Welcome to Latte's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Latte's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Latte
My sweet baby girl with the beautiful blue eyes. You were my buddy and my beautiful little princess. You became a part of our family in 2011 and filled our home with new found joy. For the last 13 years we looked forward to coming home from work to see you and spend time with you. Watching you play with excitement and enthusiasm was a lot fun. You were always there to listen to us talk to you or sing to you. I will always remember how you would run out to greet me at the door when I got home. No matter how I was feeling, seeing you made me smile. You were a part of my day from the time I woke up till the time I went to sleep with you by side. I cleaned your litter box, fed you kibble and fixed your food everyday. You also loved eating your tuna. I looked forward to watching TV with you setting next to me on the couch as I petted you. I remember you liked me to build your fort of blankets and pillows to sleep inside of. This house was your home and you could have any spot you wanted with any one of your favorite blankets. I think your favorite time of the year was when we put up the Christmas tree with the lights. You loved sitting under the tree for hours. It makes sense now because you were truly a gift to our family. Now that you are not here the house feels empty and quite. Your presence is truly missed. Your litter box is clean and your bowls are empty. Your water fountain will continue to run to keep your spirit in our house alive. I know that I will think of you everyday for the rest of my life and I will still see you in my pictures and videos of you. Life goes on without you but it will never be the same. The love I have for you will never fade and if love could have saved you, you would live forever. Until we meet again at the rainbow bridge. I Love you Kirry.
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