MY LITTLE BROWN DOG You loved life itself but more importantly me. I have never known such love in all my life as you gave me. And why I don't know. I told you my deepest thoughts and you knew everything about me but still loved me. I tried to return the love in every way I could. When I needed you, you were ALWAYS there and helped me through some rough times in my life. Then when you needed me I returned the favor. My heart is filled with overwhelming loss right now but I do believe with all my heart you are in a better place (even though you had heaven right here on earth with me). My memories of you: eating asparagus, loving barbeques,yummy spaghetti, freedom of a doggie door you would fly through especially if Dad were barbequing, attacking the vacuum, chasing the water from the hose; eating strawberries off my plants, waking me every morning at 6 a.m. for a dog biscuit, catching me putting on my shoes to go for a walk, waiting for me to finish the dishes so we could sit on the sofa together and watch TV, your total love of the ocean/beach -- you were 9 years old before you saw it and loved it -- even when you were so sick and we returned you perked up and ran and ran and ran, your love of the park for walks and squirrel chasing. You thought there was one at every tree. After my back surgery it was those loveable brown eyes that kept me walking -- most days 3 times. When I left that day for surgery I told you I only cared about being well enough to take you for walks and play with my grandchildren. You understood. I told you my every thought, prayer and just everything I was doing. I left music on for you so you wouldn't be lonely. After I retired you were just glad I was home and even after you got so sick and couldn't take walks, I would carry you and occasionally you got a burst of energy and run across the park. I gave up my walks as I felt guilty you couldn't go. I was so worried about leaving you to shop so I would just say you know the drill, put you in the car on your favorite quilt and you would just go with me. If I left you at home, it wasn't for long and Dad was usually home. You were so afraid of loud noises especially the 4th of July fireworks so I would take you to the basement; shut every window, put pillows there and turn up music to protect you. Your love of toast (barked when the toaster popped up) and bacon and tuna were your very favorites. Every evening after dinner you would go outside and bark to the world how wonderful it was; even when you got sick on ocassion you would continue that ritual and it pleased me so much. Your love of vacations and motel rooms and just to be with us. I filled my lap with pillows and blankets and you stretched out knowing you were on vacation too and didn't have to guard the house and totally relaxed. Your carrying balloons on your back on my birthday running to meet me as I came home from work, your love of lying in the sunshine and moving around to stay in it, waiting at the top of the stairs for me to come back up, you never wanted me out of your sight. You were a trooper through your sickness, never complaining and trying so hard to be brave. You almost left us several times but hung on for an extra year and a half for which I am eternally grateful. You loved your appointments for the Pretty Parlor and was so proud of yourself when you came home. You loved your new coat and wore it proudly everywhere. We never missed a day of walking even when it was 20 below zero. You just always strutted to show off and when you walked you didn't just walk, you pranced! You were a smart girl; you went to college with Kim even joined a sorority. While Kim had you at college you went white water rafting sitting on the front of the raft loving every minute of it. Dad and I brought you back to live permanently with us after Kim had emergency surgery. I was so glad to have you back as I missed you while you were gone. I visited you in college and brought you chew bones and you would even sleep with me then. And oh that smile and those beautiful eyes. You looked like a little fox. You loved to sleep on the bed and push me out until we got a bigger bed; then you would snuggle especially when you weren't feeling top dog. Oh and how you loved to sleep on your back with all four feet in the air! Your love for pillows, lots and lots of pillows! You loved to play before you ate or drank your water or dog biscuit. You would growl until someone came to play. When you hurt your back I slept on the floor on a blowup bed with you for a year and a half so you wouldn't feel alone. I have so many pictures of you even though you like every other girl hates their picture taken. You loved children, especially Keegan. Sometimes kids would come to the door and ask if you could come out and play. I remember bringing you back from college and you getting carsick and throwing up in my purse. I remember how sick you would be after you had your teeth cleaned and would just curl up and sleep but always felt better. You wore a red collar with a yellow bow when Dad, Mom and You got married on the beach in Florence, OR. You were the prettiest girl ever. When we had to move I made a place for you in the truck so you could see out all the way. You had been so sick and didn't think you would make it to our new home but you did -- for 14 months but then home was anywhere Mom and Dad were. You were bewildered by no grass in the backyard so as soon as possible Dad bought you some. Oh, and naps. If you saw me get a blanket and head to the sofa you would be there first. On your twelfth birthday we were traveling and had a Twinkie for your birthday cake. Usually it was a can of tuna or Begging Bacon Strips. And that tail; wagged so much I thought it was going to fall off. Even your last week when you would stand over your water dish your tail would just go as fast as it could! I always hated to leave you for long periods when I went anywhere I couldn't take you but you always knew I would be back. You also had Dad whom you loved very much and Grandma Sally to take care of you. She loved you dearly. You loved most all weather; played in the snow and sat in the sun; you hated the wind and would lay your ears back. After you got sick you still on your good days loved your rides and would stand by the door. I knew. Two days before you left us I took you for a long drive in the forest; you loved looking out and barking at the horses. You loved giving kisses although when you got so sick I had to start just kissing you and oh how I kissed you and danced with you to "Have I Told You Lately That I Love You". I don't think I could ever kiss you enough or tell you enough how much I loved you. I am grateful you are now in doggie heaven waiting for me. I know God is taking care of you and holding you but my arms ache to hold you again. You were my life, my light, my joy and buried deep are your paw prints in my heart. The best part was you just being beside me -- your presence was all I ever needed and I am lost without you but grateful you are not suffering. Please forgive me if I held on too long. I will always love you, my dear little brown dog. I never wanted memories, although there are many, I only wanted YOU! Mom Keltia, you come home today. Your little earthly body will be close to me now and your precious soul at Rainbows Bridge waiting for me. The first thing I want to do when I meet you there is hold you close and bury my face in your warm, sweet fur; then we can go for a walk. I lite a candle for you tonight to set you free but you are still pulling at my heart. Keltia, I asked Jesus for a sign to ease my broken heart, and last night (3-1-06) when I laid down to try to sleep I heard you bark twice, loud and clear, just like when you were young. I know it was you telling me all is well. Thank you Lord. 3-15-06 3-24-06 4-14-06 Happy Easter Weekend, Keltia dear. I know you are in the best of health and best of care there. My tears still come but mostly I smile when I think of you and your precious love. I need to tell you we have another furbaby, not one to replace you, it will be a whole new relationship. But when I looked into this ones eyes, I saw your soul, and knew it was okay with you that Dad and I love again and be loved in return. Her name is Willow and she is a Papillon. I had really wanted another Pom but was afraid I would just think it was you. I still slip and call her by your name so I guess that means I am thinking of you. Hope you are enjoying Ralphie and all the others you have met; even the ones after you. Did you ever get that horsey ride? I will never forget you and your precious love. 5/12/06 I thought I could come to your site and it would be easier but it is not. As soon as I entered your memorial, a lump came to my throat and the tears started. Today is 11 weeks since you left for your journey and it seems like an eternity. Each morning I tell you good morning and each night I tell you goodnight. I miss you still so much even though I have Willow now. I love her to pieces and she loves me but there is still only one Keltia Ann. Sunday is Mother's Day and it will be hard without you to share the day. You are in my heart, sweet one. If you see Tasha, please give her loves. 5/26/06 Hi Keltia Ann. I never fail to tell you good morning and good night every day. It is 13 weeks now for you at the Bridge. Doesn't seem like a long time in figures but an eternity to me. I miss and love you so much. Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you today as always. I pray you are well, strong and happy. I'll be there someday to meet you; don't you ever forget that. 08/24/06 - Dear Love of my life, today is 6 months since you took your journey to Rainbow Bridge. It doesn't get any easier as I still miss you terribly. When I returned home from Alaska you weren't here as you usually were and I missed your presense but know I still have your love. Thanks for giving me such a wonderful life with you and for sending Willow to me. You knew it would help but that special bond between us will never fade. Have a good day with all your friends there and know that someday I will be there to take you across. Dad sends his love too. He still chokes up a lot over you. We love you so much sweet little brown dog of mine. 8/25/06 Happy 15th birthday, my sweet little brown dog. Hope you are celebrating at the Bridge with a Twinkie or favorite dog treat. I am sure Heaven is throwing you a wonderful celebration. Only wish I could be holding your precious little furry body. You were always so sweet to hold. Happy Birthday, love of my life. 10-11-06 Good Morning, my sweet little brown dog. You continue to have a hold of my heart; not a day goes by I don't think of you and miss you so even with another little furbaby to care for. Willow gets called "Keltia" a lot. I love you both so much. I still see you laying in the sunshine of the last days of Fall. Play until you are contented, rest when you need and know you and I will be together again. I love you little brown dog. November 2, 2006 I was just thinking of you today, Keltia Ann, and wanted you to know that. I love you so much my precious. Mom December 18, 2006 Keltia Ann, Christmas is fast approaching and it is going to be hard without you. However, my friend sent me a story about the dogs at RB on Christmas so I know you will be looking down on me. And I will be looking toward heaven telling you I love you too. Dad and I love you so much. In your honor we adopted another little rescue Pom; same color as you were. We are loving and caring for her as we loved you while you were with us. Our love for you will never change. Now Willow has a friend too. You are always in our hearts. She has the same Pom traits but is her own individual just like you were the only Keltia Ann. In your honor Dad named her Angel since you are now an Angel. Be happy my dear one. Merry Christmas to you my love. Mom and Dad Christmas Day 2006 - I know you looked down on me and told me you loved me and I did the same for you. Even with Willow and Carebear it still is very difficult. Remember how sick you were last Christmas but how you ran around after you opened your present. At least this year you are out of pain and happily waiting for me. Know you are loved, sweet little brown dog. Dad wishes you Merry Christmas too. January 15, 2007 I heard you bark this morning, Keltia. Thanks, I needed that! I love you always. January 19, 2007 Keltia, Sweet Sami went to the Bridge today so please welcome her and make her feel loved and not afraid. It was very sudden. Her family of 3 little boys will miss her so much and she will be lost without them to protect. Maybe you could protect each other. Sami was the sweetest Black Lab ever. February 24, 2007 April 16, 2007 Thinking of you today, as always. Miss you so much, Keltia Ann. Be strong for me and I will try also. You are with me in every breath I take. I hope you have met Caleb by now. He is a beloved furbaby of a new friend of mine who dearly misses him. Keltia, also please welcome all those precious furbabies who have come to the Bridge through no fault of theirs or their owners but because of man's stupidity and greed. Those owners had no way they were feeding their loved ones poisonous food. Treat them extra special and send some comfort to those who have lost their loved babies. Love, Mom June 2, 2007 Good morning my precious little brown dog. Please welcome Shade to RB and send Mark some Keltia love. Mark is lost right now and need some support. Shade and Mark were inseparable. I think of you in everything I do. Have met some more friends because of RB - what a special place. Love to you, Mom. July 3, 2007 Thinking of you today, as always, and remembering how frightened you were this time of year of the loud noises but thankful in your later years that it didn't bother you. Keltia Ann, if you haven't already, please welcome Hank, the English Bulldog. He is a dog of friends of mine - Shelly, Nik, Linda and John. It was very sudden and tragic but no matter if you know it is your time or not, God knows the right timing, but it doesn't make the hurt any less. They are grieving so send them some Keltia love too. You would have loved your sisters, Willow and Angel and they would have loved you. They bring me a lot of joy but You are still my soul mate sweet little brown dog. All my love, Mom. September 4, 2007 Been a very busy summer but it doesn't mean I have thought of you any less often, my little brown dog. You are my world. I am leaving on a 3 week trip and would like you to watch over me as well as Willow and Angel and of course, Dad. I love you the whole sky full! Mom October 15, 2007 Thanks Keltia for watching over me and the rest of the family. I felt you with me. Fall brings so many memories of your being so sick but hanging on for your love of us. I am so thankful you are well and happy again sweet little brown dog. Dad carried your little box around last night hugging it. He loves you so much and is still having a hard time so please fill his heart with happy thoughts of you and be beside him whatever he does and wherever he goes. You were his daughter. I love you always. Mom 12-2-07 Hope your Thanksgiving was good, Keltia Ann. I remember the last one when you ate turkey, potatoes and almost every pea on your plate. Am sure God gave you a yummy bite of turkey. I spent TG with Ryan in California. Christmas is coming up so soon; your last Christmas with us was a good day for you. You ran around a lot barking at your biscuits and toys you got. I will be in Alaska with Kim and family this year but will be thinking of you like I always do. Watch over us all. Love, Mom Happy New Year my sweet little brown dog. How I thought about you over the Christmas holiday. Traci and I joined you and Winnie Christmas Eve and felt your love come to each of us. Hope 2008 will be a good year for you. I will always love and miss you - you were and still are my furry soulmate. Be strong and run free. Love, Mom 2-24-08 Good Morning little brown dog that I adore. Two years, so many tears, I love and miss you as much as I did two years ago. Play, rest and above all love everyone there and welcome all new furbabies until I can join you. Love, Mom 4.15.08 Just thinking of you, my sweet little brown dog. Thanks for always being there for me. Love, Mom 5-5-08 Little Keltia, please welcome so she won't be afraid that poor little philly, Eight Belles, who so tragicaly went to the Bridge on Saturday. At least she is able to run like the wind again. Forgive those who misused her. 7-18-08 Need to revise your site so that I can continue to write. I love you. 8-25-08 Happy 17th birthday. Never are you out of my thoughts, sweet little brown dog. 9-10-08 I love you so much. 12-13-08 Merry Christmas, my sweet little brown dog. I miss you so much and think of you everyday. Your photo is near me always. Keltia, Alpena went to the bridge yesterday. Please welcome her and help her find Orek. She was smiling at the end. 2-24-09 Three years, my sweet little dog. Caleb, Jasper and Charlie wrote me such a wonderful uplifting note today - means so much to be. Thought about you and talked to you a lot today. Wait for me - I'll be there when it is time but you already know that. 3-8-09 Please welcome Addy May, a beautiful black lab. Find Sammy and have her welcome Addy too, dear little Keltia. My birthday is coming up and I will never forget how you ran to meet me once with ballons on your back. That is the way I picture you running to meet me when I arrive at the Bridge. I love you so much, Keltia Ann. 4-7-09 Keltia Ann, please make DeeDee feel at home. She arrived last night so very unexpectedly and will probably feel very lost without her human Mom and Dad. She is a Chinese Crested and ever so sweet. Comfort her and have her send her Mom and Dad some Angel Kisses. Love you so much, Mom. 4-26-09 Last night Duke left her family to join Addy May. Keltia Ann, please show him and Addy May around. Tell them to please give their family on earth a sign that they are both well and happy. I love you so much, Keltia Ann. Mom 8-21-09 Dear Keltia Ann, your birthday would have been this Monday. You would have been 18. I often see you in Angel Bear I guess just as a sign from you. You are just as precious and I miss you just as much as the day you left me. Thanks for always watching over me, even now. Love you dearly. Mom 8-30-09 On my way home just now, someone had hit and killed a dog; the lady stopped and the owner was petting the dog. Please, go greet the dog and comfort it and the family to whom the dog belonged. You are good at that, Keltia Ann. 12-17-09 So many thoughts of you as I place your Christmas at the Bridge photo by the tree. We miss and love you so much. Sometimes I think you are shining through Angel just to let us know you are waiting and fine. Have a good Christmas. My friend Traci and I will be waiting on Christmas Eve for you to look down on us. Love you my little brown dog. Mom 1-10-10 Just renewed your tribute for another year. Please welcome all the animals that didn't have a home on earth and also those who did. Give them the comforting words that in time the beloved owners will be there for them plus the volunteers that will take the homeless across the bridge into everlasting homes. Miss you Keltia Ann. 1-24-10 Keltia Ann, would you and Winnie please welcome and comfort little Princess aka Peanut who just passed on to RB a couple of hours ago. Princess is a tiny Pom who belonged to the first neighbor we met when we moved here. I know she will be scared but she had been so sick and the comfort is knowing she is well again. If you can please send her parents, Kim and Desiree, some comforting thoughts. I love you, Keltia Ann. Mom 1-25-10 Well, here I am again Keltia Ann asking you to greet and meet Angel, who came to the bridge this past Saturday. She has her mother, Dee Dee and sister, Tabitha there but as John and Linda and I are such good friends I am sure they would love to have you meet their precious Angel. Send them the comfort that Angel is finally well with a strong heart. She is so loved. 2-24-10 Sweet Little Brown Dog, it is 4 years today since you left. The tears flow freely but I know you are safe, strong and well and that gives me comfort. Continue to welcome other furbabies. I love you so much. Mom 2-25-10 Oh, Keltia, again I need you to find Serena who just came to the Bridge on 2-22-10. She was so tired and her Mom, Linda, let her know it was okay to leave and she did. It was so touching. What a bond they had. Her nickname is Grasshopper so you will probably find her hopping around the grassy fields. Give her a love from me. She was so special to my friend who is so dear to my heart. I watched all your photos today of you chasing the hose water and running on that beach you loved so well. Someday we must take Willow and Angel to show them the beach and see if they love it as much as you did. 6-28-10 My Little Keltia Ann, I think Dusty, John's beloved dog, will be coming to join you soon. She is 18 now and just wearing out. Homer, the friend who was found and saved by John and Linda, is already at the Bridge. They were best friends so it will be a wonderful and happy reunion for them. But John and Linda's hearts will be broken so send them some angel kisses to help them. I love you so much. Mom 10-31-10 My sweet little brown dog, I have not visited you recently but it doesn't mean I love you any less. Not a day goes by without me thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. You are in my heart wherever I go. I love you so very much. Mom 11-25-10 Happy Thanksgiving dear little brown dog; oh how you loved turkey. Your last TG you were so sick but you managed to get some turkey in you. My love for you never fades nor do the tears. I am so thankful for you. 12-25-10 Merry Christmas sweet little Keltia. I went outside Christmas Eve like I always do to look up into the sky and wish you a Merry Christmas and the first thing I saw was this very bright star. I know it was you looking down on me. And just a twinkle of it was Traci's Winnie and little Mazy she took care of for so long, then the next was all the dogs who are waiting for me as well as others I have met and loved through the years. John and Linda's were there as well. Some of them I met in person only once, others I know just from reading their stories. Bless you all today and every day the next year. Love you all. Mom 1-2-11 Happy New Year my little brown dog. Another year without you physically present but I know you are with me in my heart. Please comfort those arriving daily. Some families here lost their dogs in home fires. I feel so bad for all the little animals that had to stay in the shelter on Christmas that didn't have a home. Someday when you meet Willow and Angel you will love them as much as Dad and I have learned to love them. 2-2-11 Dear Little Keltia, just been reading so many horror stories about needless death of dogs so I am sure there is an influx at RB. Poor little souls. Not the way a dog should have to die. Please welcome them and comfort them until someone comes to take them across. Love you, little Keltia. 2-5-11 Oh Keltia, you probably already know this but Marigrace's new dog, Kaiser, died this morning from complications due to a neuter surgery. They are devastated as they had him only about 2 months but adored him and he was only 2 years old. Their other dog, Dakota, just died in December but they opened their hearts again very soon to help another dog. Please make friends with him and have him send a little comfort to them. So very very hard. 3-11-11 Keltia, my confidant, more bad news. My granddog, sweet Asia, who is only 6 has lymph sarcoma. She was fine last Saturday and got sick on Tuesday. It has progressed rapidly in these last stages. Ryan will keep her over the weekend and then let her go in peace and dignity. She was such a sweet dog and he loved her deeply as she did him. Please be the first to welcome her to RB. You will love her. And she will love you. She will be so missed. Love, Mom 3-13-11 Keltia, Asia is coming to the Bridge momentarily. I am so glad you will be there to meet her and she will be like you, whole and healthy once again. Have her give Ryan some sign that she is okay. 6-2-11 Little Reno came to the bridge today - hope you have found him and made friends. He will be a good one for you to hang out with. I loved the little guy and got to see him last November. I had a feeling it would be my last so I gave him a big kiss on top of his head. He was a little American Eskimo and so sweet. Have him meet Asia as well. Asia loved every dog she ever met. I miss her so. As I do you. 8-2-11 Just two months later to the day Tucker has joined Reno and the rest of his "Pack." He was diagnosed with lung cancer just a month ago and seemed to be doing better. But cancer shows no mercy and his earthly parents didn't want him to live without the quality of life he was used to making the best decision for Tucker but a heartbreaking one for them. So please welcome Tucker as he belongs to my very good friends, John and Linda. They had 16 dogs when I first met them when I lost you and now are down to 8. I love you, Keltia Annie! 8-25-11 Happy Birthday my little sweet dog. Tears still flow. I don't miss you any less than the day you went to the Bridge. You are still in my thoughts every day. Love you so much. Comfort those who are just arriving. We will be together when it is my time but until then run, play and enjoy your life. Angel and Willow give me a reason for living. I sometimes see you in Angel and smile and Willow is so loving. I love them to pieces but you still have that one spot in my heart. In fact my whole heart is made of pieces of every little or big dog I have had. Be especially comforting to Asia. She was gone way too soon. Love you, Keltia Ann. 9-26-11 A poor little pit bull named Jackson went to the bridge today because he was being starved . Please find him and welcome him. Now he will be whole and able to eat all he wants. I know you will comfort him. I love you my little brown dog. 10-20-11 Please welcome all those animals from Ohio that were killed. Their owner let them out and authorities felt they had to protect people. Too bad animals can't be protected from people. I love you. 11-21-11 As Thanksgiving approaches I will never forget how you loved turkey. You would "guard" it in the garage where it was cooling. It also reminds me how thankful I am for your being my soul companion for 13 glorious years. Happy Thanksgiving, Keltia Ann, and don't overdue on the turkey! Love, Mom 12-25-11 Merry Christmas my sweet little brown dog. Hope you had lots of love to share with everyone waiting today. I miss you so much still and will never forget you. Wait for me because we will one day be together forever. Love you so much, Mom 12-31-11 Happy New Year's Eve, my sweet little brown dog. Tomorrow starts yet another year without your sweet self. But you are always in my heart and soul. Love to all the friends you have made. Mom 2-24-12 Oh sweet little brown dog, where have these 6 years gone without. Somedays it seems longer than that; others just a whisper. Am so thankful you are well, strong and running around like you did when you were here with me. Stay happy and know I love you and when it is my time, I will be there to join you. Please find Asia for me and give her a hug. I loved her so much. 4-2-12 Just thinking of you today, Keltia Ann, more than usual. Little Benji, a dog belonging to my friend, is very sick with Cancer. Please use your crossed paws to pray for him. He is so loved. 4-24-12 Keltia Ann, little April arrived at the Bridge today about 4 p.m. I know her mother Dee Dee and sisters Angel and Tabitha were waiting for her but I'd really like you to get to know them too. Please hug her and send her human family some comfort. I love that family so much. Again it was so sudden. April just had her 11th birthday last week and 10 days ago was running and playing. 8-25-12 Today is your birthday. I am sure you are celebrating - 1991 was a wonderful year - the year you were born. Know you have seen a lot of changes since you have been at the Bridge. I also know you have little Max under your wing. Such a sudden death for the little guy - only 6 years old. I am afraid soon Benji will join you - please give him an extra kiss for me. He really had the love of life. Missing you. 9-26-12 Just thinking of you today, sweet little brown dog. Hope you are running free and making new friends. Please watch over all our loved ones. 2-2-13 Keltia Ann, it has been a while but I haven't stopped thinking of you. No day goes by that you don't make me smile! Been busy traveling helping Ryan move into a new home and spending Christmas with Kim (oh how she loved you) and family. My little dogs now are almost 7 and 10 and while I love them with all my heart - I think you only have one soul mate in life and that has to be you. I know you are content and waiting for me. I love you, my little brown dog. 2-10-13 Keltia Ann, I am sure you already have welcomed Rusty to the Bridge as I am sure you saw him and his beloved brother, Tucker, running in circles in their reunion. They are brothers and loved each other so much. My friends, Linda and John, lost Rusty on 2-8 (Willow's birthday). Rusty loved me but then he loved everyone. I will see the rest of his pack in March and had so looked forward to seeing him and getting all his kisses. RIP Sweet Rusty. Ran and be free again. 2-24-13 Sweet little brown dog, it has now been 7 years since you arrived at the Bridge. I have been thinking so much about you lately - a great military dog, Gabe, came to the Bridge on 2-13. He is such a hero. Hope you have been able to meet him. You, too, are my hero. Miss you just as much as always. Run and be happy until I meet you there. Dad sends his love. Angel sure loves him; guess it is part of your love coming through her. 8-25-13 My little brown dog, today is your birthday. You would have been 22. So hard to believe. And you have patiently been waiting at the Bridge for me for 7 1/2 years now. ANd I love you and miss you just as much as ever. Still my special soul mate no matter how many more dogs I will have in my life. Life is not life without a dog. Pray you have an extra special day today with all the friends you have made at the Bridge. I love you and Dad does too. 12-22-13 I will be gone for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas sweet little brown dog. On Christmas Eve I will be flying and will look up in the sky and see your love shining down on me and my love reaching up to you. Bless you today and always. 2-24-14 I did indeed look up on Christmas Eve and saw you watching over me. Today, 8 years ago, you went to the Bridge. My heart is still with you although I have been able to look back and remember our times together with joy and also the joy that now Willow and Angel give me. Someday you will meet your sisters and of course, I also will be there for all of you. So many dogs go to the Bridge every day not knowing a humans love. At least there they will know they are loved. Be free and run and play. Hope God has a hose for you to "chase" the water. I smile when I see that video and also the video of you being so happy when you saw the ocean and beach. Love to you my precious little brown dog. Dad loves you too. 2-24-15 Nine years since you crossed the Bridge but I know you are running free and happy and when I join you it will seem like just seconds we have been apart. Until then I hope you have made many more friends especially to those who never had the love and home of a human. I am sure God has a special place for them and they will never be alone and afraid again. Love you the whole sky full, Keltia Ann. 12-24-15 - Merry Christmas Eve sweet little brown dog whom I love and miss so much. Your Christmas photo is under the tree and I'm sure you will be receiving many blessings tomorrow. Traci and I will look up tonight to see you and Winnie smiling down at us. So many new souls you have probably met this year. Run free little one and know I will be thinking of you and see you when it is my turn! Then we will never part. 2-24-16 Sweet little brown dog today is ten years since you left for the Bridge. My love for you has not changed. You just made my heart bigger with the love you left behind. I'm sure you are enjoying all your friends but know you are waiting for me and Dad. Until then I love you with all my heart. 2-24-17 Eleven years my sweet little girl and my love for you has never changed. You are still such a big part of me in everything I do. Love you so much. Your two friends we rescued after you are already 11 and 14 and we love them too. Until that time comes when we meet you at the Bridge enjoy your walks and know we love you. 2-24-19 Even though I don't write you as often, you are constantly in my thoughts and by my side. January 28 of this year you welcomed my little girl, Angel Bear, and I know you two have become fast friends because you both know me and the love we share. Thanks Angel for letting me know you were safe at the Bridge. Keltia Ann did the same thing the first week she was at the Bridge. I will be quiet and listen a lot for more signs from both of you. I love you both and your sister, Willow Chelan, who now alone keeps me going on this earth. 2-3-2020 Just renewed your site, my sweet little Keltia Ann. Still miss you. Traci and I were looking up in the stars on Christmas Eve and just knew you and Winnie were with us. I hope Angel Bear was also with you. She needed comfort and to know she was loved. Gave Willow a tuna fish can over the weekend and it brought back so many memories of you when you would take it under the table and guard it. Willow does the same. Her birthday is this coming Saturday and she will be 14. Hard to believe. Love you so much sweet Keltia Ann. 2-24-2020 Oh my sweet little girl. Fourteen years now since you left for the Bridge. I love you as much now as I did when you were here with us. Dad sends his love. Be sure to visit me today. I really could use it. Hope you and Angel has become great friends. She was so afraid of other dogs here on earth other than Willow. I know that fear is gone now. One day we will takes walks again. Oh how you loved them. Mom 12-24-2020 Will be looking up at the stars tonight with Traci to see you and Winnie and to send you much love. Dad is with you now too so that also makes me happy. He loved you so much here on earth and I know even more in Heaven. He now has you and Angel. Willow is keeping me strong. Merry Christmas sweet one, Love you so much! 2-24-21 Oh Keltia Ann, you have been gone from me for 15 years now but have never left my heart. But Dad is now with you so that makes it better for both of you. And you also have sweet little Angel. You love your walks and I'm sure you are going on many. One day when it is my time, we will all be together. For now I am caring for sweet Willow. You will love her. She is 15 already but in great health. Not sure what I would do without her at this point in my life. Miss you sweet girl. 12-24-2021 Oh Keltia, Traci lost Muffin this past year so she had Muffin, Winnie and you to send love to. Love you so much. 2-24-23 Another year, 17 to be exact. And now this year you have met Willow. So Dad has you, Angel and Willow. What a lucky Dad. I hope you are enjoying Willow. This past year your Kim and family got a new fur baby, Freya after loosing their Gretta four days after Willow. I still miss you so much Keltia Ann. Some pretty special times we had together. RIP sweet girl. We will meet at the bridge when time is right. Until then be brave and run free. 2-24-24 Here another year has passed. Been 18 years and it still seems like yesterday. I'm sure Dad is holding you extra tight today and spoiling you. I'm in Arizona for the 4 months of winter and making a lot of dog friends and their owners. But none compare to you. You were the best little girl and I adore you still and forever. RIP sweet little brown dog. Your Mom 2-24-25. 19 years my sweet little brown dog. I think of you so much all the time as well as precious Willow and Angel plus every other dog I've called mine. Hope you two have been running and playing plus eating endless treats. Love and miss you so much. Mom |
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