Welcome to Pinky's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Pinky's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Pinky
Pinky was the runt of the litter and very scrawny and sickly when we rescued him from the Pet Store on a warm August day. He may not have been the healthiest one in the litter, but he looked up at us with those amazing hazel-green eyes and that pretty face, we were enamored by his charms. We immediately took him to the Vet for a checkup and once we brought him home for the first time, he hid behind the stove. But lo and behold, he also caught a mouse that first night. And, he was only a kitten! It was totally unexpected, but as we live near the woods, it was nice to know he was a good hunter. He also loved nibbling on houseplants, his scratching post, cooked chicken, the outdoors and fresh air. We would allow him to experience the outdoors under the safety of a harness and a pet stroller. He was always looking to sneak outside and because he was athletic, he often slipped through our legs whenever we entered or exited the house. All in all, he was very appreciative of everything he had and very generous with his fur-siblings, Gaby and Blue. He was the Alpha, that commanded respect, but was very caring and protective and would always be the one to look out for his younger siblings. They would sleep on either side of him. The day before he succumbed to Lymphoma, he climbed two flights of stairs to beg for food for his siblings with his characteristic voice as always. He was very weak, but put their needs ahead of his own right to the bitter end. Of all the cats we've ever had be part of our family, He was the most special fur-child, and memories of him will forever remain as pawprints on our hearts,

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