike now, you can see my tears.
This is bittersweet day for me. I know you are so happy to be with Nikki again and I know how much you missed her when she left us. I tried with all my heart to make life the best it could be so you wouldn't miss her so much. But I never really believed I did that because you would spend hours laying back at her grave. Now you are laying there beside her and at peace. But now my heart breaks because I can't call you to come in with me. Baby girl I know in my heart you are whole and healthy and happy once again, and it is my own selfishness of wanting you back that makes me feel this way.
I know in God's perfect time we will be together again Our family chain will link together once again.
Just remember Jazzie even though I have learned to love again with the others there is no love like we shared. The others love is different which it should be. You and I shared something special. I will always love you Jazz and I will always miss you and that goofy way you did stuff.
I will forever love "ALL THAT JAZZ" A hug for you (((((( JAYCEE JAZMINE )))))

Love Mom

7/1/10 Hi my love.....I am amazed how fast time has gone yet how slow it has gone since I let you go. I have spent most of the day remembering how last year this was your last day on earth. I remember tears streaming down my face most of the night because I knew as the day ended and a new one began I would be letting you go to eternal rest. I have been reliving the conversation between angelduck, Paula and I that night one year ago. You know baby their support was what got me through that night.
It's been a hard day for me baby, even though I know in my heart you are happily playing with NIkki and you are that proud, beautiful great dane you were before the cancer struck.

Somehow Jaycee I feel as if I am standing on the edge of a very high cliff. Not just close but the very edge and wondering......wondering about life and where I go from here, without you. See the cliff shows me how my life was stopped just short of shattering to pieces. Then I can picture you saying " Mom time changes everything and you must go on and try to smile mom and forget if only for a little while" I know kiddo that life does go on but I also know I will never forget you nor will I ever stop loving you. I can't say all the changes or decisions I have made since you left me have been good or even the right ones, but i know in my heart everything I have done this past year has been because of my love for you.
I wish I could see you or hold my goofy great dane just one more time. But I know I can't and even if I could that would mean you would have to come back with your cancer and all it's pain and I could never do that to you.
I just miss you so much love, but I will keep that faith that burns inside me so strong knowing that I will see you again someday. But until that day comes Jaycee I will just have to believe that you are doing good and having the time of your life and loving me as much as I still love you. Until tomrrow kiddo ...............I love you

6/10/10 Jaycee, my babygirl ..... I can not believe one year (today) has passed since we were given the terrible news, You had osteosarcoma ..... bone cancer. I hate that word. My world was shattered knowing I was going to lose you and there was nothing I could do about it. I am so sorry this had to happen to you Jazzie. I miss you so much. I miss the love I felt looking at you and the smiles you gave so willingly everyday. I will remember each of the next 22 days my love. All the things we did and how I tried to make them the best days considering........ I never regretted cooking for you everyday and holding your food so you could eat, helping you steady yourself so you could walk and helping you walk as your days grew short.
I remember 1 yr ago setting in the vets office and knowing what he would say before he even had a chance. I remember playing with an 8 week old rottie puppy at his 1st vet appointment who was just beginning his life and knowing in my heart yours was going to end way to soon. I remember hearing those words... "I am sorry Jaycee has cancer" I remember hearing " She has anywhere from one week to 3 months" I remember tears streaming down my face. I remember seeing you right after we were told and smelling your fur and crying into the softness of your gentle body. I remember leaving the vets with you still limping and getting into the Tahoe and being very angry and telling your daddy "this isn't real it can't be true." I was so hurt sweetie. But through the whole ordeal of this day one year ago I remember looking at you and seeing the love in your eyes and the never ending faith you had in me to see you through this. As always you were my rock. And as always we leaned on each other for the support we needed. God be with you on this day Jazz and as my heart heals and my life does go on never forget how much I loved you then, now, and forever.

5/24/2010 MY LOVE .... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU !!!! I can not believe you are 8 today. you were far to young to leave me last July. I am sorry if I don't make the ceremony to honor your birthday I will try.Baby I will always love you and miss you. Enjoy your day sweetie and share your cupcakes. Love forever

I love you and miss you

1/2/2010 Hi baby, Happy New Year my love. It's been 6 months now since I released you to a world of health, love and happiness. Even though I know you are feeling the best you can, I can't help but to miss you so much. Somedays it just breaks my heart and I feel like I have left you down. But we both Know that isn't true. I would have done anything I could to keep you here with me. But I guess God had other plans.I try to remember you and smile because you always brought so much happiness and laughter to my life. I will forever hold those memories close to my heart. I love you "all that Jazz"

Forever Mom

My baby girl.... as the midnight hour approaches I am finding myself missing you so much. The stockings are hung and santa has visited the furry kids. They must have been good this year ....he brought them many toys. But your stocking is hanging with your pic never to filled again ....only with love. This Christmas will be hard Jazz but I know you are celebrating with the angels. I only wish I could celebrate with you. I miss you my love so much on this holy night. Remember baby my thoughts and love are with you this Christmas. Have fun baby and I left you a gift. What is in .....whatever your heart desires.

I love you Jaycee.........

forever Mom

11/2/09 Well girl here it is 4 months since I sent you away to the bridge. I don't know why but that day still haunts me. As I write this silent tears fall. I would do anything to just hold you one more time. The past 4 months have been a roller coaster ride of emotions. I think of you everyday and wonder why God wanted you so bad. 7 Years was just not long enough with you but then again forever would not be long enough. Baby girl I sure hope you know how much I love you and miss you. I think about you all the time. Someday baby girl I hope to get my life straightened out so I can get on track and do all the memorials of you that I want. I guess my greatest tribute to you and Nikki will be next spring/summer when I go to Best friends...... anything I will get to do there will be in yours and Nikki's honor and memory. I will make that trip happen. Anyway darling girl I must go the tears make it very hard to type and think. Just remember "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU"

PS love I changed your picture to the last Picture I ever took of you amazingly it is my favorite !!!

Hi my love, 3 months have passed now without you in my life. God I miss you. I find comfort in memories of you girl. They make me smile but never laugh. The emptiness hole is still in my heart. I do pretty good Jaycee but there is part of me still missing. I really do wish there was someone I could explain this too. I am not even sure I can explain it. Other than to say it is a pit or emptiness that doesn't go away. You Jaycee had such an impact on my life that I am not sure if the missing part will ever fill or ever really heal. You know I love you baby and always will. You are always on my mind sweet thing. I have screwed up several times now and called your baby sister Lilly, Jaycee by mistake. She just looks at me like who am I talking too. Sometimes girlfriend I think I am stuck in time and I can't move on with out you. I just don't get it. But I know in my heart you are safe and at the bridge and playing with Nikki and I will see you again someday. But for now I will just go on missing you and trying to figure that empitness out. I love you baby girl and I always will. See ya soon sweetie be good play hard and sleep in the angels arms....you were the best.
Love Mom

Hi Jazz,
Well my love it has been almost 2 months now since you had to go be with Nikki. It Sunday afternoon girl an as always Sundays are the worst for me. Sundays seems so lonely and silent tears fall a lot. I miss you so much Jaycee. All day I have been thinking about you in your grave and all day I have been questioning my decision to let you go. I don't know why the pain is hitting me so hard today. I know you are happy and free and feeling like a big dane should. But my heart is still so broken. I don't tell anyone that . I guess to everyone it has been important to move on. I wish I could but I feel like if I do I am leaving you behind. Jaycee please forgive me babe. I really tried to do everything I could for you but that last look in your eyes is still haunting me to the depths of my soul. Jacee I would do anything to hold you one more time. Just once to see you act so goofy.Just one more Sunday dinner. Just one more Sunday with you..... Kisses and hugs to you and remember I will always love you

Hi Jazzie,
Well it has offically been 1 month you have been gone. It is 1:55 now and 1 month ago you took your final breath. Jazz I am trying so very hard to learn to live life without you. But God knows I miss you so much and the tears are never far from my eyes. I know in my heart you are young again and you are cancer free and I know you can wag that tail again. I know you are with Nikki and the 2 of you are playing chase like you did so many times. I know you have met so many new friends there too.I bet you have become good friends with Cole & the gang, Cody, Puck, Zeke, Lady blue eyes,and holly and I know so many more. Jaycee I know you are so busy playing and having fun but you know Mom could use a sign that you are ok. Jay have the time of your life while you wait for me. Be good and always remember I will see you and Nikki again and that I do miss you so much and I LOVE YOU with ALL MY HEART.
Run Free, Play Hard and Sleep in the Angels arms baby girl.

Love Mom


Jaycee Jasmine May passed peacefully to the Rainbow Bridge on July 2, 2009 at 1:55 surrounded by her loving family. Jaycee fought for 22 days to be with her family. She was diagnosed on June 10, 2009 with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer). She fought a good fight but as always that awful disease won the last battle. Jaycee was born May 24, 2002 in Franklin PA . Her original home was that of a backyard breeder. I went to see Jaycee in July 2002 when Jaycee was just a mere 8 weeks old. I could not stand the conditions sweet Jaycee was living in and was ready to pay them whatever they wanted so I could get this pup to her forever home. Jaycee found her forever home where she was loved and spoiled her entire life. Jaycee never knew what it was like to be cold and hungry again. She had a steady supply of doggie kibble and fresh water and as many treats as her heart desired.
Jaycee had so many toys ... but her favorite was a life size stuffed pumpkin that she "borrowed" from her fur brother Rylee. The pumpkin went everywhere Jaycee went. Including to the vets when she had surgery. In August 2005 Jaycee had both back knees operated on and ligaments replace so she could walk like a proud Great Dane should. She came home with purple bandages wrapped from her toes to her hips. She was so proud to show them off. In August 2008 Jaycee was diagnosed with spinal fusion. This brought on another 5 month battle for Jaycee to live pain free. With mine and Jaycee's determination and 5 walks a day at 10 minutes each and me constantly not letting her give up walking Jaycee had beat the spinal fusion. Being told Jaycee would never wag her tail again because of the fusion we (her family) had learned to read her eyes for what she liked and disliked. But to everyone's amazement Jaycee did wag her tail again. On June 4, 2009 Jaycee wagged her tail at her dad and me. Only to find one week later she would be given her final challenge.
Jaycee also enjoyed going for rides in the car and barking at people as we drove by. She loved going to town and taking a long stroll down Main Street on a summer night then stopping by McDonalds for a small French Fry. Among other favorites of Jaycee's was pizza, hamburgers, and ice cream. She loved all food as long as it wasn't green. (She would spit green food at you )
Jaycee was well known for being a clown and could make some of the funniest faces. We could never drive by a farm with spotted cows in the fields with out thinking of our beloved Jaycee. Sweet Jaycee had the most interesting set of ears .... Just by the way she would hold them out she earned the name o f the flying nun.
Jaycee is survived by the following humans Jan & Lane (her mommy and daddy) Brittany her human sister who always loved that Jazz. Tyler her favorite boy in this world. Jaycee will always love each one of them. Each human meant something different yet special to Jaycee's life.
Jaycee is also survived by her fur brothers and fur sisters which include Trooper 14, shep/ malamute, Sophie 13, border collie, Rylee 5 mastiff, Lexie & Kasey 3 1/2, mastiffs, Astro, 3 ,German Shepard, Lilly 2, Great Dane, Harley 1, husky mix, Allie 6 months pit/ hound mix. Her 2 fur kitty sister's Resee 4 (calico) and Sabrina 2 (solid grey)
Jaycee is preceded in death by her fur brother Bear (aussie) June 5th 1996 at the age of 10 and her fur sister Nikki (Great Dane) April 27 2006 at the age of 9 1/2. Her fur kitty brother Fiscus 10 January 2 1997.

IF Jaycee is to be remembered by anything it will be her zest for life and her love for her family. Jaycee never had a doubt for one second that she was loved and the center of her family's world. She will be sadly missed and forever loved . But now is the time for her finally be able to run free, play hard, and sleep in the angels arms.
Jaycee was laid to rest in her back yard beside her fur sister Nikki that she loved so very much. Now they will never be a part again.
God speed baby girl and We will always love you.

When I think back
On these times
And the dreams
We left behind
I'll be glad 'cause
I was blessed to get
To have you in my life
When I look back
On these days
I'll look and see your face
You were right there for me

In my dreams
I'll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you'll be

Well you showed me
How it feels
To feel the sky
Within my reach
And I always
Will remember all
The strength you
Gave to me
Your love made me
Make it through
Oh, I owe so much to you
You were right there for me

In my dreams
I'll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you'll be

'Cause I always saw in you
My light, my strength
And I want to thank you
Now for all the ways
You were right there for me
You were right there for me
For always

In my dreams
I'll always see you soar
Above the sky
In my heart
There always be a place
For you for all my life
I'll keep a part
Of you with me
And everywhere I am
There you'll be

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