Welcome to Jasmine's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Jasmine
You were just a little ball of white fur when we brought you home almost exactly 13 years ago to the day that you left us. It is very hard thinking of life without you but the joy of sharing all those years with you will hopefully help make it easier. You were the most loving and understanding dog I have ever had. You were a friend, a confident, and a protector. You understood so much it was hard to believe you weren't a 2 legged friend. You were always happiest when you did something for me, like bringing something to me when I asked you to or sitting,lie down, fetch, stay or any of the numerous tasks you were able to do. The way you would break up the fights between the cats was something that you just started to do on your own, charging in between and dispersing the culprits. But they all loved you and had no fear of you. Now Waffles is all alone and I am sure misses you a great deal, after all he did think you were his mother. I hope you have found your brothers by now and that you all are truly finding peace and love at the Rainbow Bridge. I miss you deeply and always will.. Sending all my love to you now and forever Mommy,Daddy, sister and Waffles. We will meet again. 12/04/04 My dearest Jasmine, I am sorry I haven't written recently but with the year anniversary of Daddy's passing I have been quite down. I have been having difficulty accessing your site, it seems I had written too much to you over the last 2 years and I got locked out. Most of our memories have been removed to make room for new ones. Luckily I had copied them previously and put them in your book to have and cherish always as I do you. I did bring home the new kitten, his name is JB. Waffles and he fight a lot still but I think it will eventually be a good thing for him. He is quite the terror and unfortunately you are not there to break up the fights like you used to do with your other brothers. Thanksgiving was Ok, not looking forward to the winter and the snow. Hope you are warm and have lots of sun to play in with your brothers. Lots of love and hugs and kisses Mommy,Waffles and JB.1/01/05 Happy New Year my dearest Jasmine. Well another year has come and gone and it seems like yesterday that you were still here with us. I miss you terribly and just recently have been reliving alot of memories of you with friends. Everyone remembers what a great dog you were and knows what an empty space was left in my heart the day you left. All our love Mommy, Waffles and J.B. 7/4/05 My Dearest Jasmine , I hope it is a lot quieter where you are. The firecrackers are very nosiy this year and I remember how you hated that. Well guess what JB is certainly not very thrilled with them either. Waffles as usual is not bothered by them and is sleeping at my feet right now. We miss you terribly and wish you were here with us. All our Love Mommy,Waffles and JB 9/24/05 My dearest Jasmine, Well another year has passed without you and as always I miss you with all my heart.Well Waffles and JB are still fighting alot. It amazes me that two cats fight more then you ever did with Waffles.That old saying fighting like cats and dogs certainly never fit the two of you.As always I send you all my love now and always . Mommy 9/19/06 My dearest Jasmine It has been 4 years since you left me and it still seems like yesterday. Many things have happened in the last year. We now have 3 cats in the family. Since Waffles did not get along with J.B I brought home another kitten for him to have as company and they are inseperable. Waffles is very happy being by himself. Grandpa recently passed away very suddenly and it has been very sad and hard to suffer another loss. My hope is that all that I loved and have lost are all now together at the Rainbow Bridge. Give everyone big licks for me. Love Mommy 1/13/07 My dearest Jasmine,I am sitting here with your 3 brothers who thankfully are all getting along right now.We have all been adjusting to the loss of Grandpa. It is no easier no matter how many loved ones you have lost previously, you just have to go on . We all miss you alot and hope you and all your friends are having fun under the rainbow. All our love Mommy, Waffles, JB and Caramel.6/5/07 My Dearest Jasmine I have been reading some of the stories about the other fur babies at Rainbow Bridge and I wonder if any of them have seen you. It just reminds me of how much I miss you and always will. I have been talking alot about you lately to some new friends I have made and they all have been very impressed with your many wonderful attributes. No one knows better then me what a truly wonderful friend you were. All our Love Mommy , Waffles, JB and Caramel 8/26/07 It is hard to believe that another year has almost passed and that you have been gone for nearly 5 years already. The last year has been both exciting and sad because of the move and then the sudden loss of Grandpa, but never for one minute do I ever forget the most wonderful and loving friend that I had in you. You were always there for me when I needed you, with your wet kisses and wagging tail and those amazing understanding eyes. I sure could have used some of that this past year. I will never forget you and you are always in my heart. All my Love Mommy and brothers. 12/16/07 Dearest Jasmine,We recently had a scare with Waffles- he was very ill and required Sx to remove his spleen ,Thank goodnwess the cancer seemed to have been contained and even though I know the two of you would love to see each other again I am very thankful that he is still here with me. Caramel is sitting on my lap right now as I am writing to you He and JB are so funny together you would love watching their antics. We had our first snow storm today and I can't wait for spring. You always enjoyed the snow more then I did.I miss you with all my heart and wish you were here with us right now. All my love Mom and Brothers. 09/16/08 My dearest Jasmine, another year has passed and you still are in my heart and my memories. when I volunteer at the shelter here I always wonder if a little white German Shepherd pup might cross my way and tug at my heart the way you did all those years ago. I miss you Love Mom and brothers 9/19/09 Hi my beautiful girl. It's been 7 years since you entered Rainbow Bridge and I still miss you very much. Sometimes when I close my eyes I can still see you running around & playing. Still haven't gotten a new pup, it's still the 3 boys. Waffles is doing remarkably well considering the major Sx he had alnost 2 years ago and his age. he just turned 16. I often wonder if he would be accepting of another dog after all these years, I think he is too attached to me at this point and would be jealous. That never happened with you he loved you so much as did we all. I miss you and your kisses. All my love Mommy and the boys.9/19/10 Hi Jas, Another year, I don't know where the time goes. Grandma passed away this year and once again I wish you had been here to help me through the loss. You were always so understanding when it came to things like that. Just having you around always helped me get through the rough times. I became a grandma recently, your sister has a baby boy. I can't tell you how wonderful it is. You would have had so much fun with him, you always loved kids. Waffles, JB and Caramel send their love as do I. Miss you, Mom. 1/4/2011 Another Year Happy New Year my precious Jasmine Hope you are having a wonderful time with all your friends at the Bridge. We all miss you and still talk about you. Waffles is battling cancer again this time requiring radiation but he is doing very well. I am hoping he will not leave me anytime soon even though I know the two of you would love to be able to play again together. Pray for him to get thru this. Missing and loving you, Mom 06/11/11 I am hoping you are aware of this by now because your brother has found you. Waffles lost his battle with cancer and is now at the bridge. I am hoping the two of you are having as much fun together there as you did when you were here with me. I miss you both so much. Please take care of your little brother so he isn't scared. I feel better knowing that the two of you are together again, I know you have been waiting a long time to be reunited. All my love Mommy 8/5/11 Happy birthday my sweet angel. You got your birthday present a little early this year when Waffles came to join you. I often think about the two of you together again, playing and snuggling like you used to. I am glad you have each other but it is really lonely without the two of you. Give Waffles big wet kisses for me. I miss and love you both. Love Mommy 8/12/2011 My dear Waffles This is the first time in 18 years that you and I have not shared your birthday. It is so lonely without you, but I am glad that you are with Jasmine again.I hope the two of you are having alot of fun playing together again I only wish that you both were still here with me. Give your sister some of your precious kisses that I so miss for me. Love you both, Mommy 9/19/11 My dearest Jasmine. Another sad anniversary of your leaving and going to rainbow Bridge has arrived. I have been fostering puppies from the shelter recently and have been thinking more and more about getting a new puppy to join the family. Now that Waffles is with you I think I would feel more comfortable doing that. I am enjoying fostering right now and will continue to think about it as it is a big decision. I still miss you so very much, Hugs and kisses to you and Waffles. Love Mommy and brothers.10/25/11 Hi my two beautiful babies.I have some news for the two of you. I am going to be taking Alicia and Vincetta's dog Kamots into my home as they are having some problems with him and Mason. This isn't exactly what I had in mind when I said I was thinking of getting a pup but he needs a new home and this will definitely be the best place for him. I am looking forward to having his company and I think it will be good for both of us. Will let you know how things go. Wish you were here. Love you, Mommy June 2012 My dearest Waffles how is it possible that a year has passed since you went to the bridge? I miss you so much and think of you a lot. When I am at the shelter I often see orange kittens there, Of course my heart goes out thinking of the days we spent together. Kamots has been doing really well and having him here has been a blessing for me. We go on long walks together which is good for the both of us. I hope you and Jasmine are both having fun together the way you used to.Sending you both my love always, Mommy Aug 2012 Happy Birthday to my two fur babies. It is sad that I no longer get to share your birthdays with the two of you but at least you are together again to share them with each other.I miss the two of you so much and always will. Love Mommy Sept 2012 My dearest Jasmine I can't believe it has been 10 years since you left me. You are still in my heart and always will be. I often talk about you with friends and the people I meet at the shelter where I volunteer.I hope Waffles and you are enjoying being together. Love Mommy Sept 19 2013 My sweet Jasmine and Waffles alot has happened in the last year and it is hard to believe that it is now 11 years since you left and more then 2 years since waffles joined you at the bridge. Kamots is at the bridge as well now, I wonder if you have seen him. He went there on 11/20 of last year. I know if you meet up with him you 3 would become great friends as he was a very sweet boy. On Jan 21 I decided to bring a new puppy into my life, and yes I got another white Shepherd. Her name is Starr and she is a handful and a lot tougher to train then you ever were. She is very smart just like you were but definitely does not like cats the way you did. We are working hard at that and all her other lessons and I hope one day to become a Therapy dog team with her and be able to go to hospitals and nursing homes to visit people. We still have a long way to go but we will see.Your sister had a new baby a few months ago so now I have a little girl and boy for grandkids. I just wish Starr Was as good with kids as you were I am a little worried about how she will react when they come to visit. I never had that problem with you. Will let you know how things go. I hope you are watching out for Waffles like you did when you were both here with me. I miss you both with all my heart and that is where you will always stay. Love, Mommy 8/31/14 This last year has gone by so fast and it is now almost 12 years since you went to the bridge and already 3 years since my beautiful boy Waffles joined you. As I told you last time I have a new furry baby named Starr. We have been going through a lot together, she has required a lot of working with as she has many behavioral issues that you never had. Went to a behaviorist the other day and I am hoping her suggestions will help. I hope you, Waffles and Kamots are all getting along and and that you have made many new friends. I miss you all with my whole heart and think and talk about you all the time. You may not be here with me anymore but you will always be part of my most treasured memories.All My Love Mommy. 9/19/14 Twelve years have past since you left me for the Rainbow Bridge. I miss you and the very special relationship we had. I hope you and your brother Waffles are both having fun now that the two of you are together again to share the amazing bond the two of you had. All my love, Mom 9/19/15 My dearest Jasmine and Waffles, I can't believe it is 13 years since you left me and over 4 years since Waffie joined you at the bridge. The two of you are still in my thoughts a lot and I miss both of you so much. Starr is still having behavioral issues so it looks like becoming a Therapy Dog is not going to happen. I am disappointed about it and would have loved to have achieved that. She is a good girl but very reactive to strangers and other dogs. I hope you have found Kamots and the 3 of you are having the time of your lives playing under the Bridge. Miss you all so much, Love Mommy. 8/23/16 I can't believe another year has passed. No matter how long the two of you have been gone I still carry you in my heart. Sometimes out of the blue a memory of one or both of you will come into my head and a big smile will cross my face. I must admit there still are some tears but not as many as there were because my memories of the two of you are so special.Starr and i will be starting an on leash agility class for reactive dogs. She is doing a little better and was wonderful with the Grandkids on a recent visit. I know you would have been wonderful with them as was Waffles on his one time he met Mason. I hope you and Waffles and Kamots are having a wonderful time under the Rainbow. I miss you all so much. Take care of each other, with much love Mommy. 11/5/17 My sweet fur babies. Another year gone and my thoughts are with you again. I miss you both very much and ofter have wonderful memories of you both. I hope you are having fun playing and sleeping together as you did when you were with me. Starr is enjoying her visits to Alicia and the kids as they have moved closer. She is getting along very well with their dog as well which is amazing. Take care of each other, Love Mommy. 9/2/18 My dear Jasmine and Waffles. I hope the two of you are having alot of fun together. Starr has been getting along with JB now but Caramel is still very afraid of her. Still working on it though. It has been a rough month as Uncle Mark recently passed away as did a very good friend of mine who you never had a chance to meet. Starr adored both of them so she has lost two of the small circle of friends she had. I miss and love you both very much. Take care of each other. Love, Mommy 8/24/21 Dear Jasmine and Waffles, I can't believe it has been 3 years since I updated you on what has been happening. I hope you and kamots are all together and having fun. Your brother JB crossed the bridge just about a year ago. I know you never met him but waffles should recognize him so I am hoping he has joined your group as well. Caramel and Starr are getting along a little better. I think Caramel is just lonely. He is not doing that great right now as he has kidney disease and is losing a lot of weight. It has been a tough year and a half as this awful virus is going around and has prevented people from socializing and going about their normal activites. It has spread all over the world and has not been controlled even with vaccinations. Taking Starr for long walks and seeing Alicia and the family and your Aunt and family are the only things I really have been doing. Sending you both birthday wishes a little late. Much love Mommy 8/22/22 My dear furry babies. By now I am hoping that Caramel has found the 4 of you. He passed on 2/16 of this year. He got really sick and very weak from the kidney disease and died on his own in the house. I can't believe I have 5 babies all together at the bridge now. I hope you are all getting along. I miss you all very much and I am glad you have each other. All my love Mommy. 9/19/24 To all my beautiful fur babies, it has been a very long time since i have written to you. Today is the 22nd anniversary of Jasmines entering Rainbow Bridge. It is so hard to believe it has been so long. It still seems like yesterday and all the wonderful memories I have of you all are still deep in my heart. Hope you are all together and keeping each other company. I miss you all very much and think of you all often. Much love Mommy.
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