This is part of my Missy's story. She deserves all I can give, as that is what she gave me. I first saw my Missy at the Brownstown Animal Shelter. She was curled up in the smallest ball you can imagine, the other, bigger cats stepping on her. She, although so tiny, would actually hiss at them. I was intrigued, and asked the animal control officer, Betty, about her. She told me she found her in the woods, and was having to bottle feed her to possibly allow her to survive. I said I could take her and feed her, but Betty said, if she lasts a week, then I could. I don't think she really thought Missy would live. But, she did, and I took her home with the promise of getting her big enough to adopt. I bottle fed her, and just loved the fierce little kitten I had promised to help. She was a tough little cookie. I loved her spirit and the way she never backed down or let something bigger than her intimidate her. Needless to say, I kept that "shy" little kitty, and loved her just as fiercely as she faced life. As she grew up, I made mistakes with her that I now regret, but I had never had a kitty before. She was my kitty, and mine only. Other people didn't understand our bond, but she was very clear on her feelings. I could never hope for a love like her again, but I hope my dear little angel knew how much I loved her. She had health problems I thought were limited to constipation, but it was kidney failure. I didn't want to fathom life without her, and still have to deal with not having my little girl. She died on Feb. 28, 2008, in my arms. I will never stop grieving her, nor will I ever forget the wonderful time we had together. I am so grateful to have had such a dear kitty that held my heart in her paws. If I ever make it to heaven, I hope to have her with me again. I miss her so much, my heart just feels like it will explode. November 16, 2008 February 28, 2009 December 4, 2012 March 5, 2013 March 1, 2016 October 19, 2020
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