Welcome to Rocky's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Rocky's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Rocky
Rocky came into our lives with with no hesitation, and very atypical for a Sheltie, rushed into our arms when we met for the first time. It was as if he knew that this would be his forever home. He was for us, and we for him. He loved working his sheep with a light, graceful touch. Faithful and loving, he was a special, steadfast light in our lives who will be greatly missed and never forgotten. He was always excited and eager to return home from every outing, often barking as we neared home. Never in a hurry, he was thoughtful and deliberate in everything he did. A kind and trusting soul, he was as close to human as any dog I have ever known. Taken from us much too soon by cancer, we cared for him as loving parents until called to his final home by a power greater than ours. One day, we hope to be reunited on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.
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