Welcome to Jethro's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Jethro
My life started the day you entered into it. It was a God thing from the very beginning. I have loved you with all of my heart from the second I laid eyes on you. I had no intention of a dog being in my life at that time, but God had other plans. I was told that I saved your life, but the truth is that you saved mine on more than one occasion, and in so many ways. The walls around my heart just melted from the first time I looked into your beautiful, expressive eyes and saw your gorgeous smile. I loved you more every day; I didn't think it was possible to love you more than I already did. You taught me perfect, unconditional love. You came to me so afraid and wounded. Horrible things had been done to you in your 1-1/2 years in this world. I promised you from day one that I would never hurt you and that you would be loved, respected, and cared for from that day forward. You have been Number 1 in my life for the past 12 years; every decision I have made has come from my tremendous love for you. You have touched, opened, and claimed a part of me that I didn't even know existed. You walked right in to the deepest places in my heart, places where no one had ever come anywhere near. It was effortless for you because you are my beloved Jethro and God knew what He was doing when He sent you to me. I wanted to save you, to give you love, comfort, safety...a good life. Jethro, you have given me SO much more than I could have ever possibly given you. You have changed my life. You have had an enormous, profound impact upon my life. You have helped me to become a much better person than I ever would have been without you. I truly don't remember what my life was like before you were a part of it. It feels like you have been in my life, my heart, and my soul forever. I miss you so much; the pain is excruciating. You stayed and suffered for me for too long. Honey, you are so stoic, so brave, strong, and courageous. It was very difficult to know if you were ready to go or not. You let me know two days ago that you were ready "NOW", and the only thing that mattered to me was to honor your wishes and your needs. There was no questioning or second-guessing. I held your head in my hands and said, "OK, you're going HOME honey". It was the greatest and the final gift of love that I could give you. You have been here for me and walked me through so much "stuff" over the years; I'll never have words to express my love, my gratitude, and my appreciation. You have been, and will continue to be, an inspiration to me every day. YOU ARE MY HERO. I am the luckiest, most blessed woman in the world to have been chosen to be your mommy. Thank you for sharing your life with me. You are a wonderful, beautiful, funny, loving, playful, vibrant, sensitive, awesome spirit. Your spirit is now free and you are SOARING, able to be the Jethro that God created you to be. Even as my heart breaks, it rejoices in that truth. I am SO happy for you, my precious, precious boy. The love and the bond we share will go on forever, and I promise to acknowledge and honor it every day. You have a wonderful life sweetheart, and I know that when it's time, you'll be greeting me at the Rainbow. I can hardly wait for that day.

I love you.

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