Welcome to Nacho's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Nacho
All most every time we went for a walk she would butt scoot and sometimes in a circle. XD
She loved to furiously dig in her bed and belly rubs. She went by a few nicknames like my little hellhound, My little Growlithe, little brown hyena, and silly old dog. 3/25/17 it's only been two days but I already miss you. I miss you greeting me at the door and following me around the house. 3/26/17 Hi Nacho how are you? I hope your playing nicely with the others. Did you meet Kittybaby, Blackberry and Cheddar up there? Are you maybe Cheddar's reincarnation? It seems like it, you both liked to bite XD. Well see you tomorrow. Bye. 3/27/17 I got your ashes and pawprint imprints today. I'll find the most perfect urn for you. Ok bye. 3/31/17 I got your urn today. It's perfect just like you! You also appeared in my dream last night. I hope you appear in more of them! Ok bye for now! 5/29-17 Hi Nacho. Sorry I haven't visited in a while. Furlandia just ended, it was great! You remember what is right? It's the thing I costume at. I also learned of a howling mouse XD It's called a grasshopper mouse! I hope you come back some day. Ok that's all for now wigglebutt, love ya. 7/8/17 We've moved into house finally, still have some boxes to unpack though. We might be getting Thor a new friend in a few months! I'm guessing it'll be my new pet. I still want rats though. I still miss you and I wish you still here. 9/22/17 Hi Nacho! It's been a while. How are you? I got a new dog, I call her Eevee! But I think you knew that already, because you appeared in a dream that I had when I first got her. Eevee's crazy by the way XD We adopted her from the shelter and we can go to dog parks because she loves other dogs but as great as she is, I still miss you for you are and always shall be my dog, my friend, my puppy. Ok bye for now. 11/25/17 I know it was three days ago but Happy Thanksgiving! It's my first one without you. Christmas will be here soon. I'll miss putting your Christmas collar on you. You looked so fancy and you loved having it on! Well good bye for now. 12/25/17 Merry Christmas Nacho! 1/3/18 Happy New Years Nacho!
2/14/18 Happy Valentines day Nacho! You should see Eevee in her new Valentine's dress! 3/24/18 Has it been a year already? Wow time flies! I still miss you. Eevee hurt one of her little toes but she'll heal. I'm wishing you a late happy St. Patrick's day and an early happy Easter! 5/18/18 Hi Cho it's been a while, a lot of things happened. My birthday happened and we went to the beach! It was your favorite place. I got a werepup, I spent my first mother's day with out you, and a friend joined you last night. Her name is Oreo, she was friend Chelsea's kitten. Please take Oreo under your wing and teach her how to appear in her momma's dreams. Goodbye for now Nacho, love you always. 7/9/18 Hi Cho It's Eevee's birthday/adoption day on the 19th. I can't believe it's almost been a year since I got her! How are you and Oreo? Does she visit her momma? Has she shown you what a fidget spinner is? Well talk to you later! 11/26/18 Happy late Thanksgiving Nacho! I'm always thankful for you. Chelsea has a new kitten, his name is Sylvester. Bye for now. 1/13/19 Happy late Merry Christmas Nacho! Eevee got a new dress and reindeer costume. Bye for now. 5/16/19 Nacho, Squeaky has come to join you. It was sudden, I know you didn't always get along with her but please watch over her and teach her how to send dreams to dad and me. ok, bye for now. It's getting closer to Christmas again! It will almost be three years without you! And don't worry I'll put your Christmas collar on Eevee. If you ever reincarnate come find me and me know! Ok bye for now. 3/8/2021 Hi Nacho it's been a while! Nothing exciting has been happening, though a reptile expo might happen this month. How are you and Squeaky doing? Did you know that Hoss came to join you a few months back? If you see the goofy guy tell him I said hi! It's almost your passing day, I'll watch the Disney movie Brave like always! Okay bye for now! Love you forever. 9/28/21- Hi Nacho! How are you? Are you and Squeaky getting along? A new dog joined you not too long ago, his name is Titus can you take him under your wing as it were? Have you seen a black and white iggy named Whilly? He was Terri's dog. If you do can you ask him how he's doing for me? Ok I think that's it for now. Bye Nach!
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