Welcome to Meatloaf's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Meatloaf
Our dear, sweet, wonderful bunny- Dad, Sydney, and I miss you so much. Your constant companionship and unconditional love for us has made these last weeks without you almost unbearably painful. No bunny could ever take care of us the way you did. Around the house, everywhere we look, we still expect to see you, and it is incredibly difficult to deal with the reality that you are gone. We are comforted only by the fact that you are no longer suffering, and hopefully you have an endless pile of your favorite willow wreaths and banana chips close by as you hop about and do Bunny 500s with Pretzel following behind. We still feel your love, funny bunny, and we are extraordinarily grateful for the time we were together. We take solace in knowing that someday we will be with you again. You will always be Mommy's good bunny, and our Number One Bunny in the Whole Wide World. We love you very much.

It's been two months, my sweet Loafy, and I can't say that things without you have gotten any easier. Dad, Syd, and I miss you incredibly. It is so quiet in the house. I found the mess left behind the china cabinet where you shredded papers and tried to eat through the back of the wood, silly bunny. You were always so well behaved, but you loved going back there. I laughed through my tears, wishing you were here for me to ask what you were thinking as you smashed yourself into that very narrow area. See Meatloaf, you are still making me smile! How I wish you were still here. For the last few weeks, we have all been told to stay at home to be safe from illness in the world, and all I can think of is that if you were here, you would make us all feel better. That is selfish though, we don't want you to hurt anymore. You always took care of your family - we belonged to you in a way that most people never would think possible between a bunny and his family. We are comforted knowing that you are in a better place, feeling better, and watching over us while you play with your new friends and Pretzel, waiting until we can be together again. You are always Mommy's good bunny. We love you so much, bunny bunny. xoxoxo

Happy Easter to our own Easter Bunny! It is our first Easter without you, Loaf, and we are struggling. Everywhere we look there are bunny things for the holiday, reminding us of you, only you aren't here. You always were such a good Easter Bunny. We hope that you are playing in the field over the bridge, enjoying the cool grass and sunbeams, and eating all of the hay, willow wreaths, and banana you want. Have fun, bunny bunny, and know we will be together again. You are our best bunny in the whole wide world. We love you so much! xoxo

In a couple of days, it will be 4 months, and I still cry every day from missing you, sweet Meatloaf. I swear sometimes I can still hear you moving around the house.The cottontail bunnies outside seem to be congregating in the yard as they have in recent years, so clearly even though you are not here, they still sense that we have a bunny friendly home. You would be proud. I hope that you are having fun with Pretzel playing and eating as many bananas as you can...and that the pain that you put up with is but a memory. We love you so much. You are always in our hearts. xoxo

Loafy, we got a new bunny a few weeks ago. His name is Bentley, and I feel like you led us to him. He was rescued from an awful place, and needed a family to love him and teach him that not all humans are scary. It is strange having a bunny in the house again - it makes us miss you more in some ways, but it also feels like you are somehow a part of his being here. He does some things that really remind us of you, and after only a couple of weeks, he has adapted the same schedule you had and like you, has decided that under our bed will be the perfect place for his naps. You taught us how to be bunny parents, Loafy, so we are putting all of the lessons we learned to work. We miss you very much. Play with Pretzel and binky your heart out sweet bunny. We love you so much and are thinking of you!! xoxo

Hi Sweet Bunny, time keeps going by and I still miss you so much. Bentley has settled in now and we are working on helping him feel safe. He is not quite ready to give us his complete trust, but we are making progress. In some ways, having him makes us miss you more, but I feel like you are attached to us by a golden thread and there are times that I would swear you are coming to us through Bentley. I hope that you are happy and running through the fields, enjoying your bananas and treats. We love you so so much!! xoxo

Happy Holidays. Loafy! We love you and still miss you so much it hurts! You always calmed our world sweet bunny. Bentley is taking care of the Christmas tree just like you used to. You would be proud of him. We will miss you Christmas morning but are so happy that you are somewhere where you feel healthy and can play and eat all you want Enjoy Christmas time...you always loved the colored lights. I'll bet you can see them any time you want! We miss you and love you, and think of you so often. xoxo

Sweetest Meatloaf, I can't believe it has been a year without you. We still miss you so much that it hurts and today brought back many difficult memories. We love you very mush and are only relieved that you are no longer in pain. Dad, Sydney, and I think about you all the time and hope that you are having fun playing and running with your friends and Pretzel. Don't forget that we are always attached by the golden thread until we meet again. We love you dear Loafy. Today, yesterday, and always. You are Mommy's good bunny. xoxo

Happy Easter, sweet Loaf. We miss you so much. Sydney thought she saw you not long ago. Strangely, it was a night that dad and I were also thinking about you more than usual. I think you are watching over us as you keep our golden thread between us. We love you, Easter bunny. xoxo

My lovey bunny, it is almost Christmas and today I am missing you very much. TIme has marched on without you and things have been so difficult lately. I hope you are playing and having fun, enjoying your time without pain. I was telling Bentley about you today. He loves the Christmas tree the way that you did. We love you Loafy. You are always in our hearts, connected to us by a golden string. Merry Christmas! xoxo

I love you and miss you, Loafy. It has been nearly two years and I can't believe how much I miss your sweet kisses. Keep having fun playing in the meadow. We are with you our dear, funny bunny, always connected. xoxo

I have been thinking of you often, Loaf. We all miss you so much, but we can feel you with us at the funniest times. It's like you are sending us messages that you are right there, keeping us close and giving us strength. We love you. We miss you, funny bunny. xoxo

It's Fall again, sweet bunny. We miss you so much. I placed your blankie and some apples in the meadow for you. Have fun playing and enjoy your treats. You are always in our hearts. xoxo

Happy Holidays my dearest Loafy. I miss you so much. At times I feel like you are still with us. Bentley has been getting into a lot of mischief lately. I feel like you are laughing at him and sending me patience. The Christmas trees are up and you would love them. Just like you used to do, Bentley likes to just sit and stare at them. Enjoy your meadow sweet bunny. Have a wonderful Christmas.xoxo

We miss you Loaf. xoxoxoxo

Loafy, it has been three years since I last saw you and held you in my arms as you were so very sick. We think about you all the time, and though you are no longer here living with us, we feel your sweet, caring, funny presence every day. As Bentley has gotten older, he shows signs of being more and more like you, which Dad, Sydney, and I find fairly fascinating. Is this you at work behind the scenes? The hole in our hearts that happened when you went over the Rainbow Bridge still exists and we recognize the pain will be there until we meet again. Still, we are relieved that you are in a place where you can be healthy and have fun. We hope that you feel our love for you every single day. Have fun doing your Binkies and Zoomies today! Your family is with you, now and forever. XOXO

You are in our hearts Loafy. We still miss you so much. Have fun playing and doing your binkies today in your beautiful meadow! Nose bonks and kisses to you! xoxoxox

We miss you so much Meatloaf. Enjoy doing your best zoomies and binkies in the meadow today! We love you! xoxo

Happy Holidays, Meatloaf! We miss you to this day, and it has been nearly 3 years. We are with you as you binky and zoomie through the snowy meadow. Merry Christmas, Santa bunny! xo

Happy New Year, Loafy! I have been thinking of you a lot. Bentley isn't well and it is the same time of year that you were struggling the most. I am hoping it isn't time for Bentley to cross the Rainbow Bridge yet, but please keep that invisible string holding on to all of us in your family. We are always with you and need your positive energy to get through this. You will always be our sweet, funny bunny. xoxo

It's been 4 years Meatloaf, and we can hardly believe it. We still miss you so much. We are sending you lots of love and nose bonks as you play in the meadow. You are our sweet bunny. xoxo

Sending you lots of love, Sweet Bunny! Have fun playing in the meadow. We love you! xoxo

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