Welcome to Keisha's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Keisha
Keisha was the sweetest little girl ever. She loved life and lived it joyously everyday. We miss her so much. We miss her smile and happy tail wagging. We will see you again one day sweet girl

Hi Sweet Keisha, it's one year ago today that you passed over the Rainbow Bridge. We miss you so much. We hope you have found some new friends to play with and know we are thinking of you today and everyday. Barney sends his love too and missed having you to play with him.

Hi Keisha, Two years ago was one of the saddest days of our lives. We miss you SweetGirl. I hope you are running and playing getting lots of yummies that you so loved. Barney and our little Chiweenie Bailey are here now but there will never be another Keisha. We love you baby.

Hi Sweet Girl, It's been over four years and we still think of you everyday. I hope you were there to welcome Barney when he ran over thee Rainbow Bridge last May. I know you two are having fun together!! Miss you our Sweet Keisha. Love and Kisses.

Hi Baby, five years ago you crossed over the bridge and we still miss you every day. I know you are having fun with Barney, Tinkerbelle,Sammy and all the other new friends you have made. You made us so happy with your always cheerful, fun loving ways. I know you were there to greet Barney when he crossed the Rainbow Bridge and that you two are having a lot of fun playing like you used to. We love you Keisha.

Hi Keeshsie, Seven years ago today you crossed the Rainbow Bridge. It hasn't been the sane without you and your joyful smile and tail wags. Hope you and Barney are having fun running around and chasing each other like you used to. Thinking of you today and missing you LOTS!! Love you Baby

Hi Keeshie, Eight years ago was one of the saddest days ever for your daddy and me. We think of you all the time and miss you so much. You were a dog in a million. Love you forever baby. Hope you are running and playing and having a lot of fun with all your doggy friends. No cats right? Be Happy Baby Girl!!

Hi Kayber, Ten years since you crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Your Daddy and I hope you are having a great time with all your doggy friends. We think of you every day. Miss you so much. I know Barney is there with you and you are happy. You were the best dog ever!! Hope you are having a party to celebrate ten years in Doggy Heaven!! Love you forever!!

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