Welcome to Neek's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Neek
9/21/15 -- My dear Neek -- Mommy is sorry it has taken a while for me to work on your Memorial but I just haven't been able to and can barely do this now. You only stayed with me another month after Opie left and my heart has been shattered missing you both so much. Remember the little pillow you loved so much and would sleep on? Well, Mommy has been sleeping lots of nights with that pillow pretending to hold you close to me. I miss you telling me the food bowls are empty or to please clean the litter box! I miss the way you touched my nose and would sleep on the pillow next to me at night. So many things I miss everyday -- home just isn't the same without you my sweet Diva. Mommy loves you and thinks of you every day. Please say hello to your sisters Zena, Scraps and GrayLady and brothers Bo, Jordan and Opie. Love you my Neek.

Neek's story will follow later

Please also visit BO, Jordan, Opie, Scraps and Zena.

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