Welcome to Kasey Stevens's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Kasey Stevens
To our sweet Kasey. Mommy and Daddy misses you so much. Life just isnt the same without you. You were the best dog we ever had. I so remember going to pick you up and you were so little and when daddy seen you he said you were going to be a special dog and you were. You loved to ride. We used to go somewhere everyday. You knew Mommy was going to stop and buy you something to eat. I know you remember the lady from 7/11. She got to where when she seen us pull up she had your breakfast bite ready when I went in. You would be so mad at mommy when I couldnt take you because it was hot and when I got home you would be mad at me for awhile but you got over it. Oh my baby I wish you didnt have to leave me. You were everything to me. Daddy and I have a different picture of you on all the computers so we talk to you everyday. You will always be in our hearts. Till we meet at the bridge. Love you and miss you so much. Love Mommy and Daddy
8/16/20 Oh my sweet baby Mommy misses you so much. I wait for you to wake up and come in the room where mommy is. You would always want you treats first thing so mommy gave you your medicine first thing and did your morning routine putting on your skin cream. Our life is so empty without you. You were such a awesome fur baby. You gave me so much love. Mommy talks to you everyday. The deer were out this morning and looking over towards the house. They were probably waiting for your big bad bark. I know your not in pain anymore. I wasn't ready to let you go but I didn't want you to suffer anymore. Run free my sweet baby. Hugs and Kisses my baby. I love you. Always in my heart. ❤️🐾
8/17/20 Hello my sweet baby. Mommy wanted to tell you how much I miss you. I hope you have met a lot of friends now and you are running around feeling no pain. I love you so much. Till we meet again. ❤️🐾
08/20/20 Hi my sweet baby. Mommy put some watermelon there for you. We had some and I know how much you loved it so I gave you some. I'm missing you so much. Mommy finally cleaned out your automatic water bowl today. Some of the deer were out today. Daddy seen a different groundhog today. It's so sad here without you. I miss you. Till we meet again. I love you. Always in my❤️🌈🐾
08/21/20 Good Morning my sweet baby. I hope you enjoyed your watermelon. Mommy cant believe you have been gone 6 weeks. I miss you dearly. Mommy don't like leaving the house because I knew when I returned you would be waiting wagging your tail waiting for mommy. We have your pictures everywhere. I love you so very much. Till we meet again.
8/22/20 Good Morning my sweet baby. Mommy misses you. We had some strawberry shortcake and I know you how much yo love it so i gave you a piece. Hope you enjoy it. I so wished you were here to eat in person. It's so lonely without you but I know your not in pain anymore. I hope you have a good day. I love you. ❤️🐾u

08/26/20 My sweet Kasey. I wanted to say Happy National Dog day. Mommy misses you. I love you. Hope you are running and having fun. ❤️🐾
Hey big Man U were such a stud daddy can't function without you I'm lost but I know in my heart u r in a better place thanks for the joy n luv u brought us I no u heard my voice singing to u and felt mommy touching U as u passed We love u so much
09/01/20 Good Morning my sweet baby. It's been 7 weeks since you left us and mommy misses still so so much. Mommy keeps hearing you walk down the hallway. We have the picture of you laying on mommy's bed on desktop and it looks so real. Your eyes look like they follow us. Hope you have a wonderful day. I love you and miss you. 🐾🌈❤️
09/05/20 Hello my sweet baby. I'm still aching for you. I miss you so much. Mommy don't like going anywhere because I know when I return your not here to greet me and get all excited and wag your tail. Mommy has been sick and so misses you cuddling up with me. I love you.❤️🐾🌈
09/13/20 Hi my sweet baby. Mommy misses you. I heard you coming down the hallway last nite. Oh how I wish you were still here. I know daddy misses you also. You run free my sweet angel. Love Mommy❤️🐾🌈❤️
09/15/20 Morning my baby. Mommy wanted to tell you how I miss and love you. They say time heals your pain but mommy's heart still aches for you. I look for you everyday. Till we met again. ❤️🐾🌈
09/17/20 Good Morning my sweet Kasey. I don't have to tell you b/c you already know how much mommy misses you. I just want to reach inside the desktop and hug and kiss you. We have the picture of you laying in mommy's bed and the way your eyes are it looks like you are following mommy and daddy. You will always be in my heart and never 4 forgotten. Love and Miss you so much. ❤️🐾🌈
09/26/20 Hi my sweet baby. Mommy wanted to tell you how much I miss you still and I love you. I so wish you were still here with me. I just can't seem to get over losing you. I know your not suffering but I still long for you. Till we meet again. ❤️U always
10/10/20 Hi my sweet baby. Mommy can't believe it's been 3 months since you left us and mommy wanted to tell you how much I still miss you so very much. I still wait for you everywhere especially when I come back to the house and you always waiting wagging your tail. Mommy feels so lonely without you. Your always in my heart. ❤️🌈🐾
11/30/20 Hi my sweet baby. I can't believe you have been gone 5 months. Mommy been thinking of so much and missing you like crazy. When mommy was cooking Thanksgiving dinner I miss you coming in the kitchen wanting some turkey or anything else you wanted. Mommy and Daddy still calls out your name to come get the leftovers we have. I so wished you didn't have to leave us. You were my rock. I miss hugging and kissing on you. I know your not suffering anymore and I you and all your friends are enjoying rainbow bridge. Mommy loves you. Till we met again.
12/22/20 Hi my sweet baby. Mommy gave you a ham bone to chew on. Mommy misses you hanging in the kitchen while I was cooking dinner. Mommy was always handing you food while I cooked. I miss you so very much. Things still are not the same around here without you. I hope you and your friends have a wonderful Christmas. Till we met again. I love you and miss you. ❤️🐾
01/26/21 Hello my sweet baby. Just wanted to tell you how much mommy and daddy misses you .I hope your doing good. We miss you so very much. I cant believe you have been gone 6 months. Mommy still looks for you everywhere. I so wished you didnt have to leave me. You were so special to me. I miss hugging you and talking to you. Mommy will talk you you again soon. Love you.❤️🌈🐾
02/14/20 Happy Valentines Day my precious baby. Mommy sending you lots of hugs and kisses. It still feels so empty in the house without you. Mommy and Daddy misses you so much. We both talk to you everyday. You take care of yourself. Mommy will see you at the gates. I love and miss you so much. Love Mommy
05/26/21 Hi my sweet baby. Mommy sorry I haven't been on lately I've been so ill and dealing with my mom. No way have I forgot about you. I still miss you as much as the day you went away probably more. Mommy and daddy looks at your picture everyday wishing you were here. I've been having dreams about you a lot lately. I know you have met a lot of friends because you are such a sweet loving boy. Just know you are always in my heart and I'm always thinking of you. I love you. ❤️
07/26/21 Hello my sweet Kasey. One year later and mommy still missing you as much as the day you went to Rainbow Bridge. Mommy and daddy still call out your name when we have leftovers or when I have something I'm cooking and mommy would give you some. You always came running where there was food. Mommy so wish you were still here with us. Mommy will talk to you later. I love and miss you so very much. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
01/09/23 Hello my sweet man. I'm sorry I haven't
Been here sooner. Momma has had a rough time with her health. Back surgery, broke both of my
feet and the list goes on. Momma has been very depressed my momma passed away. I hope you
see her I know you will recognize her. Please give her a big hug and kiss for me. I miss her so
much as I miss you. I hope you are enjoying running free and painless. Momma will talk to you
soon. Love you.❤️❤️
03/28/23 Hello my sweet baby. Hope you are doing great. I still miss you. Mommy wanted to tell you that Daddy and I got a new dog. He looks so much like you. I hope you don't mind. Of course no one could ever replace you. You take care and momma will talk to you soon. Love you ❤️❤️

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