Welcome to Midnight's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Midnight's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Midnight
I have so many wonderful memories about my little baby. She was a great listener and great companion. I was so greatful to have had her in my life for 12 plus years. She was a great fighter, which kept her going a year past what we origanly thought. She was in the care of Dr. Stone in CT. Everyone at the vet treated her like she belonged to them. She loved each one of them, every time she would go there she was treated like a queen and felt better after she left. Unfortunaltley on Nov 6, 2006 she lost her fight with cancer. She was so strong and such a good fighter. I was so very proud of how well she did with all the blood work and tapping she went thru. She would never complian, she would just stand there until it was time to go.
She would always be willing to give kisses. She loved the snow. I would hide her cookie treats in the snow bank and she would dig to find them. She was so cute doing that. I will forever remeber her as the great dog she was. She will forever be in my heart. She holds a very special place there for the rest of my life. I will never forget her. She will be in my thoughts every single day for the rest of my life and someday I will be able to be with her and spend eternity with her. Until then I will miss her very much each and every day.
11/23/06 Good Morning my precious Midnight. Happy Thanksgiving my baby. Today is not going to be the same without you. I miss you so very much each and everyday. I am going to miss you begging for your turkey. I know you are having fun with your new friends. I know you are being a good girl. Just remeber mommy will be there to meat you at the bridge someday. Until then I will miss you and love you each day. I LOVE you my baby girl.
12/4/06 It has been a month today that you have been gone. Midnight I miss you so very much. A day hasn't gone by that I don't cry. I think of you all the time. It hasn't gotten any easier yet without you. I still think that I am having the worst dream of my life and when I wake up you will be there. You are always in my heart and will be there forever. I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MIDNIGHT!!!!!!
12/04/06 Hello again my baby. Today was so very hard. I had to bring your little sister Bunny to see Dr. Stone. I cried the whole time I was there. I looked at the birds and remebered how you loved to stare at them. Dr. Stone said he thinks of you often. They miss you there. I still can't beleive a month has gone by without you. All I want to do is give you a great big hug and kiss. I miss you so very much!!! I LOVE you with ALL MY HEART!!!!!!
12/20/06 Hi my little baby!!! Tonight your Aunt Heather came over and we exchanged Christmas presents. It was so sad not having you there to open presents with. I did get my pendant with your picture engraved on it. You know it will always be on!! It came out so great!! I am not looking forward to Christmas this year. It will not be the same without you. I know how much you loved to open your own presents. I miss you so very much! Make sure you thank Aunt Heather, Aunt Cay, Uncle Mike, Aunt Tracy and Uncle Chip for my precious pendant of you. I will cherish each day for the rest of my life!! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU MIDNIGHT!!!!!!!
12/24/06 MERRY CHRISTMAS by precious little girl. Today was so hard without you and tomorrow is going to be even worse. I know you were looking down on your Uncle Jim today and thank-you for helping him get thru his bad day. He is doing much better, keep looking down on him and tell my mom and dad to keep the angels over him. The days are still very hard without you Midnight. I know each day is another day closer to when we will be reunited and the bridge. Until that day I keep you in my heart every minute. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU MY PRECIOUS MIDNIGHT. MERRY CHRISTMAS AND GOD BLESS!!!
12/25/06 MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!! I have already starting crying Midnight. I miss you so very much!!! You are suppose to be here to open presents with me. I still can't believe you are not with my anymore. Your spirit is still with me but I can't give you hugs and kisses and pet you. I hope you hae a great day with all you family and friends in heaven. MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU!!!!
1/1/2007 Happy New Year Midnight. Today is not the same without you. You were suppose to start another new year with me. I miss you so very much. Each day I still go up to see you. I think of you coutless times each day and night. It is 2 months today that you have left. The time is dragging without you. Days still haven't gotten any easier without you. I so want to be with you. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Remeber each day is another day closer til we will be together again. Til then!!
1/18/2007 Hello my little baby girl. Well we are finally getiing our first snow of the year and season. I know how much you loved the snow. You used to like finding your treats that I would hide for you and you would eat as much snow as possible. I miss you so very much, each and every day. A day hasn't gone by that I don't speak your name or blow you kisses. It has been just over 10 weeks since you left me. I can not wait til we are togeather again. My heart still bleeds and crys for you everyday. There is still so much hurt of missing you. I have so many wonderful memories that will stay with me forever. You meant the world to me. You know that I will never forget you. I know that you are having fun with all your family and friends at the bridge. Just keep a look out for me to come. That is going to be the best day of my life when we are reunited for eternity. Til then my baby I will continue to think and speak your name all the time, everyday. I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU MY PRECIUOS MIDNIGHT!!!!!!
02/06/2007 Just wanted to say Hi Midnight and let you know that I am thinking of you as I do every single day and night and inbetween. I miss you so very much. I can't wait to be with you again. You are still and always will be the most important part of my heart. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU SOOOO MUCH!!!!
02/19/07 Hello my little baby girl. I just wanted to say HI and Happy Birthday!! I still miss you so very much each and every day. There isn't an hour that goes by that I don't still say if Midnight was here she would be doing...... Each night when I go to bed I blow you kisses and say good night like you were still on the bed with us. Each morning I go to visit you and talk to you. You will never be forgotten. You will always be my number 1. I LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH EACH DAY!!!!!
03/08/07 Hello my little baby Midnight. To this day it still hasn't gotten any easier without you. I still think of you and talk to you so very often. Daddy and I are leaving Monday to go to Florida for a few days. I will try to visit your site as much as possible. I always have your picture and one of your toys with me whenever I leave the house. That is my way of taking you with me. I hope to see you soon. Until that day always know that you are still with me each and everyday. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!
4/07/07 Tomorrow is Easter my little girl. I miss you so very much. Lately all I think about is you. Actually all I have ever thought about since you've gone is you. I know you are going to have a great Easter with your family and all your freinds. I wish I was there to share it with you. I hope some day soon I will be. My life is so very empty without you. Keep looking down on me Midnight, because I know that is what gets me thru thee days without. Happy Easter my girl. I LOVE you and MISS you so very much Midnight. Take care til we meat at the rainbows bridge.
5/07/07 Hello my baby Midnight. I miss you so very much. I know you are helping me take care of Leo and Lucy. It has been so very hard for me. All I can think about when I walk them or feed them is you. I know you will always be here with me but I would do anything to hug you and give you kisses. I can't wait for that day to come. Please keep helping me take care of these dogs til their mom comes and takes them. She was always so very good to you and I wanted to do this for her in return. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU Midnight. Til we meet at the bridge!!
06/05/07 Hello my preciuos baby. Mommy still misses you each and everyday. Tomorrow will be 7 months since you have left. The days will never get any easier for me. I think of you so very often everyday. Thank-you for getting me thru helping Leo and Lucy, they will be going to another home next week and hopefully going to be with their mom with where they belong in a few months. You know it has been very hard on me. I am greatful I was able to help them these past 2 months. Well Midnight I am just about ready to count days til I can be with you again, but noone knows when that will be, only you and God do. Remeber I will never stop thinking of you and I still go to talk to you everyday. I LOVE you my baby and Miss you more than you will ever know. Til we meet at the bridge!!
07/15/07 Hello my baby. I just wanted to say Hi and tell you how very much I miss you everyday!! Remeber that everyday is another day closer til we will meet at the bridge and cross it togeather. I hope you are having fun in the meantime with all your cousins and freinds. I go up and see you and talk to you everyday which I am sure you know. I can't stop thinking baout you!! I love you so very much Midnight and I miss you more and more each and everyday! Take Care til we see each other at the bridge. I LOVE YOU!!!!
07/29/07 My little baby, today is my birthday and I can't still get in my head that you are not here. Whenever someone asked me what I wanted all I could say to myself was to have you back. I miss you so very much!! I will never stop loving you and missing you. My birthday party was alot of fun but it would have been great if you were here. I miss you Midnight and I will LOVE you forever. Until we meet at the brige!!!
08/29/07 Where has the time gone Midnight? It has been 42 weeks already without you. I still miss you like you left yesterday. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing each day is another day closer til we meet again. Until that day comes I will be thinking of you each and everyday!! I love you with all my heart and I miss you terribly!!
9/24/07 Hello my little girl. please tell my mom Happy Birthday for me, also tell her how much I miss her. I also Miss you Midnight so very much. It has yet to get any easier without you. The days are still longer as are nights. I LOVE you with all my heart and I can't wait til we are reunited forever. With all my LOVE, your mom!!
10/05/07 Midnight, Today marks 10 years of my dad being gone. Please tell him how much i miss him and mom as well. I would do anything to be with all of you tomorrow. Make sure to give them both extra hugs and kisses tonight for me. I miss you so very much and can't wait to be reunited with you and everyone else with you. With all my LOVE!!!
11/06/07 My Midnight, today marks one year that you have been gone! You will never know how empty my life has been this past year. I miss you more and more each day. I know for sure that each day is another day closer til we will be togeather again. You are thought of each day. my love for you will never end and my life has never be the same since you have left. I can't wait for the day to be reunited with you!!!! til that day Midnight I will Love you and Miss you each and everyday. WITH ALL MY LOVE!
11/22/07 Happy Thanksgiving my little girl. I miss you so much I wish you were here to have some turkay with me. Tell mom and dad, shadow, katt and all the rest of your family and friends how much i miss them all and Happy Thanksgiving!!
I love you so much Midnight and I can't wait to see you at the rainbows bridge!! Til then....
12/3/07 hello my little girl. i still can't get over that you are not with me. easch day is still a struggle without you. look down on your mommy and help me get thru these hard days espically as the holidays are here and help me get thru them wothout you. i MISS you so MUCH and LOVE you very MUCH. Until we are reuinted.....
12/25/07 MERRY CHRISTMAS my little girl. All I can say is that I miss you so very much and my LOVE for you will always be. Tell mom and dad ,shadow, katt and all the rest of your family and friends i miss and love them all. I hope you are having fun in heaven opeing up all your presents. I can't wait to be there with you some day hopefullt time will go by fast to get there quickly. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS MY PRECIUOS MIDNIGHT!!!
1/1/08 Happy New Year my little girl. Just wanted to let you know another year has started and its another year closer til we will be reunited!!! I miss you so very much and I LOVE you with all me HEART!! I hope you are having a grand time with Shadow, Katt and all the rest of your family and friends. Please tell mom and dad how much I miss them and LOVE them!! Happy New Year!. I LOVE YOU MIDNIGHT!!
01/28/08 Hi Midnight, I just wanted to stop by and say HI. I some and talk to you every am and pm which you know. I will forever miss you and LOVE you with all my heart. Can't wait to be reunited with you sometime very soon. Til then.. With all my LOVE!!
02/10/08 Hello my Midnight. Happy Birthday for Thursday. Mommy will be in Florida so I wanted to wish it to you now. I hope your family gives you a great day, I know they will. I love you so much and still MISS you so very much. I think of you each and every day. I can't wait to be reunited with you. Hopeully very soon! Til then I miss you and LOVE you very Much!!!
3/08/08 Just wanted to write you and tell you how much I miss you. I still think I see you walking around the parts room. I know you are there in spirit just not your body. I love you with all my heart and san 't wait to be with you again. Until that day I LOVE you and MISS you with all my heart!!!!
03/23/08 HAPPY EASTER!!! Just a little note to tell you how much I miss you and LOVE you!!! Have a great Easter with all your family and freinds!! I am always thinking of you. I LOVE YOU!!!
04/10/08Hello my little baby girl Midnight. Just wanted to stop by and say HI. Give Shadow an extra hug for me today. It is the 2 year anniversary of her being gone. Tell her that I miss her very much. I know the 2 of you are always togeather and that makes me so happy.Midnight I still think of you every single day. I miss you so much and can not wait to be with you again. I am so ready!!
Til then I will continue to keep you in my thoughts all the time and talk to you everyday!!
5/11/08 Hello my baby girl Midnight. Please tell mom Happy Mothers Day!! I miss you so much Midnight. I still can't beleive it has been so long since I have been with you. I think of you everyday and talk to you everyday. I can't wait to we are reunited. Until then please know that I LOVE you and Miss you very much!!
6/16/08 Hello my little girl!! Yesterday was Fathers Day. I know you spent it with my dad. Please tell him and mom how much I miss them and Happy Fathers Day Dad! Each day I still think of you. I miss you more and more each day. I can't wait to come and be with you. Until that day know I Love you very much and Miss you very much.With all my LOVE!!
7/16/08 Hi Midnight, Just a little note to let you know I am still thinking of you each and every single day. I miss you more than anything. Last night I broke down and cried myself to sleep from missing you. I can not wait to be with you again.Look down on me until it is my time to come meet you at the bridge. I LOVE YOU!!!!
7/29/08 Well Midnight once again my only wish for this birthday was to have you back!! We all know that is not possible, but I can sure wish and dream. Help me get thru another birthday without you. It is not easy.I think of you so very often. I miss you and Love you with all my heart!! Til we meat at the bridge, you will always be in my heart!!!
8/15/08 Hello my baby girl. I miss you very much, what else is new! I still talk to you all day long and visit your resting place am and pm unless of weather or I am not home. You are always on my mind. I still can not get over how long you have been gone. Look down on your mommy and help me get thru each day without you. I can not wait to be with you again!! Til then I LOVE you and MISS you very much!!
9/19/08 Hello my baby girl!! Mommy was just having a moment and I needed to write you a little note to say HI!! I love you!! My life is still so very empty without you. I can't wait for the day to be with you again. Help mommy thru each day til we meet again. LOVE AND MISS YOU!!!
10/10/08 Hello Midnight, Just wanted to drop by quick and tell you how much I MISS you and LOVE you!! I hear you got a couple of new friends, show them around! I know how much you like being the boss!!Give Dad a big hug for me as he has been gone now 11 years and also give mom a hug for me.Look down on your daddy as he turns 41 on Tuesday. LOVE and MISS you!!
11/06/08 Midnight, it has been 2 years today that God has taken you. I miss more than you know. Not a day goes by that I don't go visit you or think of you all the time. Istill think I see you in places you would lay down to get sun or just to hang out. So many people still say how much they miss you as well.I know each day is another day closer to being with you and that is what gets me thru most days. I know you have lots of freinds up there b/c you you were such a loving companion to me. Look down on mommy help me get thru another hard day w/o you. LOVE and MISS you with all my HEART!! Til we meet at the bridge. XOXO
11/27/08 HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I just wanted to stop by and say Happy T-day to you, mom and dad and everyone else with you. I hope you are looking down on us today, I know you are. I miss you so very much and holidays just plan stink without all of you here. LOVE AND MISS YOU!! XOXOXOXO
12/23/08 Hello Midnight, Christmas is just a couple of days away and oh I wish you were here. It snowed for the past couple of days and I know how much you loved to play in the snow. I miss watching you play. I miss you with all my heart and I LOVE you with all mu heart and can't wait to be with you again. I hope you are having a great Christmas season with all your family and friends at the bridge!! LOVE YOU!!
1/1/09 Happy New Year my little girl. I just wanted to stop by and say Hi. I miss you very much and entered a new year without you. I can't wait to be with you Midnight. I can't beleive how long it has been since we have been together. Look down on mommy and give me the strngh to keep going on w/o you. Til we can be togeather I miss you and Love you very much. XOXOXOXO
2/3/09 Just wanted to stop by to say hi and tell you how much I miss you and LOVE you!!
2/14/09 Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines Day my little Midnight. Mommy misses you so very much and I can not wait to see you. I am ready!!! I hope you have a great day with all your family and friends up there. Tell mom and da happy valentines day and that I love and Miss them as well. I LOVE YOU!! TIll we meet at the bridge....
3/23/09 Hello Midnight, I just wanted to stop by and say HI and tell you how much I still think of you everyday. I hope you are doing well. LOVE and MISS you!!!!
4/10/09 Hello my little Midnight. Just wanted to stop by and say HI and to have you give a big hug and kiss to Shadow for me. 3 years ago today she went to heaven. I know you guys are playing together everyday. Let her knkow I am thinking of her as always. Midnight I miss you and LOVE you with all my heart!
4/12/09 Happy Easter my little girl and to everyone with you. I really wish you were here to share it with. I always think of you and miss you everyday. I hope you have a great Easter!! LOVE and MISS YOU!!!!
5/13/09 4 years ago I got the terrible news of you having cancer. I remeber that terrible day like it was yesterday. You were such a brave little girl with the long road you had ahead of you and I will forever be so very pround of the fight you fought to keep going. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. I know you are having fun with Shadow and Katt. Keep an eye on me...I miss you more than you can ever know. I LOVE AND MISS YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!!!!! Til we met at that bridgeXOXOXOXOXO
6/6/09 Hello my Midnight, can you give dad a specail hug for me for his birthday then another one for dad and mom for their anniversary!!!! I miss you and them so very much. Midnight everyday I still think of you and wish you were here. Keep an eye on me and help me thru the hard times and let me know which paths to take. I am ready to see you when you are ready to see me. Til we meet at the bridge...I LOVE and Miss you with all my heart!!
6/21/09 Hello Midnight, Just wanted to say Hi and to have you give dad a big Fathers Day hug and Kiss!! I Love and Miss you!!
7/20/09 Hello my baby girl. Wanted to stop by and say HI and tell you how much I miss you. Please look down on Aunt Terry, get her better!! She does not deserve to be this sick. Tell mom, dad and god to give her a boost to get better and to be her old self again!! Thank-you!! I miss youwith all my heart Midnight!! not a day goes by that I don't think of you!! Til we meet at the bridge!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
7/29/09 Today is my 40th birthday, I had a great day but something was missing and it was you Midnight!! I miss you so very much and can't wait to be reunited with you!! LOVE YOU!!!!
8/22/09 Hello Midnight, just wanted to stop by and say hi and tell you how much i miss you. Look down on your dady tomorrow and let him have a safe day of riding. you have no idea how much i miss you Midnight. Esach day I still think of you, you were such a huge part of my life and still feel there is something missing and it is you. My life will not be whole again until we are togeather. I love and Miss you Midnight....until we meet again at the bridge...
9/24/09 Just dropping in to say HI and tell you how much I still miss you. Also give my MOM a great big kiss for me as it is her birthday today. I miss her and dad and you so VERY much. I can't wait to see you again. Keep an eye on Terry and make sure she gets better!! LOVE and MISS you!!!!
10/05/09 Hello my little girl, just wanted to stop by and say HI. Please give my daddy a big hug and kiss for me. It has been 12 years today that God took him from me!! I miss him and mommy very much as well as you Midnight!! Look down on Terry, let us get a good report from the doc on Wednesday, tell mom and dad and god as well to keep an eye on her! I MISS you and LOVE you VERY MUCH!!! Til we meat at the brdige!!!
11/06/09 It has been 3 very long years without you Midnight. I don't know where to begin to tell you how much I miss you. My life has an empty spot still!! You were the only one that spot is for. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you and wish you were still here with me. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing each day is another day closer that we will be togeather. Until that day keep an eye on me and your dad and auntie. I MISS you and LOVE you more than words can say. I hope you have a wonderful nite with all the rest of your furbabies friends!!! Til then!!
11/26/09 Happy Thanksgiving my little girl. I just wanted to stop in and tell you how much I miss and Love you. Give mom and dad big hugs and kisses for me. I miss you very much. I hope you get lots of Turkey today!! I know how much youlove it!! Til we meet at the bridge!!! LOVE & MISS YOU!!!
11/30/09 Just stopping in to tell you I LOVE & MISS YOU!!
12/09/09 Wanted to let you know I am thinking of you as always!!! I miss you very much and can't wait to meet you at the bridge!!! It has been way too long without you!! LOVE & MISS YOU!!!!
12/25/09MERRY CHRISTMAS mu little girl. Just wanted to stop by to say hi and tell you how much I miss you Shadow, Katt and espically MOM & DAD> Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas with GOD!!
Love & MIss you!!
1/05/10 Happy New Year my little girl!! Just wanted to let you know how much I think of you each day!! MISS & LOVE YOU!!!
2/18/10 Hello my little girl and Happy Birthday month!!! I know you are looking down on us and I know that Snoball has your aproval and that you both would be best freinds!! Please know that she is not even close to replacing you. No dog will ever replace the specail place in my heart that you have. I miss you very much Midnight and I can't wait to be reunited with you again!! LOVE & MISS YOU!!!
3/28/10 My little Midnight!!! I miss you so very much. I am having such a hard time with Snoball!! She is not YOU! I wish more than anything you were here! Look down on your mommy and give me the streght to train her. It is so hard. Not a day goes by that I don't say your name with different things you would have done! I MISS you & LOVE you with all my heart!!
4/4/10 Happy Easter!!! Just wanted to stop and tell you how much I miss you as well as Mom & Dad. I hope you all have a very HAPPY EASTER!! Its just not the same without you!! MISS & LOVE YOU!!!!!
4/10/10 Hello Midnight. Just wanted to have you let Shadow know I am thinking of her today!! I miss her very much. You are lucky as you get to see each other each day!! I can't wait til I can be reunited with you both!! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you Midnight. It is very hard trying to train Snoball when all I think about is you.Give me the strenght and let me know it is ok the train her!!! I LOVE & MISS you with all my heart. No other dog will ever be able to take your place in my heart!!!
5/25/10 Hello my little preciuos Midnight!! Just wanted to stop in and say HI!!! I miss you so very much! I do need your help with trining snoball!! I am having more than a hard time only b/c it is not you!! She will never be ablt to replace you in my heart or otherwise! Each day I wish it was you I was taking care of! I love & Miss you more than you ever know!!! LOVE YOU with ALL MY HEART!!!
6/22/10 Just stopping by to say HI and tell you how much I still miss you each and everyday! Not a day goes by that I don't think of you. Even with having Snoball now it doesn't get any better. My love for you was above everything! I LOVE & MISS you with all my heart!! Til we meet at the bridge!
7/29/10 Just stopping by to say HI!! I miss you very much my little girl. Not a day goes by that I don't speak your name and tell you I miss & Love you!!! Hope you have a wonderful day in heaven!!!
8/30/10 Wanted to let you know how much I think of you each and every day. I miss you so very much that words can't describe it! Hope to see you real soon!!! LOVE & MISS YOU!!!
9/27/10 Stopping in to say HI and tell you how much I LOVE & MISS you!!! I hope you know that I think of you each and everyday!! If I could turn back time you would still be with me forever!!!
10/05/10 Hello Midnight, Just stopping by to say hello and to make sure you give my dad some extra hugs and kisses for me.13 years ago today God took him from us and I love and Miss him dealry!!!
I love & miss you Midnight!!
11/06/10 Hello Midnight! 4 very long years ago God took you under his wings to be free of cancer and run free with all your friends and to be with my mom and dad! I still do not think it is fair! I miss you so very much each and everyday.I can not wait til the day we re reunited again. At that moment we will never be seperated again.I Love and Miss you so very much! I know you are doing wonderful in heaven but my heart will always ache from missing you!! Til we meet at the bridge!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
11/25/10 Happy Thanskgiving! Midnight I miss you so very much, I know how much you loved eating the turkey. Can you give mom a huge hug for me as 21 years ago today God took her from us. I know you are all togeather and I wish I was there to be with all of you. Let mom know how much I miss her and think of her, you, dad and everyone else with you! LOVE & MISS YOU!!!!! Til we meet at the brdige!XOXOXOXOXOXO
12/14/10 Hello Midnight, I am just popping in to say HI and tell you how much I miss you and Love you very much. This season is so very hard without you and Mom & Dad. I can't wait to be reuinted with all of you. Give me the strenght to get thru each day without you! Til we meet at the brdige!!! XOXOX LOVE AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!
12/22/10 just stopping in to say HI!! Miss you very much and LOVE you VERY MUCH!!!
12/25/10 Merry Christmas!!! Just wanted to stop by and let you know how much i miss you and love you! Chirstmas is never the same anymore without you andom &dad!! Sending lots of hugs and kisses!!!
1/1/11 Happy New Year Midnight!! Just wanted to pop in and let you know how much I miss you and LOVE you!!! Give my love to mom and dad as well! Til we meat at the bridge!! ♥♥♥
2/14/11 Happy Valentines Day and Happy Birthday Midnight!!! I miss you so very much. Thank-you for always looking down on us. I know you are always there for me. I can't wait til the day we will be togeather again. I know you will be waiting at the bridge. Until that day I will be thinking of you each and everyday!! I LOVE & MISS YOU!!!!!
3/21/11 Hello my little Midnight!! I am just stopping by to tell you how much I MISS you & LOVE you! I think of you each and everyday!! I can not wait til we meet at the Bridge!!! Til then I will keep you forever in my HEART!!!! XOXOXOXO
4/10/11 Hello my precious Midnight!! Just wanted to stop by and say Hello and to have you give your cousin Shadow a big hug from her favorite Auntie on her 5 year anniversary of being there!!! I miss you both so very much and can't wait to meet you at the bridge!!!!! LOVE YOU!!!!
5/8/11 Hello my little princess Midnight!! Just wanted to stop bu and say HI and have you give my mo lots of hugs and kisses and tell her Happy Mothers Day!!! I miss her, dad and you so very much. I wish you were all still here with me. I know when the time is right I will be able to join yu all and never be parted again!! I LOVE & MISS you so VERY MUCH!!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
6/6/11 Just wanted to stop by and say HI!! Give mom & dad extra higs and kisses for me today as it id dads birthday and their anniversary today. You have no idea how much I wish you were all here with me!! I miss you so very much and still think of you each and every day!!! Til we meet at the bridge!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXO
6/19/11 just wanted to stop by and say hi and have you guve my dad extra hugs and kisses and tell him Happy fathers Day and that I miss him very much!! I miss you very much as well Midnight. I need you to look down on Sandy and have her get better!!! Til we meet at the Bridge!!! Love & Miss you!!!
7/29/11 Just wanted to say Hi!!! Its my birthday and it is not the same without you Midnight or without mom & dad. I miss you all so very much!! I will never be the same until I met you all at the bridge!! Til then please know I think of you each and everyday!!! With all my heart!! LOVE &
Miss you!
8/21/11 Stopping in to tell you haow much I miss you! I think and speak of you each day! I wish I could turn the clock back and have you here with me. Look down on Sandy let her no be in any pain and live as long as possible with her cancer. Help us find out what is going on with Snoball. And keep on eye on your mom and dad and Aunt Terry. I can not wait for the day to be with you again! Til we meet at the bridge!!! I LOVE & MISS you!!
9/27/11 Hello my preciuos Midnight! Just wanted to stop by and say HI! Bunny is here and is looking at the screen to say HI and we both miss you so very much!!Give hugs and kisses to mom &dad!! Til we meet at the Bridge!! Love & Miss You!!
10/5/11 Hello Midnight! Just wanted to stop by to say HI and too have you give my dad a great big hug and kiss and tell him how much I miss & Love him!! 14 years ago today he left to go be with my mom! I know they are happy as ever togeather with you in heaven but I miss all of you here dearly! Til we can all meet at the Bridge!!
11/7/11 5 years has gone by since we were together. You have no idea how much I miss you each and everyday.Not a day goes by that I don't speak your name or think of you. I will never understand why God wanted you I still need you here with me. You always made me feel better no matter what. I can't wait til the day that we meet a the bridge. It will be such an amazing moment to be reunited with you again, as well as mom & dad!! Til that moment I will continue to think of you everyday!! xoxo♥♥
11/24/11Happy Thanksgiving Midnight alos mom & dad and everyone in heaven. I hope you have a wonderful feast togeahter. I miss you so very much each day. I remeber how much you would love Turkey. Holidays are never the same anymore wihtout you here, also without mom & dad either. I miss you more than you will ever know! Til we meet at the bridge!!xoxo
11/25/11 Just wanted to stop by to have you give mom some extra higs and kisses tonight for me. 22 years ago God took her from me and I need her back as well as you and dad!! Miss & Love you forever!!
12/16/11 Hello Midnight. Just wanted to say hi. This time of year just stinks without you, mom & dad. I know you are all togeather and will celbrate Christmas togeather but I want to celbrate with all of you as well. I am getting closer to that day. Til then I think of you everyday!! xoxo
12/25/11 Merry Christmas Midnight, Mom & Dad!! I miss you all so very much and want nothing more than to be with all of you. I hope you have a very Merry Christmas in Heaven!! Til we meet agan !!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
1/1/12 Happy new Year my little girl!!! So far not a good start but hopefully it will get better. If only you were here everything would be alright. You have no idea how much I miss you and mom & dad, Shadow, Katt and all the ret with you. Life isn't fair but hopfully in due time I will be be reunited with you!! til then I always think of you each and everyday!!! LUV YOU!!!!xoxoxoxo
2/14/12 Just stopping by to say Happy Birthday and Happy Valentines day! I miss you still so very much. Istill speak your name everyday and think of you everyday! Look down on your mom and help her get thru the bad times without you and my mom & dad!! Give them my love as well!! Until we meeat at the bridge i will forever love you!!!
3/20/12 Happy Spring my little girl. Oh I miss you so very much. Keep on eye on me and guide me thru these difficult times with your dad. If you were here everything would be ok. Let Snoball and Bunny help me decide. I miss o Midnght so very much. I think of you so manytimes thruout the day. Give me strenh to keep going eac dy without you, mom & dad!!! Until we meet t the Bridge you will forever be in my heart! Love & Miss you!
4/8/12 Happy Easter Midnight!!! Tell mom and dad, shadow, katt and everyone else as well. Holidays have never been the same without you and everyone else. I miss you so very much. Sany needs you to look down on her and not let her be in any pain. If you need to take her, take her peacefully. Then welcome her and play like you did when you were puppies togeather. Also give me stregth to keep going without you. Each day is so hard. Life was so much better with you. I miss you very much!! Give lots of hugs and kisses to mom and dad and everyone!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! til we meet at the brdige!
5/13/12 Hello my precious Midnight. Just stopping in to say HI. Please give my mom hugs and kisses today and tell her Happy Mothers Day and that I love and miss her so very much. I still think of you and speak to you each and everyday.I love you so very much and forever will!! Til we meat at the Bridge!!
6/6/12 Just stopping by to say HI!!! Also to have you give hugs and kisses to my mom and dad ..tell dad Happy Birthday and tell them both Happy Anniversary. It is comforting to have them togeather for their anniversary..the way it should be, although it would be nicer to have them and you here to clecbrate!!! I miss you each and everyday Midnight!!! As well as mom & dad!! Love to all until we meat at the bridge!xoxoxoxo
7/11/12 Just stopping by to say Hi!!! So many things have been going on these past few weeks.Oh I have needed you and mom and dad to help me thru this. I wish my husband was more supportive of me when I am sick and in need of him being there. He just doesn't get it. I beg you again to give me some sign as to weather or not to stay with him. You have no idea how much i miss you each and everyday Midnight as well as Mom & Dad!! Til we meat at the bridge!!! LUV AND MISS YOU!!!
7/29/12 Just stoppng my to say HI!!! Its my birthday and to be honest they just plain stink without you, mom, dad, katt, shadow and everyone else with you in heaven. I really miss you more than you could imagine and I can not wait to be reunited with you again! Give mom and dad hugs for me!!! LUV AND MISS YOU!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo
8/28/12 Hello Midnight!!! Sending lots of hugs and kisses your way!! Miss you more than you will ever know. I wish you were still here with me. Hopefully we will be reunited again soon! LOVE & MISS YOU!!!!! XOXOXOXO
9/24/12 Just wanted to say hi!!! And also to give my mom an extra hug and kiss tonight and wish her a very Happy Birthday for me!! tell her how much I miss her and wish she was here. I also miss you Midnight and my dad. Also let Katt know I am thinking of her as it was 7 years ago today she went to the rainbow bridge. I miss and Love you!!!
10/05/12 Hello My preciuos Midnight! Today marks the 15th anniversary of dad being in heaven. I miss him so very much. So much is gong on in my life right now and I really need you and both my parents to help me thru it. My life is falling apart and I really need to be with all of you asap!!! Please give me strenght to go thru this horrible time in my life. I just want everything back to the way it was. I miss and LOVE you very much...give my dad an extra hug and kiss tonight and tell him how much I miss him and to send me some guidance and advice!!! xoxoxo
11/06/12 Oh my little Midnight where have these pst 6 years gone. You have no idea how much I miss you and how much I need you right now. Your dad is leaving me and it is so very hard. I so need you , mom, dad and god to help me thru this. He is my world as you know and I can not imgine my life without him. Please give him a sign to let him know he is making the wrong decision. I can not wit to see you at the rainbow bridge...hopefully alot sooner than later....til then my preciuos little girl I will think of you each and everyday!! XOXOXOXO
11/22/12 Happy Thanksgiving my little girl and to mom and dad as well. You really have no idea how much I need to be with all of you. My life is so empty right now. My husband wants to leave me and I never thought this would happen to me. Please take me as soon as possible as I do not know how much longer I can stay here without you! I hope you all have a very nice Thanksgiving!! Til we met at the bridge I will continue to love and think of you each and evryday!!! xoxo
11/25/12 Just wanted to stop by real quick to give mom some extra hugs today as it is 23 years since god has taken her from me! I miss and love you so very much mom!! Can't wait to be with you again.xoxo
12/1/12 Midnight...as you know today Sandy has joined you on the rainbow bridge. I know you welcomed her with open arms.Look down on her mommy and give her strenght to get thru this horable time. Sandy was a wonderful girl and she will be misssed very much. Show her the ropes up there to get around and let her know how much we will miss her and let her know she will always be loved. Midnight you know how much I miss and love you as well!! I hope you have a nice first night back togeather! luv and miss you!!! xoxo
12/25/12 Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you, mom and dad and everyone else in heaven with you. Today was such a hard day! Please look down on Dad and I and keep us togeather, he is my life and I will do anything to keep him, as you know my life is empty without you and will be nothing without your dad by mu side!! I love and Miss you Midnight!! Til we meet at the bridge!! xoxoxoxo
12/31/12 The last day of this terrible year. Well Midnight your dad has found this page and did not like what he has read. He really has no idea the pain he has caused me. I do reaaly want to be done with life so I can be with you and mom and dad. My life here i feel has no purpose and I an done. Please take me!!!!! Til we meet at the bridge!!xoxoxo
1/2/13 Happy new Year my preciuos Midnight. I love and miss you so very much. Please look down on your dada and I and help us get thru this rough time in our marriage. Help him see how much I love and need him more than what he thinks. I want him to fall in love with me again. Please help us make the right decsions. Til we meet at the bridge...................xoxoxo
2/18/13 Hello my Midnight. This has been such a very hard month for me. Your dad does not want to be with me anymore and I am lost over it. Please give me a sign to let me know if I should keep fighting or just let go. I hae no more fight left in me. I am drained.Give mom and dad nad my father in law hugs and kisses and tell them how much I love them and miss them!! Til we meet at the bridge!!! xoxo
3/26/13 Hello ,u Midnight!! Just wanted to stop by and say hi and let you know I miss you each and everyday!! Look down on me as my life is still messed up and I do not know which way to go!! Til we meet at the Bridge!!! LOVE YOU!!!! xoxo
3/31/13 Happy Easter to you Midnight at to Mom & Dad, Shadow, Katt, Sandy and everyone else in heaven! I hope you have a nice Easter togeather! Love and Miss you!!! xoxo
4/19/13 Hello my Midnight. Last night Amber came to meet you at the bridge. Please welcome her and show her around. Look down on her mommy and give her the strengh to get thru this horrible time. Amber was her favorite. I miss you so very much Midnight. Things here have been terrible. Tell mom and dad to help me get thru my life as well. Til we meet at the bridge!!! XOXOXOXO
5/25/13 Just wanted to drop in to let you know how much I love and miss you! I think of you still each and eveyday! You were my life and always will be. Til we meet at the bridge!!! xoxoxo
6/6/13 Hello Midnight. Just stopping in to say hi and to have you give my dad a hug for his birthday and to tell both mom and dad hapy anniversary for me! Midnight you have no idea how much I want to be with you. My life has fallen apart and I do not know how to handle it. I wish life was more simple and everything was easier. Please guide me and tell mom & dad to help me as well!! Love and Miss you moe than words can say!!! xoxo
7/29/13 well my preciuos midnight today is my birthday and everyone that i need is gone. you are in heaven with my mom and dad, terry is away, your dad does not want to be with me anymore and the other man i want to be with just wants to be friends. i miss you everyday! Til we meeat at the bridge!! love and miss you!!! xoxoxoxo
8/16/13 Hello my precious midnight. So much has been going on in my life. I do have a wonderful friend who has helped thru it all. I never knew someone could care for me as much as he does. I wish it could be more but I am greatful to have him in my life. I do love him as he is just wonderful Please keep an eye on me as i need strenght each day to keep going. I miss you and mom and dad each and everyday as well as you cousins and fur family there. Til we meet at the bridge!!! xoxoxoxo
9/30/13 hello my little baby. I need you to look down on me as I am still having a hard time with life. I sowish you were here with mom and dad.i mss you all so very much. til we meet at the bridge. xoxo
11/29/13 hello midnight. i am so sorry i did not write hi in october. please know that i still think of you each and everyday. i miss you more than you know. my life has been terrible. i wish i was with you and mom and dad in heaven. hopefully some day soon. i hope you all had a nice thanksgiving togeather. i love and miss you! please keep an eye on me and help me thru each day! xoxo
12/31/13 hello my precius midnight. this year has been terrible. i lost my husband...lost some friends...tried to kill myself...i go have to say it was not a good year. i am with a guy who does not want to be with me. he is only here for the wrong reasons. problem is i have fallen for him...not what he wants. please help me get thru this terrible time. i want to be happy and in a stanle relationship again. have mom and dad look down on me and give me advice what i should do. i love and miss yu and so wish i was with you. maybe 2014 i will!! til we meet at the bridge! xoxoxoxoxoxo
1/29/14 hello my baby girl. i miss you so very much and think of you everyday. please come take me with you..i need to be with you and mom and dad. i do not want to be here anymore...life is not what i would think it should be. i can never have a child...lost my husband...with a guy who i love but wants nothing more than to be friends...the list goes on. bottom line i am more than ready to go...please! miss and love you...xoxoxo
2/10/14 hello my baby girl..mommy is having a very hard time with life. nothing has been right for me since your dad told me he was cheating on me. i sometimes wish i never called 911 that night. i would be with you right now and all my problems would be over. please come take me..i beg you!! i thnk of you all the time....til we meet a the bridge...you are always in my heart.....xoxoxoxoxo
3/31/14 hello my little baby girl. mommy misses you each day. i speak of you often. not a day goes by that i don't think of you. please contnue to give me strengh to keep going on with life withut you,mom and dad. i so need to be with all of you. my life has not been good since the night tom told me he was cheating on me. since then i just want to die. i can really see no reason why i am still alive. the people around me on a everyday bases always seem to find fault with what i do weather at work or home. i just can not take it anymore. i truley believe they would all be better off if i was not around anymore. please take me so i can be with you and my family in heaven...its where i need to be!! xoxox
10/15/14. hello my baby girl. it has been a longtime since i wrote to you. yesterday baxter left us. i know you have already meat her at the bridge. let him know how much he will be missed. you two were great friends and i know you are happy to see him. i miss you so very much midnight. i still hope and pray i will be able to join you sooner than later. not a day goes by that i do not think of you. keep an eye on your aunt terry.help her get thru this terrible time. tell mom and dad i love and miss them also. until i can be with you help me make the right decisions in my life, i feeel i do not make enough of them. love and miss you more than words can say! xoxoxo
11/6/14 where has the time gone midnight. it seems like just yesterday you were here with me. you are missed so very much. more than you will ever know. i wish you were still with me...until we can be togeather again please keep an eye on me...give kisses to everyone there...and extra to you. xoxo
11/6/15 another year has gone by my little midnight! i was thinking of you this am as i usually do nut did not realize the date. must have been a sign deep down i was thinking more of you then often espically when i started to cry. you are still thiught qof so very often and missed more than you will ever know. sending you lots of hugs and kisses!! til we can meet at the rainbow bridge..keep an eye on me !! xoxoxoxoxo
11/6/16 my preciuos midnight, today is 10 years since we have been apart. you are thought of each day. i still can not beleive inhas been so long. i miss and love more than you know. i need you to look down on bradley for me,please do not take him away from us, he is a greatdog like you but i am not ready to say goodbye, please give him streng to keep going for a long time. also look down on your sister bunny and snoball. let them sta with me for many years to come. give all your fur family hugs and kisses for me and y mom and dad as well. let them all know i miss each and evryone f them. life is not fair and i should still haveyou all with me or be with you. sending you many many hugs andkisses my preciuos midnight. til we meet at the bridge. xoxo
2/20/17 my precious midnight this past Friday we had to say goodbye to Bradley. he was such a great boy. it hurts so much, in know by now you have found him and took him under your wings. I sent him with hugs and kisses for you. its not suppose to be like this, I was suppose to go next. the house is so very empty even with snoball here. I am walking around looking for him. please keep him with you always so I can see you both at the sametime when I get there. love and miss you more than words can say
2/28/17 just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I miss and love you
3/17/17 wanted to say hi and let you know how much I love and miss you
4/17/17hello my precious midnight, waned to stop in a say hi. its been 2 months today that Bradley has joined you and I miss him so very much, you know I miss you very much as well. I hope you guys are playing together chasing each others balls. til we meet at the bridge, I love and miss you xoxo
5/17/17 hello my precious midnight, wanted to stop by and say hi and tell you how much I miss and love you. I am sure you and Bradley keeping looking for me. I can not wait to be reunited with both of you. til then please know how much I love and miss you and think of you everyday. xoxoxoxo
6/17/17 Just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I still miss and love you after all this time. Keep looking down on me as I still need you. Give mom and dad a hug and kiss for me like you always do. I know you and Bradley are the best of friends and you are together all the time. I can not wait to see you both at the bridge. Til then...xoxoxoxo
11/6/17 Hello my precious Midnight. 11 years ago today was one of the worst days of my life. you had to leave me. not a day goes by that I don't think of you. you were such a big part of my life and I miss you more than words can ever say. Keep an eye on me and help me get thru all the days without you. Miss and love you more than words can say. Keep an eye for whe I get to the bridge!! xoxoxoxo
2/17/18 hello my precius midnight. jut wanted to let you know I am thinking about yu. I miss you and love you so very much. words cannot describe how much. I know you are Bradley are keeping an eye on me and waiting for me to meet you at the rainbow bridge. until that day keep an eye on us down here. life will never be the same without you. love and miss you. xoxoxoxoxo
2/17/19 Midnight, way too many years have gone by without you and too much time has passed since I have visited you here. I promise that will change. I miss you more than words can ever say. I know you and Bradley are buddies and are waiting for m at the BRIDGE. I will finally be in heaven when I am reunited with you both, and all he rest of my family in haven. Please keep an eye on me until that day. Life is good but not great. It would be so much better with you and Bradley here by my side. until that day!! XOXOXOXOXO
11/05/19 Tomorrow will be 13 years since you have left. There are no words to express how much I miss you. I know you and Bradley have become the best of friends. Bunny misses you also. I think of you everyday. You were always there for me. Snoball does a good job now. Look down on her and keep her safe. Until we meet at the bridge my precious Midnight XOXOXOXO
11/6/19 13 years Midnight, Where has the time gone? I miss you everyday and will always love you.You were my first puppy I had on my own and that will forever hold a very special spot in my heart. Until we meet at the bridge! XOXOXOXO
2/17/20 My precious Midnight. Still can not believe so much time has passed since you have been gone. I know you are doing ok because you are hanging out with Bradley. I bet you 2 are the best of friends with Shadow and the rest of my furbabies with you. I think of you everyday and can not wait to see you at the Bridge. until then keep an eye on me down here. LOVE YOU. Xoxoxoxo
11/06/2020 My Precious Midnight. Where has the time gone? 14 years without you, it just doesn't seem real. I miss you and think of you each and every day. Bunny misses you. keep an eye on her as she is getting older and I do not want to lose her or Snoball. My heart can't take that kind of sorrow again, after losing you I lost a lot of my hear, than Bradley. I know you both are the best of friends and are patently waiting for me. Until we meet at the Bridge!! XOXOXOXO
07/04/2021 Midnight you have already met Snoball at the Bridge, I am sure yo and Bradley welcomed her with open paws. I miss yo so very much. XOXOXOXO
11/06/2021 Where have 15 years gone. I am crying over you still after all this time. I will never understand why life is so unfair. You were my first little girl whom i miss everyday of my life. I know you Bradley and Snoball are together and looking down on me everyday. I just wish I could get my cuddles and kisses from you.Bunny is with me and misses you as well. You were the only dog she would cuddle with. Please keep an eye on me as life just plain stinks for me. I think of you often and miss you more than words can ever say. until we meet at the bridge. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO
12/25/21 Merry Christmas my precious baby. Mommy misses yo so very much!! Bunny also misses you. I can nit wait to be with you again. XOXO
4/17/2022 Hello my precious Midnight!! Mommy wanted to say Happy Easter. Tell you much I Love and Miss you. Each day is struggle without you and your siblings. The house is empty and my heart is broken. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you or speak your name. I know you are looking down on me but help me get thru the days without you. Until we meet at the bridge!! XOXOXOXOXO
7/29/22 Another birthday without my Midnight, you were my baby girl, I miss you so very much and think of you each and every day. Keep an eye on me as my heart is still shattered without you and your sibings. XOXOXOXO
11/06/22 Just wanted to let you know it's been 16 years today and I still think of you every day. I love & miss you with all my heart. XOXOXOXOXO
5/22/23 Hello my precious Midnight. Just wanted to stop by and say HI! I miss you and think of you every day. Keep looking down on me as I always need you. Until we meet at the bridge. XOXO
11/6/23 I can not believe it has been 17 years ago since we said goodbye. I think of you everyday and talk to you everyday. Miss you more than words can say. love you. xoxoxoxo
2/17/2024 My preciuos Midnight. You were my first love and that will never change. I think of you everyday. Yoou will alwsy have the first part of my hear although there is a whole there until we can meet again. Keep an eye on me, i miss you like crazy. Until we meet at the bridge. XOXOXO
7/1/2024 my Midnight, my first love oh how I miss you and wish you were still here, You taught me how to be the doggy mom I am today and I will forever be so grateful. I think and speak of you everyday and can not wait to meet you at the bridge. Love and Miss you. xoxoxoxo

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