Welcome to Lexie Morgan Katz's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Lexie Morgan Katz's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Lexie Morgan Katz
Our Precious Fur Baby, Lexie:

On July 6, 2001, a beautiful female Sheltie was born. The runt of the litter, so small, gentle, and beautiful. Visiting her shortly after she was born, we were in love, and couldn't wait to bring her home with us when she reached 8 weeks old.

She was finally home with her family, and the love was immediate. Lexie was very easy to train and housebreak. She never cried at night and never had any accidents in her crate. Once she was totally trained and about 1 year old, we had her sleep in our bed with us. Sleeping snuggled up to us and hearing the funny noises she made while sleeping, is something we will always remember, cherish, and miss terribly.

Our fur baby loved to bite at her daddy's mustache and gave him many kisses while doing it.

As she grew, she loved playing with her sheltie cousins, Troy and Tori, and let's not forget, her sheltie boyfriend, Buddy. Buddy's mommy, Peggy, took Lexie to her house very often so Buddy and Lexie could have playtime. Everytime Buddy's name was mentioned, her ears stood straight up and looked for him. She loved and looked forward to the many play dates they shared.

Troy and Tori, my grand dogs, shared many happy moments together with Lexie. They sometimes got sick of each other but never any problems.

When Lexie got older, we started doing a laser light game with her, which she loved. She realized that when it got dark, the games would start. At dusk, she would start running around the house and start barking, knowing, somehow, that night would soon come. She would fly out the door and just wait for the light to appear. Of course, she would chase the light and get some great exercise while playing this game. She very often played this game with her fur baby cousins, and, of course, her boyfriend, Buddy.

Lexie loved chinese noodles, pizza crust, green veggies, popcorn, potato chips, peas, animal crackers, and pieces of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. She was not much of a barker, which is so typical of Shelties. The times she barked most was when she heard tearing of aluminum foil, and putting a clean trash bag in the trash can.

Our poor baby had many health issues which started very early in her life. She was always very stoic and never complained. She was also very good at the Vet's office, whether it was for a wellness exam, or testing, she never tried to bite or pull away.

The sound of someone tearing a piece of aluminum foil and plastic wrap made you bark like crazy. The sound of putting a new trash bag in the trash can was another reason you barked. Other than these times, you were such a peaceful and quiet fur baby.

There are 11 years of wonderful memories. Being loved by you and loving you will be the memories we treasure most!

Lexie, the unbearable pain we are experiencing now we know will eventually lessen, but the many wonderful memories and the love we feel for you in our hearts will never cease.

We hope you find peace, contentment, and lots of love in Rainbow Bridge. You will now be able to do all the running and playing in the beautiful fields, something you haven't been able to do once you lost your eyesight.

You will never know how very much we love you and thank you for being our Precious Little Fur Baby.

We will miss you forever,

With all our love always,

Mommy and Daddy

Almost 2 years now since we lost our precious fur baby, Lexie. The pain of her loss is with me everyday. I walk outside into our back yard everyday where Lexie always did her business. I feel close to her here and look at her favorite spots. I know this sounds crazy, but it makes me feel good. I have decided not to get another dog because I still feel so loyal to her. Time has not been a good healer for me. I still cry for her and a piece of my heart has a whole in it. I recently had an artist do a portrait of her and it turned out amazing! It looks exactly like her and is so real. Although the gut wrenching feeling of her loss is not as severe as it had been, I still can't speak of her without crying. When she passed, she was cremated and I have her beautiful urn in my home. My family knows that when I pass, she will come with me, and hopefully, we will be together again in a different a beautiful place. I miss my precious fur baby so much, and my love for her is still to the moon and back. Your mommy still thinks of you everyday and will always love the wonderful times we shared. I love you, my Lexie, and always will.

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