Welcome to Mooshie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Mooshie
Our DSH black cat was the only surviving kitty from a feral litter. My daughter Deanna chose him and named him "Mooshie" after the black cat in "The Diary of Ann Frank". He was much loved by my three daughters, Cherylyn, Deanna, Laurin and myself and my husband Jim. Mooshie became Jim's "little buddy" and constant companion despite Jim's claims that he liked dogs better. Jim would buy him special treats, make sure he had room on the ottoman to sleep near the fireplace. He followed Jim around, came when called, greeted us at the door, slept in the sink, demanded only "fresh" water from the sink and loved to sleep on our heads. He loved travelling in our camper with us coast to coast and walked on a leash. Mooshie had been there for us during good times and bad. We nick named him "our little rat", "our favorite hairball" and the "Mooshinator". He was very vocal and let us know when he wanted fresh water. Mooshie was my first pet and lived for almost 18 years. He was hugged, kissed, dressed in a Halloween costume, loved to head bump and loved to sit/lay on everyone. He loved to sleep in the sun and followed the sun throughout the day sprawled out on the living room couch.
He died unexpectedly during our latest camping trip - he slipped away in the early morning hours at the foot of our bed. He spent his last days with us in our camper in the warm Florida sun, sitting on his favorite chair with us, walking on his leash and napping in my lap. I loved him and he loved our family. He was a "petite" kitty and never weighed more than eight pounds but had the largest heart. He has touched everyone in our family and I miss him every moment of every day. I love my little guy, Mooshie.

3/13/14 - Picked up the ashes of our Mooshie and ordered a special urn with his name and date of birth/death. Also ordered a picture frame with his name/picture and birth/date for each of my girls and myself. Will place both the urn and picture in our curio cabinet at home. His little collar is now on my keychain so I have something of him with me at all times.

4/11/14 - Still missing our "little black rat" as my husband would affectionately call him. Since adopting another kitty at this time is not feasible, I plan to support a blind/HIV/feline leukemia kitty at the "Blind Cat Rescue Center" in North Carolina. It is a wonderful organization that is all volunteer supported and they care for these kitties until they die a natural death. They do not adopt out these kitties but give them a loving home since many of them have been abandoned or saved from kill-shelters. It costs $1 a day for one kitty and I have chosen a kitty that is in need and looks like my daughter's cat, "Keeper". I'm sure Mooshie would approve.

3/2/15 - Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of our little Mooshie rat's death. A lot has happened in the past year. My daughter, Dee Dee, who picked Mooshie from the rescue center, named him and loved him, has died unexpectedly. She was 33. Now Mooshie has crossed the rainbow bridge with my daughter and can be happy together forever. I have inherited her kitty, Keeper, a 21 pound orange tabby. Having Keeper helps me through the grief of loosing our Mooshie and the indescribable loss of my Dee Dee, my middle daughter. It seems Mooshie died to make room for Keeper. Someday I hope to see my Dee Dee and my beloved Mooshie.

3/3/17 - It's been three years since my Mooshie died. On 3/10 we would be celebrating our Dee Dee's birthday - she would have been 35. I hope Dee and Mooshie are romping together in heaven. Miss them so much - especially since Deanna chose Mooshie. Love them and miss them. Keeper, Dee's kitty, is with us, but she still like to sniff Dee Dee's shoes - I think she remembers her mommy.

3/3/18 - Four years ago today Mooshie left us for the Rainbow Bridge. We miss him and his playful spirit. He is at peace with Deanna together forever.

2/4/18 - Next month will be five years since Mooshie left us. As I sit outside in the warm Florida sun, I have fond memories of Mooshie exploring the campsite, walking on a leash, sleeping in the camper sink...so many memories - wish he was here. My daughter, Deanna, is taking care of him in heaven.

3/3/19 - Today is the fifth anniversary of our Mooshie's passage through the rainbow bridge. Always in our hearts and our memories. You will always be loved by our family. Fly free - until we meet again.

3/10/20 - This month is the sixth anniversary of our Mooshie's passage, and also the birthday of Mooshie's favorite human, Deanna, who is with him in heaven. I miss them more than words can describe. Someday I will be with them and we will never be separated again.

3/3/2021 - This is the seventh anniversary of our Mooshie's passage. We have adopted a new black FIV+ kitty we have named Shadow. He is 2 and had a rough start to life. He looks just like our Mooshie and I find myself calling him Mooshie. I know Mooshie, and my Deanna, would approve.

1/22/2022 - It is almost 8 years since our Mooshie went to the rainbow bridge. Our rescue, Shadow, looks just like Mooshie and has a lot of Mooshie's mannerisms. They are also black kitties and both about the same size. I find myself calling Shadow, "Mooshie" by mistake. Deanna, Mooshie and our beloved Keeper are smiling down from heaven knowing little Shadow now leads a wonderful life, much loved and cared for.

3/3/2024 - Today is 10 years since our Mooshie has left us. I know he is safe and happy in heaven with my Deanna. Our current little black furball, Shadow, looks like Mooshie and has the same personality. When I look at Shadow, I know that Mooshie sent him to me to let me know he is OK.

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