Welcome to Pretty Girl's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Pretty Girl's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Pretty Girl
When I first met you you were so shy and so timid but so full of love and caring. It took a few weeks for me to go from here kitty kitty to calling you pretty girl and you would come and hang out with me and lay on me and pur and you loved it and you'd look at me. And then you had your first born little kitten that was born by itself baby Kelly and that kitten didn't survive but you were trying to be a good mother it was your first kitten and you were trying to do it and I was so proud of you. You really will be missed and as you cross that rainbow bridge there are some of my other fury friends and babies there to help you along your path and don't worry because we will all see each other again one day again I so so sorry I really do love you and I really will miss you and I cannot wait for the day we can hang out again rest in peace pretty girl now you can be with your baby and you guys can play and you can watch your baby grow you can show the world up there that you're going to be an awesome mama cat! This memorial is also dedicated to all of our pets that have crossed the rainbow bridge over the years we know you miss us and we hope you know we miss you all!

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