Welcome to Layla's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Layla
We had not had you very long when you woke up one morning and called to me out of your crate. It sounded like, "Maamaa, out".
I let you outside to potty, and you always knew what I wanted you to do. I'll never forget you "butt-tucking" across the yard with Magnum, your little curly tail straight out, just running all out across the grass. You loved to play with him, just as you loved to lie next to me on the bed, rub your back up against my leg and sigh, "aaahh". My memories of you will have to sustain me until we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge. I love you, my precious.
2/14/07 It's Valentine's Day, and I don't have my Special Love--you--beside me. I miss you so much, my precious. Not a day goes by that I don't cry when I think about you. 'Til we meet again at the Rainbow Bridge, my sweet Layla, I love you.
5/16/07 Today we picked up Phoebe, our new family member. She's 8 years old and was a sadly neglected fawn Pug. Fortunately, Pug Rescue found her, and now we are going to care for her in her new "forever" home. I look at her sweet face, and I am reminded so much of you and the love you gave us. We have a lot we'll have to do for Phoebe, getting her weight down to what it should be so that she doesn't have so much trouble breathing, taking her for little walks to give her some exercise, putting drops in her poor little eyes, and loving her the way she deserves to be loved. But I know you are watching her and are her guardian angel. We'll never forget you, Layla, our dear sweet baby. I love you always.
6/13/07 Today we picked up Piper, the newest member of our family. Piper is a sweet little Black Pug who had puppies while she was still a puppy herself. She's so thin and wants to be loved so much! We are feeding her up a bit to put a little weight on her. She was so neglected until Pug Rescue took her in--she had mange so bad she was naked! Not any more--she has her fur back and is so happy to be healthy. I look at her shiny eyes and think of you--she reminds me of you when she wiggles all around the house. I remember when you were young like that and just couldn't keep still. Later, you got more sedate and would lie on my lap and do "Pug purrs" in the evening. We'll love these precious little Pugs like we love you, but you'll always be in our hearts. We'll never forget you, my precious Layla.
6/23/07 Today is your birthday. You would be 5 years old. I can't stop thinking about you and wishing you were here. We all miss you so much--there is a hole in my heart that will remain forever. I love you so much, my precious Layla.
6/24/07 Today is 6 months since you left us. We'll miss you forever, but know that someday we'll be together again. Many tears I've shed for you, my precious, and many more I'll shed because I miss you so much. But I know you are in a wonderful place with so many other precious furbabies. I love you infinity, darling girl. Peace be with you.
12/24/07 My darling baby, it has been one year since you left us. We are still so sad that you are gone. But you will never, ever be forgotten. I think of you daily and tears still fall, even though I keep you always in my heart. I know you are in a better place, and waiting for the day when we can meet again, and share hugs and kisses. Phoebe and Piper are a comfort to me, especially with Adrian still in the hospital. He misses us all, too. Sometimes at night, when Piper is next to me, I think that I can feel you get up on the bed and bounce around. And sometimes I hear you at the bathroom door. Your presence is still here with us. I send you my love, hugs and kisses, darling Layla. Peace and comfort be yours, precious.
12/25/07 It's Christmas today, but a lonely one for us. You are not here and I miss you. Phoebe and Piper are company for me but you left a big hole in our family. Magnum misses your kisses and doesn't understand why you are not here. He licks Papi's knee like you used to do, like he is saying, "I'm here--I'll comfort you". I dusted your box and figurine today and your little picture. I keep them close to me in the living room. Whenever I look up, I see you. Kisses and hugs to you, my precious. I love you forever.
1/1/08 New Year's Day. Another year without you. You will always be missed by all of us, but most especially by me. I love you and will never forget you, my darling Layla.
6/23/08 Happy Birthday, my precious baby. I think of you always, and the tears come often. Sometimes it hurts so much that you are gone that I can't even come here. All I want is you to cuddle and be with me. One of these days we'll be together again, my precious, and will snuggle again the way we used to do. I love you and miss you so much.
12/24/08 Another year gone-by, and I miss you as much as ever. It's Christmas again and this time Adrian is home with us. He has such a good time with Piper. She sleeps on his bed at night to keep him company. Meantime, I miss you sleeping with me. But I feel your presence often, my precious, and sometimes hear your tags jingle and feel you next to me. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about you. I love you, my precious. Two years without you is an eternity.
12/25/08 I hope you are having a wonderful Christmas Day at Rainbow Bridge with all your furbaby friends. I miss you here, but know I will see you again one day my precious baby. I love you, my darling Layla.
6/23/09 I'm blowing kisses to you for your birthday, my precious one. And my tears fall like rain.
My heart hurts because you are not here. I want you back with me again. And yet, you are still with me always in my thoughts and memories. I love you and miss you so much.
10/1/09 Someone sent me this wonderful poem today: Animals Are a Blessing
Oh God, my Master, should I gain the grace
To see Thee face to face when life is ended,
Grant that a little dog, who once pretended
That I was God, may see me face to face.
I pray this for you and me, my precious darling Layla. I love you and miss you so much.
12/24/09 Missing you always, precious baby. Longing to be with you again. It's been 3 years now and seems like an eternity. I'll always love you and miss you, my sweet Layla.
12/25/09 Wishing you a peaceful Christmas with all the other furbabies. We miss you so much, dear heart. I love you, my Layla.
6/23/10 Missing you on your birthday, my precious. Love you always my Layla.
12/24/10 Another year without you. My tears still fall for you, Layla. I love you always.
12/25/10 And another Christmas without you. Sending you Christmas kisses, precious Layla.
6/24/11 Dearest Layla, you would have been 9 years old this year. My heart still aches so much for you. I miss you, and I love you forever, my precious baby.
12/24/11 Again a year has come and gone since you left us. I'll never stop missing you, my precious Layla. I love you.
6/24/12 We've been spending time with Tracie, Kaitlin and Andrea, who all remember you and miss you, too. The girls have grown up now, and will be leading their own lives soon. I remember when they held you as a puppy, and adored you as much as I did. Adrian is in the nursing home until his wounds heal, but he thinks of you often, too. We all miss you, my precious little one. You would have been 10 years old this year, and I often wonder what you would have looked like. Would your little face have gone gray with age? I would still have loved you just as much. Kisses and hugs to you my darling Layla. Harley is getting quite old and thin. He will be greeting you in Rainbow Bridge one of these days soon. I never forget how he used to sit next to you and give you a bath. Poor Harley, we'll miss him, too, when he is gone, but he will be with you again. I love you, Layla, forever and always.
12/24/12 My sweet Layla, it has been 6 years since you left us. We never stop thinking about you and missing you. I hope you are enjoying being with all the other loved furbabies at Rainbow Bridge. Harley will be with you one of these days, and then Magnum. I remember how you used to lick Magnum's face, and his mouth. We used to laugh at that. He was so gentle with you, and missed you when you left us. Sending you love, kisses and hugs, my precious. I miss you so much. Christmas just isn't the same without you.
5/13/13 Harley passed away in the night. I found him this morning. Today is the day after Mother's Day. What is it with my Furbabies and holidays? I lost Gizmo on Mother's Day years ago, you on Christmas Eve, and now Harley. He was 17 years old, and tired. Bless him. I hope you are having fun with each other in Rainbow's Bridge. I dearly loved you, and Harley, and miss you both. I still feel your spirit, Wolf's and Sevilla's, and now Harley's. I hear your tags jingling, and feel you near me. Kisses to all of you, my precious darlings.
6/24/13 Your birthday again, and I miss you so much. You meant the world to me, dearest Layla. Love and angel kisses to you.
6/30/13 Adrian is back home with us again, and we have Kaitlin with us, too. She has brought her little puppy, Butters. He's so full of pep and energy. He's a little charmer, and so much personality. He's smart like you were. You would have loved him. We miss you, my dear Layla.
12/24/13 Another year passes, and you have been gone 7 years. I miss you as much today as when you left us. Sending Christmas kisses to you, and Harley and Sevilla, and Wolf. My love to you all.
3/20/14 We had to take Magnum to the vet today, and have him go to his final rest. Adrian, Kaitlin and I all cried when we sat with him in his last moments. He was nearly 14 years old, was blind, deaf, had kidneys failing, a horrible skin condition, and had lost 30 lbs. We couldn't see him suffer any more. He had stopped eating well. I hope he is with you now, my sweetheart, and that he is well and happy, and running and playing with you, and Harley, as he used to. And that he has met Wolf and Sevilla and is having fun with them, too. I will never forget how you used to stick your head in Magnum's mouth and lick his tonsils. We always were afraid he might hurt you, but he never did. And he starting licking Papi's knee after you left us, just as you used to do. We miss you so much. I love you forever, my precious. My love to your Furbrothers and Fursisters, too. We miss all of you.
6/24/14 Happy Birthday, my dear heart. You would have been 12 years old this year. Sending my kisses and hugs to you.
10/27/14 Poor old lady Phoebe went to her final rest today. She was blind, deaf, incontinent, arthritic, and cried most of the time. She was a sad old dog, but we did the best we could for her, and loved her. She was nearly 17 years old. I hope she is young and happy and playing with you, Magnum, Wolf, Harley and Sevilla now. We miss all of you.
11/12/14 I have a new puppy in the house. Rizzo is 6 weeks old, 1/2 English Bulldog & 1/2 Pit Bull and will be a big girl. She is a fawn brindle and ever so sweet. She reminds me a lot of you. It's chaos having her and Kaitlin's Butters in the house, but it's fun, too. I still miss you so much, my darling Layla. You are never forgotten. Love and kisses to you.
12/24/14 It's been 8 years since you left us, my baby. I miss you so much. I think of you always.
12/25/14 Sending you Christmas kisses, my precious baby. Rizzo reminds me of you, she "talks" to me like you did, and snuggles up beside my leg on the bed. She's already gained weight and gotten bigger. We miss you, my sweet baby. I love you forever.
6/24/15 Hugs and kisses to you, my darling girl, on your birthday. I miss you so very much. Love you always.
12/24/15 You went to the Rainbow Bridge 9 years ago, my dear heart. We miss you so much.
12/25/15 Another Christmas without you my sweet Layla. You are always in my heart.
2/14/16 Am spending some time with Danny and brought Rizzo with me. She's such a good dog and very smart like you were. She doesn't stop me from missing you always, my precious Layla, but it helps heal my heart a little. I still miss your snuffles and snorts. Happy Valentine's Day, dear heart.
6/24/16 My darling Layla, we still miss you. You'll always be in our hearts, especially mine. Happy Birthday, Precious.
12/25/16 We miss you at Christmas, dearest Layla. We will love you always.
6/24/17 You would have been 15 years old today, our dearest Layla. We miss you so very much.
12/25/17 Another Christmas gone by, and we'll always miss you, my Precious. Rizzo is such a comfort to me, and reminds me so much of you. She has such soft ears like you did, and when I stroke them, I miss you so much.
6/24/18 Happy Birthday, Precious Layla. I'll always love you.
12/25/18 We miss you so much, darling Layla. I love you always.
6/24/19 Another birthday, my dearest Layla. I miss you, and love you so much.
7/18/19 Poor little Piper passed away yesterday. She was 14 years old and had such a hard time getting up and down; her back legs no longer wanted to work, and she was incontinent. Adrian will miss her always, he loved her so much, and she always slept on his bed. So sad, but now she is at Rainbow Bridge with you and our other furbabies. Play well, dear babies.
12/25/19 Merry Christmas, dear heart. Layla, I'll never stop missing you.
6/24/20 This has been such a tough year, dear Layla. I miss you and still love you so much. We've been isolating due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and it's so hard staying home and thinking of you. Thank God for Rizzo, and for Bailey, the cat. Without them it would have been so much harder. Happy birthday, dear heart.
12/25/20 Another Christmas without you. I miss you so much. You would have been 18 years old if you had been here this year. I hope you are having a wonderful time with all the other furbabies--those we've lost, and the other ones that are at Rainbow Bridge. My love always, dearest Layla.

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