Welcome to Rae Mimi Lewis's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Rae Mimi Lewis's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Rae Mimi Lewis
Rae, you brought so much love and joy into our hearts and home the day you jumped into Daddy's arms.
You are a special and beautiful little black kitty. Our lives will be forever blessed having you will us throughout all of these years.
It broke my heart to send you to the Rainbow Bridge and I am so proud of your courage fighting your illness these last days
on earth.
Your memories will be in my heart forever and I look forward to the day we are reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.
I just know that you will receive a huge welcome from your sisters, brothers and Daddy who are waiting for you.
My love will always be with you.
Mommy, Greyson and Matthew

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