Welcome to Riley's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Riley's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Riley
Riley "The Muff"
We are so broken hearted over losing you. You took a piece of our heart when you left us. We never wanted to see you suffer so although we know you are in a better place, we are all devastated at having to say good-bye. You brought us all so much joy and gave us a good laugh even up to the very end. You had a heart of gold and were so patient with Bella when she joined our family 4 years ago. You were smarter than the average human and your dad would always say "if dogs went to school, my baby would be in the gifted class!" Muff, you loved to eat and anytime someone was in the kitchen, you would always come running to make sure you got some food also! We used to say you had a "hollow leg" because you could eat all day long if we let you. You used to take your treats and hide them for days always knowing where to find them. Sometimes buried in someones closet inside a shoe or way in the back! We never know how you could remember where they were hidden as there were always so many!! You loved to go on walks with your dad and sister. Everyday you waited for him to come home and as soon as he entered the house you made sure he knew it was time to go out. All of Ian and Adam's friends loved you and you enjoyed hanging out with them in the garage at night! You were everyone's "buddy" and mommy's girl! You hated to wear clothes and actually refused to put them on. When you saw mom enter the room with something for your sister, you would immediately run away! You left us all with so many wonderful memories but yet we wish we could have made more together.

When you came to us you were only 4 months old! You were a small baby full of so much life. You had energy that could go on for days! You had such a funny personality and knew how to get what you wanted. If someone ignored you, you would start barking or growling at them and boy did they respond! You used to run through the neighborhood with your sister Bailey and when she left us you were so heartbroken. The two of you would lay in our bed and she would always lick your ears, which you seemed to really enjoy! When she left us you were 8 years old and we saw how sad you were so we decided to get you another sibling to play with. Bella came to our home and you were so welcoming. She was much smaller than you but boy did she have attitude! She didn't want you to come near her and you were so patient with her. We know she drove you crazy but rest assured that little girl loved you! She has been so sad since we lost you and all she wants to do is sleep. She walks around the house looking for you and following your scent! Muffin, we will never be able to replace you as you were one special girl! You taught us all so much and you could brighten up anyones bad day just by giving us all kisses when we needed them. We know you are now free of any pain you may have been experiencing and that is all we would want for you! I'm sure Bailey was standing at the gates waiting for you! Go run and play with her and be free again! Free to love and experience a life free of pain and suffering. We know this is not good-bye because we will meet again someday! Ri-Ri, we love you with all our hearts!! Please don't ever forget how much you are loved my sweet girl! We love you always!

Mom, Dad, Ian, Adam & Bella

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