Welcome to Joshua's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Joshua
Josua was a sweet little puppy that I rescued from a basket in a parking lot. He was under 4 weeks old when I brought him home but we loved and nurtured him right from the beginning. He was just so special. He just ruled our household from the beginning.
To you my sweet puppy Joshua.
There never was anyone like you before and there never will be again.You were unique to us and the rest of the world that knew you. You were so sweet kind and loving. You were always a "puppy" but mostly our puppy and we will love you forever and ever.You grew old but you never grew up and we just loved that about you. I loved how you knew that I was in the driveway and you barked to let your Daddy know. You were a very special part of our lives and we will always treasure that. You gave us unconditional love and years and years of joy and happiness. We will miss you always but you will always be in our hearts.You are with the Lord now Rest in peace my darling pet, Joshua.

May 4.2009
It has been a almost two weeks since you left us and I still cannot believe that you are gone. I look out the window into the yard and expect to see you prancing along as you did letting the world know that this was your yard. We loved every minute of the time that you were with us and we will have you always in our hearts.

May 6,2009

Elaine sent us a card and called you "a glance from God" and that so describes you and your very sweet way. The kids all loved you and they will miss you too.

May 8,2009
I can't believe that three weeks has passed since you left us so quietly in the night.
I will always love you and miss you. You were the best pet anyone ever had and you were so sweet that everyone loved you. I visit you in my thoughts all the time and I hope that you are happy with the Lord. Take care may darling pet, I love you so.

May 12,2009
Sunday was Mother's Day and I had a real hard time because I miss you so. We went to Elaine's and she gave us a beautiful statue that looks just like you. She was so sweet to memorialize you in such a wonderful way. We are it putting right out front near the holly that you loved to visit so often. You will still be the guardian of our home. I know that you are looking after us from your new home with the Lord and we hope that you are happy. We will always love you so.

May 14,2009
I miss you so my darling Joshua. I cannot get you out of my mind. I wish I had hugged you just one last time before you left us but you do know how much we love you and always will. I am very sad today because I just keep thinking about you and expecting to see you in the yard. I just planted a rosebush for you so please watch over it and let it bloom.

May 23,2009
Today is one month since you left us so quietly in the night. You knew that you were going to the Lord and you laid down in a special place where you never laid before. I wish that I had hugged you one last time. I love you so and I miss you so much that words cannot explain.
Yesterday was Daddy's Birthday and we went out to eat and he tried to order a prime rib with a bone just for you. You see he hasn't gotten used to you not being here. We miss you so much. Take care and have fun with the Lord.

June 8,2009
The Girls are coming today and I am worried about them missing you. This is the first time that they are coming since you went to the Bridge. They loved you too and they will miss you. Somedays, Joshua, I have the hardest time getting through the day without you. I hope that you don't have the same problem. Please be happy with the Lord and we will be together one day again.We love you so and miss you so my dear sweet Joshua.

June 10,2009
The girls did miss you and they asked about you. They have a puppy of their own now and I know that because you were so good and kind with them that they wanted a puppy of their own. Their puppy was here with them and she could tell that you had once ruled this house. It was difficult having another dog here and not you. I miss you so much that I can hardly talk about you without getting upset. We love you darling, Joshua

June 13,2009
I visit you here everyday and I never have you out of my thoughts. Some days are harder than others but I will never forget you. I try not to cry when someone mentions you but it is so difficult. I have met some wonderful people here at the Bridge and I hope that you have also.
Take care my sweet pet.

June 29,2009
I have thought of you everyday since you left us but today seems to be even more difficult. I am so sad and missing you so much. I still cannot believe that you are gone. Remember you are just over the Bridge and one day Daddy and I will join you. I hope that you are comfortable with the Lord and he is watching over you. Your roses haven't really bloomed yet but the sun hasn't shone too much either. We love you darling, Joshua, and always will.

July 4,2009
Sweetheart I am having such a bad day today I cannot stop thinking about you. I miss you so much. I am having a portrait done of you and I know that it will be beautiful. I am adding the picture that I am using to your memorial and I hope that you like it.
Happy 4th of July my sweet puppy.

July 18,2009
Hi Sweetie, I miss you so much. I am crying again and I cannot seem to stop. I love you so much I cannot get used to you not being here. I want to hold you and love again. My heart is breaking and I cannot seem to control it. I hope that you are happy with the Lord my darling. Remember that one day we will come to be with you.
Love, Mom and Daddy

July 26,2009
Hi Joshua, Daddy and I went to look at a new puppy yesterday. Daddy is really having a hard time with this but I know that you would want us to be nice to another puppy in your absence. We will always love you and you will always be number one in our hearts. We just have a lot of love to give and we really need to have another dog with us. We miss you so and we hope that a new puppy will help us to get used to you not being here. I know that everyone thinks that their dog was the best but we know that you were the best. You were the best thing that ever happened to us and always will be. Take care my sweet boy until we can be together again.

August 26,2009
Hi Sweetheart, I can't believe it has been a month since I left you a note. I miss you so much that I sometimes just can't see to write a note to you. You were just the most darling thing that ever happened to your Daddy and I. We miss you so much. I will never stop loving you. I have let other dogs go to the Bridge but you were so different it has been much more difficult for me. I know that no one will ever replace you either in my life or in my heart. We are going to get a new puppy and it has already been born. We don't know much more but is sure won't be as great as you were. The poor thing has a tough act to follow. I love you my darling Joshua and I always will. I think of you every day. I hope that you are young and handsome and having a great time with the Lord.
Love, Mom

September 23,2009
Dearest Joshua I had a really bad night as I could not stop thinking about you. I miss you so and my heart breaks every time I think of you. I know that we were very lucky to have had you for so long but it doesn't make the pain any easier. You were so sweet and so lovable. No one will ever take your place. We are going to get a new puppy but he won't be you and he won't take your place.
You will always be the most special dog that I ever had. I know that Daddy feels the same way too. He never had a dog that spent so much time with him and he misses you so. Take care my darling until we meet again.
Love, Mom

October 3,2009
My dear Joshua never a day goes by that your Daddy and I don't talk about you and how very special you were and always will be to us. We are getting a new puppy soon but you will still always be our number one puppy. You always seemed like a puppy in the way that you acted and played. You loved to chase Daddy's feet and I know that he misses that so much. It is the fall now so I am changing your colors to the fall because that is what I like the best and I know that if I like it so do you.
You were just so special that words cannot describe you. Everyone thinks that their baby was special but I don't know anyone who had a dog like you. You were more a friend and companion than a dog or a pet. We loved spoiling you and we know that you deserved it.
I hope you can hear me when I speak to you and maybe some day you can send me a sign.
Love and kisses until we meet again.
Mommy & Daddy

December 11,2009
Dearest Joshua we miss you so and with Christmas coming I am even sadder. We do have a new puppy and his name is Tedy Bear and we do love him but he is not you. I wish you could be here to influence him because you were so sweet and he is so michevious. I know that you could teach him a lot and he would respect you. I took out your Christmas stocking and I had to put it away because I could not bear to look at it. You know how I love to decorate for the Holidays well I have decorated your memorial and I hope that you like it. The Baby Jesue will be coming soon and I hope that you get to see him and ask him to bless us all. I love you my darling Joshua and I will always miss you so. Mom...

February 26,2010
Dearest Joshua it has been some time since I have been able to write to you. Your new brother Tedy, is going to have surgery today and I want you to look after him. I miss you so much I sometimes feel like the pain will never go away. You were so special and always will be. Sleep tight my darling until we meet again.
Love, Mommy

April 23,2010
Dearest Joshua it has been one year today since you left us so quietly in the night. We miss you so and always will. Never a day goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. We do have Tedy now but he is not you and we love him too. I know that you know how much we love and miss you and I know that want us to be happy as we want you to be with the Lord. I know that you are happy and healthy now and will be until we meet again. I love you so my darling pet, take care and sleep well with the Lord.
Love Mommy and Daddy.

October 16,2010
Hi Joshua sweetie. It has been a while since I have talked to you but it still hurts so much. I know that we had a great life and you were the best but it still makes me sad to think about you. We loved you so much. I think of you all the time. I know that I told you that we have new baby and his name is Tedy. We love him and I know that you don't mind because you would want Daddy and Mommy to have someone to help make them happy. You always gave us the most unconditional love and I am not sure that we were always aware of it but please know that we were. You were so sweet you were even responsible for Adrianna no longer being afraid of dogs. Yup, they have a little dog and he looks a lot like you. I know that they picked him because he looked like you. I write notes to the parents of lots of the babies here at the Bridge and when I am doing it I always think of you and remember how lucky we were to have you. Sleep well my darling boy. Mommy and Daddy love you forever.

October 27,2010
Hi Sweet Boy, We had the kids over on Sunday for the Halloween Cookie Bake and it was fun. I know that they miss you as we do. They do have Tedy to play with but they still talk about you a lot.
I know that you are Home with the Lord but I miss you so much. I will never forget you baby boy.
You were my bestest love.

December 22, 2010
Hi My Darling Joshua,
It is a couple of days before Christmas in fact it is Mary's Birthday and I hope that you will give her a birthday kiss for Daddy and me. We miss you baby boy. Our hearts are still full of your memory and will always be that way. You know that we have Tedy and we love him but we know that he is not you. He is special in his way but no one can replace you. I love you sweet Joshua and as Elaine said you were just a loving glance from God.
I have to go baby because I am crying and I can't see to type anymore.
Merry Christmas darling and please say Hello to the Lord and my Mom, Dad and Mary for me.

February 12,2011
Well Baby Boy,
Soon it will be Valentines Day and you have my heart. Pretty soon Daddy and I will be celebrating our 9th Wedding Anniversary and we still remember how you insisted on being heard and barked outside the whole time that the Wedding Ceremony was going on. I think that it was your way of letting us know that you were happy for us. It's funny because even though it was February it was a very mild February that year. This year however, is different as we are having a lot of snow and I am so glad that you don't have to trudge around in it. When you were a little boy you loved it but when you got older it was very hard for you to get around in it but I think that you still loved it.
We miss seeing you out in the yard and letting the world know that it is your yard but fear not Tedy does a really good job of looking after it for you.
Well be good my baby boy and Happy Valentines Day and take good care of my heart sweety because it's all yours.
Love,Mommy xoxoxoxo

June 12,2011
Hi baby boy...Mom has not been here for a while because I still cry every time I visit you. I know that I shouldn't because you are happy and safe with the Lord but I can't help it. Daddy and I miss you so much. Tedy Bear is a good boy and he is getting better but he is not you. He does love your Mommy though. We had some terrible storms last week and Tedy got on my lap and did not move until they were over and I know that he thought that he was protecting me. You protected us too and you were always on your toes for the sound of us coming home to you. There were times when you looked like one of my decorations in the window and Daddy and I would laugh when we saw you.
I told you we have a wonderful portrait of you and we love to look at it and enjoy it because you were so special to us. You were with us for a long time and we realize that we were very lucky but some times it just doesn't seem like it was long enough. Take care sweet boy and Mom will come back real soon I promise. I love you.

July 21,2011
Hi my sweet boy...
I need you to help Tedy. For some reason he gets aggressive when he has my pantyhose in his mouth and I want you to send him a message to be a good boy.
We miss you baby boy. I always think that I am okay until I come to visit you and then I start to cry again. I wish I was stronger.
I love you always.
Mom & Dad

January 29,2012
Hi Baby boy...
Yes, you will always be my baby boy no matter what or who comes to Daddy and I. Tedy is wonderful but he is not you. He has a great personality and he keeps us going but we always think of you.
Our Patriots are going to the Superbowl and you know how Mom and Dad love the Patriots so you keep an eye on them and root for them. Mrs Kraft is there with you and if you see her just let her know that her team is doing her proud.
Be good my baby boy and know that Daddy and I miss you every day.

April 25,2012
Hi my sweet boy
It has been three very long years since you went to the Bridge. I know that you are with the Lord and he is happy to have you back with him. You know He only loaned you to us but we loved you as much as the Lord does. He needed you back at side and I do envy Him because you are so special. Tedy is a love but he is not you. We do love him and thank you for helping us to find him.
Rest easy my baby boy.
Mommy & Daddy

January 3,2013
Hi Sweet Boy,
I am sitting here feeling very sad and thinking of you. Daddy and I still miss you very much. Yes, we do have the Tedy Bear but he is not you. You were the first baby that Daddy and I had together and you will always be very special to us.
I am sorry that I did not visit you for Christmas but I know that you were in good hands with the Baby Jesus visiting once again.
Take care my sweet, darling baby boy.
Love forever,

March 31,2013
Hi Sweetie,
Happy Easter! You are in a special place with the Lord on a very special day.
We miss you every day.

April 23,2013
Hi Baby,
I cannot believe that 4 years have gone by since you left us so quietly in the night. Not a day goes by that we don't think about you and we can finally talk about you and how wonderful you were without crying. I cry often though when I think of you and I am alone. Tedy is with us now but I know that he knows that you were here. He sleeps exactly where you did next to our bed. Sometimes I think he feels your presence at night because he just barks for no reason and there is never anyone around. So it must be you baby. I hope that you are loving being with the Lord and I know that He is watching over you until we are together again. The weather is not good here yet but very soon I will be working in your garden and feeling you with me. Mr. Bubble is still there and so is your stepping stone with your paw prints just like they are on Daddy's and my heart.
Love forever,

Hi Baby,
I know that I have not been good about stopping by to talk to you but you are never out of my mind. That little Tedy guy that we have now is a lot of fun for Daddy and me but he isn't you. He does help to make us happy since you are not with us any more. I know that you do come to visit from time to time and I love it so please come any time you feel like you want to be near me.
I miss you so and always will.

April 23,2014
Hi Sweetie,
It is five years ago today that left us so quietly in the night. I hope that you are happy with the Lord and all the other furbabies. Run and play as you always did but know that Mommy and Daddy love you forever and think of you every day. Thank you for sending Tedy to us to help us with our grief over losing you. He has turned out to be a wonderful companion and quite the character.
We will love you always..
Mommy & Daddy

April 23,2015
Hi Sweetie,
I know that I haven't come here too often but know that Daddy and I will never forget you. We have your darling statue out in front of the house and we see you everyday. We also turned the shade garden into a memorial for you and your pal, Tedy, loves to try to sneak in there. He has helped us to go on without you but he isn't you. We will always love you and we will always remember the day that you went to the Bridge. You were so kind to just go to sleep and leave us peacefully and we did not have to help you.
Today is the Anniversary of that day and in some ways it is a happy one and in others it is a sad one. Happy because we know that you are at peace with the Lord and sad because we miss you so. I have tears in my eyes now as I write this note to you but know that these tears are precious to me because they are for you.
Love you baby boy, forever and ever.
Mom & Daddy
Dearest Joshua,
Pretty soon it will be 7 years since you went to the Bridge and Mommy and Daddy still miss you every day. Tedy keeps us pretty busy but he still isn't you. We know that you sent Tedy to us to help to fill the hole in our hearts and you did a real good job. He really is a special guy. I know that I don't write to you very often but you are never out of our mind. You know that we had a lovely picture of you painted by a special lady and it hangs in a place where we can see it and you every day. No matter how much time goes by we will always love you and miss you.
Fly with the angels sweet boy.
Mommy and Daddy

April 26,2016
Hi Sweet Boy,
We miss you every day and always will. Tedybear is super but he is not you. You will always hold a special place in Daddy's and my heart. Run with the Lord and chase those butterflies.

July 5,2017
Hi Sweetie, Mom has not been talking to you much lately but you are never out of my heart. You were the sweetest guy a Mom could ever ask for. I wake up at night sometimes and you are all that is on my mind. Yes, we have our Tedy and we sure do love him but he can't replace you. No one will ever replace you darling. You will always be so special to Daddy and me.
Loving you baby boy!

April 23,2021
Sweetheart I have not been here for a while because almost 4 years ago Daddy went to join you. I know that you were there waiting for him with your tail wagging and covering him with kisses. I miss you baby boy and I miss Daddy too. You were both my guys and the loves of my life. I have Tedy and Bruschi now but you will always be number one in my heart. You and Daddy!!
I love you forever.

April 23,2022
Joshua not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Daddy. I love you with all of my heart. Today is a difficult day because it was on this day that we lost you. I am sad today but the sun is shining and hopefully my tears will dry up soon.
I love you baby boy and I love your Daddy so give him a kiss for me.

April 23,2023
Darling Joshua I am sitting here thinking of you and the tears are running down my face. I love you baby boy and I always will. I have two babies now, Tedy and Bruschi and they are wonderful but they are not you. I hope that you and your Daddy have been spending time together and loving each other as I have loved you both.
I miss you both very much. Kiss Daddy for me.
Love you,

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