Welcome to Joanie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Joanie's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Joanie
Dear Joanie,
You are the best friend a Mom could ask for. I will love you always and forever. For 13 years, you were my loyal companion, best friend, furry daughter, and the best furry angel a Mom could ever ask for. I am a better person for having you in my life. You have taught me to love unconditionally. Always. You taught me the importance of playtime! :) We had so much fun together. I loved the way you would attack your carpets as I dragged the strings underneath them. I loved how you would think you were hiding and I would always find you! You always made me laugh how you tried to sneak into the closets all the time. Oh my gosh, and the birds and outside animals? Now that was fun! You would spend your day cackling at them but could never get at them. I loved how you laid under blankets with me. That was so comforting. Thank you. I cracked up at how you played with your toys. You would roll around and kick them all over the place like a wild lady! It was really funny. Thank you for making me laugh. :) Everyone always liked when you went in front of the camera. Do you remember being on TV? You are famous! They did this awesome segment on you on the news. You were the furry friend of the week! How cool is that :) When I see you again, I want your paw print auto graph. You were so loving. You loved to nuzzle, rub on legs, jump on counters and figure out what Mama was doing all the time. I LOVED watching you stalk the birds outside at the little bird feeder...and the rabbits. You were so patient. I know I took you to the vet....alot. I am sorry if I caused you any pain, anxiety, or stress. I promise, I would never ever do anything to hurt you. EVER. I pray that you are with me because I miss you so much. I know the good Lord is taken you into his arms and you are running around just like you did down here. Thank you for sending me signs to let me know you are ok. You can hang out with Bun Bun's if you find her....and your cousin Otto. :) You might like him. I love you more then you will ever know and I hope you loved me too. My heart is broken with out you. I have your bed set up along with your favorite items if you want to come and visit I would really appreciate it. I will lay on the couch next to you every night. I pray you are ok. I pray you can hear me. I pray you are healthy and back to the old Joanie who always did goofy wierd stuff. You are my sweet angel, always will be. Forever. I love you, Joanie. Thank you for being the perfect best friend. I will miss you always and forever.
Love You,
Your Mom :) xoxoxo

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