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Memories of Lady
LADY .. Mar.7/94 .. Oct.21/08

10/22/08 Our little Lady,I miss you soooo much πŸ’”
Even though you are gone from our sights,you are still here with us where you will stay Forever in our hearts.On your way to RB last night,I knew by the look you gave me,you were saying I Love You Mommy,but I have to go now,and then I knew it was time to say good bye until I see you again.You were so happy with high spirits right up until you left,but your body was getting weaker everyday.It hurt me to see you like that.I Love You Soooo My Mommy's Girl.xoxoxox
I remember all the times you use to lye,not just beside us,but right on top of us when we were sick,trying to make us better.I remember all the times you came running across the yard towards us while out playing as if to say "HI" Mommy,(sissy)Nikita,(brother)Daniel and Daddy.We use to call them "Plow-Kisses" because you use to knock us down if we weren't ready for them.That was way to funny.Cinnamon misses you too.She meows with a bit of a different tone so I gave her one of your blankets with all you smells on it and she went to sleep.
I'm happy for you though my Dear Lady;next spring,you will have lots of pretty flowers in your flower-bed I made for you and RainbowsBridge is a beautiful place where you can play with Cocoa again and all your new found friends.
We will see you again someday Lady.
**With Lots of Love & Special Memories Forever and Ever,Your Family.** ❀️

10/24/08 Hi Mommy's Girl,I Love You
It was nice to meet some of your new friends tonight.Cinnamon says "Thank you" for your blanket I gave her.I really do believe that she knows where you are.I told her you were outside,she looked out the window and then ran into the kitchen.I think she got scared,she's only 3,to young to fully understand.Well my Lady,Mommy is going to bed now.I Love You.Night Night.BIG Kisses on the nose. XOXO

10/27/08 Hi my Lady,Your Mommys Girl
I'm glad I got to see you tonight at your Candle Lighting Ceremony.It was very nice.Lots of kisses and a hug,Love Mommy.You are my Angel Puppy now.

NOV.11th 2008 Hello my Lady,ILY
While I was planting more flowers for you today,it started to hail abit and it made me happy just to remember all the times we both saw the first sign of snow.You and I would go out and play in it,even if it was at night.You injoyed winter as much as I do.I know you also liked watching the birds at the feeder all winter,with your ears up,so I'm sending some bird seed your way.Goodnight Lady,Kisses.

03/07/09 Good Morning my Lady
HAPPY BIRTHDAY If you were still here with us,you would be 15 today.I know you are alot younger at RB,running around playing.I can't wait to see you again someday so I can throw your stick for you.I was happy to see you in my dreams while we were down south.I knew you would find us no matter where we are.Today it feels like spring,just for you my Lady I think.Well Lady,you have a wonderful B.day with all your friends.I Love You,see you soon.Mommy XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX πŸŽ‰πŸ°

NOV.11th 2009 Good morning Lady (Still and ALWAYS will be Remembering you)
Today starts a new year of letters to you.I printed everything off,it was 6 pages long.As you will see though,I kept a few letters behind from deletion.I don't ever want to run out of space while talking to you.Nikita is back home now and she said she saw your footprints in the snow across the driveway.I told her your always running around playing here there and Everywhere.Mom (Nanny) even saw you run up the steps when she was over and good Lord,Cin.even watches you rolling around under the pine trees.She runs to the window all the time and watches your little spot with her ears up.Your toooo funny my Lady.I love you with all my heart.See you soon.You have a nice day Mommys Girl.XOXOs

11/22/09 Hello my Lady,
Just wanted to say,"I Love You" and give you a Big hug.X's

12/06/09 Hi Lady
Today was the first real snow storm and Cinnamon was watching you play.Your Christmas lights look pretty shinning through the snow,it's on every branch.I miss and Love you my Lady,I can't wait to see you again someday.

12/25/09 MERRY CHRISTMAS My Lady,I Love you.
We all love the gifts you gave us,Thank you.We saw you running around chasing the squirrel this morning in the snow,you looked like you were having so much fun.I'm glad I was able to put your little tree out for you last Sat.before the storm.We got 7 more inches on top of what we had.You didn't mind though,I still see you going through the deep snow to play or go pee.You'ed plow right on through with your ears flopping,half buried as you went.This year I gave you a heavier tree,one that wouldn't blow away like last years one almost did,I got that one inside now for you.Tell all your RB friends I said Merry Christmas too and Happy New Year.I LOVE YOU Lady,see you soon,TC,X's.

JAN.1st 2010 HAPPY NEW YEAR My Lady
Just wanted to say I Love You and it was pretty neat to share one of our sparklers with you last night.Cinnamon watched you run around the yard again,that was funny.Have fun at RB my Lady until I see you again some day.Love Mommy

02/10/10 Hello my Lady
It was nice to see you the other night just before I fell asleep.I patted your head and went on your merry way.We all have a good laugh remembering you.You were such a great dog and you had a Big personality.When you said goodnight to us the other night,before we went to sleep,we talked about you wakeing us up in the mornings,how you would stick your nose right in up against our nose to say "time to get up'.It wasn't official for us to move until you turned around and gave us "bumb ups".Then we Had to get up or you would jump up and down and pretend to bark.You were so silly.Well my Lady,here are a few things for Valentimes Day.I Love You.Talk to you soon.Mommy.XOXO


03/07/10 HAPPY 16th BIRHTDAY today my Lady if you were still here.
I Love You.I've known some furbabys to live as long or even longer.I hope you had a good day.Spring is not to far away.I have to fix up your flower bed and your fence too this year.As you know,the snow was very deep.Well my Lady,I'm off to bed.I was thinking of you all day today and thought I'ed say Hi.Here is a Birhtday cake for you.See you soon,Love Mommy.

It was nice seeing you today my Lady while I cleaned up your little spot.You licked my arm and then ran around the yard playing.Spring is in the air for sure.I Love You Lady,see you soon,love Mommy

03/28/10 Hello my Lady,
Just wanted to give you a few things,Ester is next week.It was nice to see you the other night when Daniel let you in after he got home from work.You were soaked it was raining so hard and yesterday you ran past me into the kitchen to get something to eat when Daddy was looking in the cupboard.I Love You.See you soon,Mommy xoxox

04/04/10 Happy Ester my Lady,
Have fun today playing on a beautiful sunny day.Hope you can find all of your milk-bones.xoxox I Love you.Mommy.

05/09/10 (Mothers Day) Hello Mommys girl.
Just wanted to say I Love You and to say that your flowers are so pretty.I hope you like all the things I gave you,I know if I keep it up,you won't have any room to come and go.(smile)I miss you my Lady.Talk to you soon.Love Mom.xoxox

05/28/10 Hello my Lady
It was nice to see you last week.Daniel and I both reached out to pat you as you walked by.It was such a beautiful long weekend.You have lots of pretty flowers around you little spot now.I' going to tidy it up some though,getting out of hand,some weeds are growing now too and I don't want that and I also have to fix your little bed,it's sinking in the ground some more and I don't want to fall on your head and scare the shit out of you like the iron board did one time,so I'm going to lift it again and put 4 flat rocks under the legs.That was kind of funny but if your bed fell, that would be sad.Well my Lady,Mommys off now to try and get rid of this cold.I wish you were here to make me all better.You were a great nurse by lying right on top of me to keep me warm.I Love You Lady,see you soon. xoxox

07/01/10 HAPPY CANADA DAY My Lady.
Just wanted to say I love you.I miss you Lady.I wish you were still here with us.Everytime I see a dog,I think of you.I want to give all my love to a dog so bad.Someday we will have another Beagle and I am going to name her Daisy.NO ONE WILL EVER REPLACE YOU but I know you would understand my love for ALL furbabys.Have a good day Mommys girl.X's and a big hug.Miss you.

Hello my Lady,I know it's been a month or so since I have been here but you know I see you alot running around the yard and inside the house anyway.Your never far way.I want to thank you Lady for bringing Tex here with you back in Aug.Tex went to RB in 93 and I'm happy you met him.He was happy to see me because he jumped on me in bed.I couldn't believe it.Wow,that was a nice surprice.I patted you head and you both took off to play.I also want to thank you for finding your RB pin.I put it on you shelf,but I bumped it when I turned the light on lastnight....BUT....the pin hasn't been there now for about a year.I moved it but didn't remember where.I upset with myself and have been looking for it now for the past week.Last night I heard something fall but didn't see anything until today.THERE Was Your RB pin right next to my chair.You found it and brought it to me.I was so happy.My pin is a connection to you,as an ID "sort of speak",when we meet again.I now have it sewen on my vest to wear proudly.I Love You Mommys girl,very much.See you soon,xoxoxo Mommy.

10/11/10 HAPPY THANKSGIVING Mommys little Lady.I Love you.

Its been two years today my Lady.Cinnamon still remembers your name and when I ask her "Whats Lady doing,playing in the pines?"(under the trees in the needles)She always looks at your little spot and then puts her head down.I miss you and I can't believe it's been this long already.I know your still here though running around the yard and coming to meet us after work now and then,waiting for the day we cross the bridge together.It always makes me smile with lots of happy memories.I can't wait to see you again someday.Take care Mommys Girl,I LOVE YOU. xoxoxoxo

Hello my Lady,just wanted to say I Love You and have fun playing with your RB friends,tell then I send my love.See you soon. Mommy

10/31/10 Happy Halloween Lady

Nov.11/10 I love my Lady
Just wanted to say Hi and to let you know I miss you.See you soon, Love Mommy

11/13/10 Hi Lady
It was soooo cool today to see a little Ladybug walking on the branch above you as I was putting up your star and Christmas lights.I smiled and it flew away.I think it was one of your little ways of dropping by to say "Hi Mommy".Cute for sure.See you soon Lady,I love you.

Hello my Lady,I miss you.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year even though this is late.These past two months went by sooo fast but I never forgot about you.It was nice to see you down south again this year.I saw your spirit in a good ole doggie who made her rounds every day on the beach and nap along the way.I would pat her every time I saw her.You seen very happy living there Lady.In a dream I had,I went back to bring you home,but you didn't want to come.I was alittle sad but understood you were happy there.Someday when I see you again,maybe we can both live there and walk and run on the beach together.Well Lady,I just wanted to say I Love You.Even though I'm not always here at RB doesn't mean,and Never will mean,I forgot about you,you know that.Goodnight for now Mommys girl.See you soon.XOXOXO Lots of love.

I LOVE you Lady,I miss you alot.Here are some Val.Day treats for you.See you soon Mommys girl.BIG Hugs and kiss on the nose.xoxoxox

03/07/11 Happy Sweet 16 my Lady.
If you were still here with us,you would have the best birthday with lots of new toys and treats.I love you, see you soon.

03/17/11 Happy St.Patricks Day
"Top of the morning to ya my Lady".Have a great day with your RB friends. xoxoxox

Its always nice to see you Lady.I could sence you were there the other night when I put my arm out past the bed.Like always,I smiled and you took off to play. xoxoxoxoxo

04/24/11 Happy Easter
Good morning Mommys little Lady. What a beautiful day it was.I fixed up your little spot and your flowers are starting to grow already.I also had to give you a few new fence peaces.Hope you had a good day too at RBB.I'll see you soon,Love Mom.

July 1/11 HAPPY CANADA DAY my Lady.
Soooo much has been going on in the past two months,sorry I didn't get the chance to drop in.As you know Lady,I love all "fur-babys"and wouldn't say no if one needed a good home.Daniel now has his own fur-baby just like you.Her name is Tifa.She was born April 9th/11 and Daniel brought her home on May 18th.To soon to be taken away from her mom,but he just had to go get her.She reminds us of you,smart,silly and a Beagle mix aswell.I Love you my Lady,and hopefully it won't be as long the next time before I drop in.Good morning,so they say at RB. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

Nov.11/11 Remberance Day.
I miss you Lady.I wish I still had my own Internet.I have sooo much I'ed like to tell you but it would take up all my space here.Tifa really does remind me of you.Her nose takes over and we have to teach her everyday not to want to take off.She is a good girl though and just turned 7 months on Nov.9th.She too thinks she's human.It was pretty cool when you dropped in one night a couple months ago to say Hi.Tifa saw you I know she did because she stopped playing and looked up at the ceiling for a few minutes.Well my Lady,I do love you and I hope to talk to you soon.TC at RB.Lots of Love Mommy.

Merry Christmas my Lady I love you so much.Just wanted to drop in and say HI.The snow is very pretty on your little spot and your lights are shining through the snow.Well my little Lady I got to go now and hope to be back soon.LOVE Mommy.

I Love You Lady,see you soon.TC for now and have fun at RB.Lots of hugs and kisses Mommy.

Feb.14th/12 Happy Valentines Day my Lady
I Love You.

05/25/12 Hello my Lady
Guess what,I can come and visit you here again whenever I want to.We have internet at home again.I missed being able to give you little things like new flowers/toys etc.Your little spot outside looks pretty with some new things I planted.Tifa kind of reminds me of you Lady. She has a pretty howl/bark thing going on now.Not quite like yours of course but still.She is just as silly too.Well my Lady,Mommy is tired,it's 12:40 AM.I Love You and will see you soon.

Hi Lady,just wanted to say sorry I had to take your snowball bush.."tree" down today.The poor thing,even though it was soooo tall,20 yrs old that I know of and then some,I noticed that for the past couple of yrs catapillars have taken over it.All the BTK in the world didn't seem to help so now your little spot is prettier without a dieing snowball bush in the middle.Night my Lady.XX's on the nose and a nice long pat/rub on your belly.Mommy.

Happy First day of Summer Lady.Hope you had a very nice day running around playing with all your RB friends.It was really hot today.Even at 9:15 PM it was still 25 outside.Tifa is such a silly nut Lady,she kind of reminds me of you when you were a puppy.She is now 14 months old already.I wish you two could run around and play for real.You would like her.I Love You Lady,just wanted to say HI before I went to bed.It's late now as it is and I have to work tomorrow so I'll see you soon my Lady,night night xoxxox,Mommy.

July 1/12
Just wanted to say Happy Canada Day Lady I Love You.Stay under your pine trees out of the heat my dear,it is 34 degrees.Wow.See you soon Lady TC at RB.

Hello my Lady.I can't believe how fast the summer is going.It's nice to see you every now and then while I'm going to sleep or in the morning when I wakeup.I reach out to pat you and I know your there.I know most people may think I'm crazy,but I believe that when you are as close to a "pet" of any kind like you and I were and not just poor dog in someones yard with no lovens,then we stay connected at RB until we meet again.I know you are still running around playing every now and then.Tifa is 16 months old now and Cinnamon will be seven soon,wow already.I think because your Mom was a Lab,your Dad was a Beagle..I think your Moms side was stronger BUT Tifa's Mom is a Beagle,her Dads a Lab,so when she gets to sniffing her nose definitely takes over.Her Moms side is stronger too.It takes her a few minutes to realize we are calling her even though she is just right there in the yard.Kind of funny to watch but she or any furbaby will never be like you.She has found alot of your old bones you had stashed away for later.I wonder if she can smell your sent after all this time? Anyway Lady love,I'm going to bed now,it's late.Good night,talk to you soon.Love Mom

10/08/12 Happy Thanksgiving Day Lady
I hope you have lots and lots of fun at RB and good milkbones to eat :-D

Wow,I can't believe it's been almost 4 years since you went to RB.I'll have to print off these letters too,delete them here and then start a new.I talk about you now and then to my new Co-workers.Lots of funny stuff is said about our Fur babies.Tifa found yet another old bone you had and she lay there chewing away until it was all gone.It's really nice to have Tifa and Cinnamon here when I come home.Cinnamon still has her little spot on the corner of the counter where she sat as a kitten because you would plow her over all the time at the door to say HI Mom,so she found a new spot to say hi,safer higher up.As you know,we had our first small hail storm yesterday so here is your blankie and dog house to stay warm.I Love You Lady,see you soon.

I Love You my Lady,so very nice to see you Mon./Wed.and today while I was at work.I knew it was you when I saw three Ladybugs and "you" landed on my top.You must have heard I renewed your RB site for another year and dropped by to say thanks,hahaha.I never said anything out loud,all I did was smile.Anyway Lady,Mommy is off to bed now,see you soon,xoxoxo.

Hello my Lady.XOXOX.Thank you for the card from RB this morning.It was nice to see you again on Friday as well at work.It was your little was of saying I Love You Mom because four years ago today you went to RB.I'm happy for you though because you are always running around playing with new and old friends sharing toys and chewing on lots of yummy bones.Have a good "Welcome To RB Day"Dear Lady.With Lots of love Forever Mommy.

10/31/12 Happy Halloween my Lady

Just wanted to stop and say Hi I Love you.Cinnamon watched you "fly" around the room today.I picked up the little Lady Bug and set it free outside.It flew in your direction where your spot is and I smiled.Nice to see you Lady,have a good day Mommys girl. XOXOXO

Dec.25/13 MERRY CHRISTMAS My Lady I Love You XOXOX

Jan.1/14 HAPPY NEW YEAR Mommys Girl xoxoxo I Love You.

It was so nice to see you the other day while I was a work.I actually heard you panting next to me,it was such a hot day.I know I'm not on line at RB much anymore but you know in your heart that we see each other without the computer anyway :)I Love and miss you my Lady, see you soon. oxoxo

It was a really nice surprise to see you today at the Musieum on Mothers Day. I Love You my Lady xoxo You have been randomly showing up everywhere in the past year and it makes me smile. I had to laugh one time when you, in Ladybug form, went around and around the wheel barrel wheel for like an hour. I have to fix your little bed this year my Lady. The bottom gave way and soon will completely fall apart. I hope all is well in RB and your making lots of new friends. I know I'm not on line as much as I'd like to be but we both know I don't need the computer to talk to you. I'll see you soon Mommys Girl. Xoxo

10/12/15 Happy Thanksgiving my Lady xoxoxo I Love You

Oct. 21st 2015
Oh my Lady, it's been seven years today since you left and went to Rainbow Bridge. I can't believe how time has flown. I smile when your near in spirit and watch you do funny things when your in "Ladybug" form. I know your never far. As you know your little red bed has fallen apart this summer so over the winter I'll build you a new one but it will be weather treated to last longer. I Love you Lady and I'll see you soon. XOXO Mommy

Dec.25/15 Merry Christmas Lady. I love you. πŸŽ„β€οΈ

Jan.1 2016 HAPPY NEW YEAR my Lady. XOXO

Oct. 21/2016
Eight years ago today you left and went to RB.πŸ’” I'm happy though full of the best funny loving memories and it's always nice to randomly see you in Ladybug form.🐞😊 I think that's funny, it's your way of saying Hi Mom.🐢 Over the years I've told so many people about you as us Fuzzy Kid owners tend to do. I love you my Lady. I will see you again someday. Love forever Mommy. XOXO

Hello my LadyπŸ’
I know it's been a while since it popped into RB. I didn't have internet again for a bit.I also have to say sorry I didn't get the chance to fix your little red bed in the last two years because I was busy working long hours and last year I didn't have any money at all while I looked for a new job. I'm sad when I look at it and Hopfully I'll be able to fix it this year for you. Happy Easter Weekend Lady love. Hope you find lots of milkbones tomorrow at RB and have fun with all you friends there. I love and miss you my Lady, big hugs. Talk to you soon, love Mommy. πŸ’•

Passing by to say I Love You my Lady. Big kiss and Hug for my Girl. I'm glad you popped in to see me at work last week while I took care of the Peonies. Time is passing by so fast lately with my new job ( I love ) and just life in general that here it is the middle of June already. I'll see you again soon my Lady. I miss you. Here is a treat for you 🍎. You use to love apples playing with them like a ball before you ate them. That was funny. Talk soon. XOXO

Oct. 21/2017
Hello my Lady ❀️❀️ It was a totally nice surprise to see you and four of you RB friends. 🐞❀️🐞🐞🐞🐞 You seem so happy flying around in Ladybug form just like when you first went to RB when you came back and landed on your little red bed. Nine years today already. I'm going to sent RB more money today so I can still talk to you and help all of RB friends. I Love you Mommys Girl and I'll see you soon. Kisses and a milk bone or three. XOXO
Just popped in to say I love you and your RB residency has been updated so I can still send lots of loven your way and give you gifts until we meet again. Be happy and have fun on the Rainbows Edge my Lady on this beautiful fall day. ❀️❀️

Oct. 21/2020
I can't believe it's been 12 years ago today you left for RainbowBridge 🌈 It's been nice seeing you pop in once in a while in Ladybug form landing on me and staying for a bit. As you know looking down from above, I fixed your little spot. It looks nicer with beach rocks instead of your red bed all falling apart. It's raining today but I'm heading out soon to do some fall cutbacks in your garden along with a few other things outside. I love you my Lady with a lifetime of happy memories I hold in my heart. Until we meet again Mommy's Girl. Big hug πŸ€— Kisses 😘 πŸ’– CYL πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Dec. 25/ 20
Merry ❄️ Christmas πŸŽ…πŸ»πŸŽ„πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸŽ„ my Little Lady 🐢
ILY 🀟🏻❀️

Nov. 26/ 24
Today little Cinnamon 🐈 has joined you over Rainbows Bridge 🌈 I know she'll be so happy to see you. Now you two can run around and play like before then snuggle up together and rest. I Love you Both and will always missed until we all meet again πŸ™πŸ»πŸΆπŸ’–πŸ˜»πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ»

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