Welcome to Lucy's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Lucy
My wonderful Lucy,

You came into our lives an adorable ball of black fur. You brought joy and laughter with you. Your father use to love to chase you around and I loved the way you used to watch me from the window, when I sat on the patio. Your sisters, Chrissy and Shelby miss you so much and Shelby doesn't have anyone to pick on her now. I was so determined that you would never leave me and now you are gone. You no longer have to be in pain, my baby. You are god's angel now!!! You have now joined your grandparents and cousins in our king's heaven and you have a special place there. You are now in a very beautiful place where there are no shadows, no fear, no pain. There is only joy where you are right now.

Your two big feline brothers (Garfield and J. J.) are already there, waiting to show you around. Now Sweetie, go chase all the birds and lizards you want and lie by a stream and run through the meadows of heaven. Grandma and grandpa will pet you, when you lie on their lap. You are now grandma and grandpa's baby and I trust them to take good care of you in heaven, until we all can join you. You were such an angel to me. I will always love you. I remember how you use to always love to play and now you are gone. My sweet baby girl never forget mommy & daddy will always love you. MY SPECIAL ANGEL!!!!

Mommy & Daddy

01/25/2012 Lucy, I know right now you are having so much fun in your new home and with your new friends. I just wanted to let you know that I will always love you and I never wanted to let you go but I heard god calling for you and knew it was time for you to go to a better place. A place where there is no pain, no fear, no sadness and only joy. A place where you are a young and healthy kitten and where you can play all day. It is just hard for me to let you go. I miss you my Lucy. Use the candle to find your way home my baby. This poem is for you baby girl.



My precious Lucy. Tomorrow it will be 4 months since you left us for Rainbows Bridge and I miss you so much, but it is time my darling Lucy to let you go. You will stay in my heart forever and ever. Rainbows Bridge is a very beautiful place and I don't want you to be sad anymore knowing that I am down here feeling sad about you. I will celebrate your life by letting you enjoy your new heavenly life in Rainbows Bridge. Now go and play.



My darling Lucy. Today is Valentine's Day and my heart breaks without you here. Your father made a Valentines Day card for me from your two feline sisters, Chrissy and Shelby. When I saw your name on it at the bottom with angel wings, I cried. I send all my love and kisses up there to you. I miss you Lucy, but I know now you are happy. Happy Valentine's Day Lucy.



My darling Lucy, It has been 6 months since we have lost you and it is still hard to picture our lives without you. Whenever I look at the windowsill you use to love to sit on, I picture you there watching the birds and trying to catch a lizard on the screen. I miss you so much my precious Lucy but I know you are in a much happier place. Your sister Shelby is on a diet and has lost about 3 lbs. She is starting to look a little skinner and is playing and running around a little more. She still looks and calls for you. She and Chrissy miss you too. Next month would have been your 13th birthday and I find it very hard to think about. Thank god I will have other things on my mine when that day comes. I just remembered that your ferret brother and sister are up there with you and I know that you are playing with them right now. Give Buddy and Cindy a kiss for me. I will see you in my dreams and we can play once more.



My precious Lucy, Mother's day is coming in a couple of weeks and I can't imagine enjoying it without you there and seeing your name on a Mother's Day card along with your sisters. I don't feel much like a mother, letting you die. I still feel like I turned my back on you and let you down. But I do know now that it was just your time. I miss you Lu Lu.



My darling Lucy, your sister Shelby will be up there shortly. Please show her around and make her feel comfortable. She will no longer be in pain and she will be very happy like you. You and her could chase all the birds and lizards you both want. But please don't be sad for her because she will be in a beautiful place with you. I love you and Shelby.



My darling Lucy and Shelby, you are about to have a new addition to the beautiful meadows in which you run. Please greet him at the bridge and show him around. He will miss his mommy very much, so make him feel at home. I love and miss you.



My dearest Lucy, here is a special gift from your human brother Adam.



My darling Lucy, today is the 1 year anniversary since your death. I have missed you every day since you have been gone. I miss holding you in my arms and I miss playing with you too. Your father and little feline sister Chrissy miss how you used to make them laugh. I know you can see me and I hear your tender purrs in the wind. Shelby is up there with you and both of you can comfort each other during these hard moments. I love and miss both you and Shelby.



My precious Lucy:

Today you would've been 14 years old. How I wish I could've had you here to celebrate it with you with a can of tuna with a candle in it. I miss you so much baby. Happy birthday my angel baby.

Mommy, Daddy & Chrissy


My precious Lucy:

I miss you so dearly and especially today. I saw a little baby kitten who looked just like you dead from being hit by a car. I want you and your sister to look after him or her. Lucy, she was so tiny and didn't deserve to be taken away so early in her life. So please sweet angel baby, you and Shel look after him, okay?


"Tiny Angels"

Tiny Angels rest your wings
sit with me for awhile.

How I long to hold your hand,
And see your tender smile.

Tiny Angel, look at me,
I want this image clear....

That I will forget your precious face
Is my biggest fear.

Tiny Angel can you tell me,
Why you have gone away?

You weren't here for very long.....
Why is it, you couldn't stay?

Tiny Angel shook her head,
"These things I do not know....

But I do know that you love me,
And that I love you so".

"If Tears Could Build a Stairway"

If tears could build a stairway
And memories were a lane
We would walk right up to Heaven
And bring you back again

No farewell words were spoken
No time to say goodbye
You were gone before we knew it
And only God knows why

Our hearts still ache in sadness
And secret tears still flow
What it meant to lose you
No one will ever know

But now we know you want us
To mourn for you no more
To remember all the happy times
Life still has much in store

Since you'll never be forgotten
We pledge to you today
A hallowed place within our hearts
Is where you'll always stay

Please also visit Shelby.

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