Welcome to Keeper's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Keeper
1/19/21: Today Keeper left me to join my daughter, Deanna, and our first kitty, Mooshie, in heaven - Keeper crossed The Rainbow Bridge to meet our little "black rat" Mooshie and my Deanna who passed in Dec. 2014. Deanna picked out Mooshie, our first black kitty, named him, and loved him, along with my other two daughters, Cherylyn and Laurin. Mooshie died in early spring, 2014 and my daughter, Deanna, joined him in Dec. 2014. Deanna had chosen Keeper for her own kitty once she became an adult and moved to her own apt. Keeper was found wandering in a field as a baby and was rescued. Her little ears were frostbitten. Deanna adopted her and named her "Keeper" because she really wanted to "keep her". Keeper was a large and gentle ginger kitty and was much loved. Keeper had a small cowlick on the top of her head that made her look unique. She was a large kitty - almost 24 pounds. When Deanna moved back home because of illness, Keeper went on a diet. After my Deanna passed, Keeper became "my little love". She was the only living being left that was cherished and loved on a daily basis by my "little middle". I had Keeper for 6 1/2 years and this orange ginger kitty was a comfort to me and my husband - who called Keeper his "little buddy". Keeper loved to sit out on our patio and watch the birds and lay in the sun. She had a wonderful little squeak and would answer me when I talked to her. Keeper traveled with my husband and me from coast to coast in our camper and loved riding in our truck. We had a special bed for her in the back seat. She would jump up on our bed and greet me every morning and cuddle between my husband and myself. She loved sitting in front of the fireplace and had kitty beds in three different places in our house. After Deanna passed, Keeper would often go into her room and sniff Deanna's shoes. I know Keeper missed her. After she turned 16, it was obvious that Keeper was ill. She lost weight and was just content to sit besides me on the couch as I rubbed her little head and ears or brushed her orange coat. Once she was diagnosed was lymphoma and pancreatitis, Keeper became very ill and it was obvious she was tired and it was time to let her go to Deanna and Mooshie. I held her little body, kissed her and called her "my little love" and told her it was OK to go - that Deanna and Mooshie were waiting for her. She slipped away and my heart will always be broken. Run free "my little love". I will be with you someday and will never let you, Mooshie or my beloved Deanna go.

1/27/2021: Keeper's ashes are now with us. Ordered a special pink urn, to match Mooshie's blue urn (he died in 2014 and is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge). It is comforting to have her back home. My youngest daughter, Laurin, sent beautiful flowers in her memory. I have several of Keeper's pictures framed - she is gone, but not forgotten.

2/3/2021: Have been feeding a stray kitty the past 4 years when we are down in Florida. I've named him Ollie. He met Keeper over the past 4 years and has been very gentle and loving since Keeper passed. I think Keeper is sending a message that it's ok to adopt Ollie. He is now coming into the camper and I'm hoping I can get him to use the litter box and stay in with us permanently. He has been very loving to my husband who lost his "little buddy" when Keeper died. He has many of the same mannerisms as Keeper - maybe Keeper has sent Ollie, who needs a family and love, to us.

3/3/2021: We decided to adopt a little black, FIV+ 2 yr old kitty. He lived as a stray for a year, in a foster for a year and then was placed in an no-kill shelter where we saw him online. He was all alone in a special room because he is FIV+. He was abused in the past, his ear is crooked and he has a head tilt. He was very skittish. but has been with us for over 3 weeks and has turned into quite a love bug. Ollie has brought me his "sister" who is very frightened but is warming up to me. Many neighbors are feeding both and they stay in our neighbor's gazebo. Ollie protects his "sister" and they are fairly well protected here in our RV resort. Shadow, our little black kitty, is frightened of other kitties. He is sleeping in Keeper's bed. I think he finds comfort in her old bed.

1/22/22: Keeper has been at the Rainbow Bridge for a year now. Since her death, I heard from our old neighbor who said Ollie has been well cared for since we left. He is happy being an indoor/outdoor kitty in sunny Florida and being taken care of by several people in the resort. That makes me happy. Our little Shadow is doing well and has blossomed into the best little love bug. He has a lot of Keeper's mannerisms and that makes me happy. My husband and I love the little guy and Shadow loves to camp and travel with us. He reminds me a lot of Mooshie, our first black kitty. We hope Keeper and Mooshie are happy together and are waiting for us.

1/19/2025: Looking through my photo albums of my 3 kitties. Mooshie and Keeper are in heaven waiting to be reunited with Shadow, my husband and myself. Can't believe Keeper is gone 4 years and Mooshie 11 years. Shadow is a great joy and has many of the habits of Mooshie and Keeper. Prayers to all.

Please also visit Mooshie.

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