Welcome to Nikki's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Nikki
Sweet Nikki,
Our beautiful girl came to us the first time as a little rescue. But not the ordinary kind. Mommy was sitting on the porch and she heard a faint meow in the distance. She retrieved Daddy and they walked up and down the street until they could zero in on that sound. And there you were. Stuck in a gutter at the neighbor's house. They left a window open and little tiny you crawled out and got stuck.
Your owners weren't home. So Mommy and Daddy took you to our house and let you meet our family while we waited for them. That's when you met Beezer. She was so sick and in her final weeks with us. But she greeted you and welcomed you.
When your family returned, Daddy took you back over to them but warned if he had to save you again, he'd keep you. He also told them if they ever didn't want you, we would take you.
Six months later, on April 1st (your brother Felix's birthday), there was a knock at our door. Your old family was breaking up and they couldn't take you and they asked if we still wanted you. We immediately said yes! And from that moment on, you were a Bertetto.
For the first month, you hid in the basement on top of storage bins. You'd only come down to eat once Mommy and Daddy retreated upstairs. It took awhile, but eventually, you let us pet you and give you attention.
But those days shaped you and you were always a bit of a loner. Despite having lots of brothers to play with, you never wanted to make many friends. Until Dafoe arrived. He was your best buddy until he got really, really sick. But you spent 8 years together being best pals. I'm sure he couldn't wait to see you when you crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge.
When Mommy and Daddy moved, you decided Daddy's room was going to be your new home. You spent most of your days hanging out in his room, on his bed, under his bed. You didn't ask for much. Just a little attention, some quick snuggles at bed time and a piece of cheese, Land-O-Lakes cheese to be exact at 7:30 every night.
You were blessed with mostly good health and you ruled our house with your growls and quick paws! Every kitty feared you here even though you never touched one of them. There was no doubt, you were the leader of the house.
Every night, after you got your cheese, you would settle onto the couch to spend some of your night and get your obligatory pets and kisses from Daddy. You would often wake Daddy up at night with loud meows and demands for food or attention. And then one day, all those behaviors started to change.
You battled thyroid disease like a champ for 5 years but kidney disease was always lurking below the surface and as you grew older, it was harder and harder to keep it at bay.
In your final two months, your kidneys started to fail. Mommy and Daddy fought so hard, giving you every treatment imaginable to try to buy more time with our beloved little girl. In the end, time won. It always does and Mommy and Daddy had to make the difficult choice to let you go.
On your final day, you went downstairs twice to say goodbye to those brothers and sister you never really liked much. You ate churus and drank out of your water bowl. But your body was so frail and tired.
Lap of Love came to our home to allow you to say goodbye with the dignity and respect you always cherished. Mommy played "One More Day" and Daddy held you as you drifted off to a beautiful dream as we said our final goodbyes while you took your last breath.
Mommy and Daddy are really struggling now to adjust to a new reality that does not include your physical body being here with us. Today was the first day in 19 years you weren't here to say good morning.
Our hearts are broken. We are sorry you didn't get to live a life you might have enjoyed more as an only kitty but we hope every minute of every day you were on earth with us, you knew just how much we loved and cherished you.
Please run free of pain at the Rainbow Bridge with Dafoe, Beezer, Brody, Hexy, Domenick and Felix. We love you all so much and we know, some day, we will all be together again. So have fun while you wait patiently for us.
Mommy and Daddy will love you and remember you every day for the rest of our lives.
We love you baby girl.

Please also visit BEEZER, Brody, Dafoe, Domenick Bertetto, Felix and Hexy.

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