Welcome to Simba's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Simba
To my deerest Simba,

I miss you so much as you always use to follow me and take interest in everything I did. An adult stray I will never know your age but we had eight years of fun and happiness. You showed the other two cats how to scratch things and play with toys. Toss all the cat litter out.

Your eyes use to gaze into mine as if you knew of our special love and bond that is so precious. Your kidneys were failing and I knew you were going to die. It all happened so quickly and up until your last day you still wanted to enjoy the fresh air. Everyday without fail you would wait for me outside the front until I came home.

The last thing I can remember is that awful needle going into your arm and you crying and you looked up at me your eyes and mine and you knew what was happening then your little body was limp and you were gone but your eyes were still looking deep into mine. I miss you everyday every hour every minute every second.

You had such a wonderful spirit and personality and devoted love for me and your house. I sometimes cannot believe that you are gone. So many reminders every night as the house is quiet and the meals are eaten without fuss and the litter tray is used but not as a game.

I wish you were with me today and I wish I hadn't waited as long as I did to take you to the vet but I knew what would happen. I think you had been aging for several years and maybe I should have made some changes but you still had lots of energy and joy for life I thought you were just a bit slower. Our love is eternal and I do feel you at home sometimes until we meet at rainbow bridge my beautiful furchild I love you so much. There will always be an ache in my heart for you.
Little pickles,
May 2nd 2005 My dearest Simba, Well a few dramas here we moved house on the 28th of April and I dug your body up and placed you in this gorgeous hat box with pretty full roses. This was going to be your resting place and I would place you under a peppermint tree in our new home. However the problem is that the ground in the new place is so hard I cannot dig deep enough to put you there. So upset and worried I have been as you are just left outside but in your nice box. Daddy is very unwell and not able to dig a hole for you but he would if I told him of my problem so of course I have not told him as I know he would definitely dig you your hole. Anyway I have just been to our vet and told them of my problem and the story is that they will cremate you. I didnt want this but they will do this after several months of your passing and then place you in a pretty china heart shaped container which I will keep with me where ever I go. So thats the story and I am doing my best to take care of your earthly body which I know isnt your special spirit and I am sure you are watching over us in our new place.
Well my darling Simba I collected your lovely little urn on the 13th of May. They did a lovely job its a salmon pink and its like a teardrop shape heart and it has lovely simple words "My darling Simba love you forever" So now I can take your little urn with me wherever I go but I always know your spirit is close and my heart is forever touched by your love.
Hello my darling Simba well I have lost my Josephine which is so terrible for me to lose the two of you so close together. Did you know she was very sick????? I wonder if you sent the little white cat to us because you knew I would soon lose Josephine. Her needle was not as easy as yours we had a terrible time and she was so stressed waiting and I dont think she knew. Was she really sick?? I always knew with you how sick you were and I had no doubts but I have many with Josephine as she looked so healthy. Now my darling Simba can you help me Alexander is very mean to little Christobelle and she just needs some love. You knew what it was like being the third cat with Alexander and Josephine so close. Little Christobelle needs a friend and it wouldnt hurt Alexander to be kind with her. He has already scratched her eye and he could be very dangerous to her. I dont know how you can do it but somehow can you make him be kinder to Christobelle. Also the little white cat who we call Snowflake is rather mean to Christobelle and Alexander but of course Christobelle is easy to pick on as she is only a little kitten and very gentle. Can you make Snowflake more friendly to both the cats. I would dearly love for them to all get along. It was always so incredible that Alexander was very affectionate with you even though he had his beloved Josephine. They were very good with you and we all seemed to get along at least I hope you all got along. I hope neither Alexander or Josephine gave you any absceses. Oh I do miss you both so much you were both so affectionate and its very hard to cope without either of you. Are you with Josephine now????? Please help let our cats get along it would be much better for them and us. Watch over Christobelle because she is such a friendly cat it is so unfair that Alexander and Snowflake have attacked her. Also please dont let them take my Alexander away just yet I am not ready to lose another of my little cat family of three. I just couldnt bear it. Well goodbye for now I hope you and Josephine are ok up there. I wish I knew how old you were when you died as I feel Josephine was too young to die. love you and talk to you soon. Tell Josephine I love her. Also give Marigold some company and she had an awful end. Mummy misses her and is so sad about her that she just cannot bear to think about it. We do hope you are all happy up there. love you all
Hi there Simba, I have been reading what I have written into your residency and I am so surprised about what I have said about Snowflake being mean to Christobelle, so much has changed since I last spoke to you. Alexander has turned on the two girls and now we must keep them separate. Alexander had Christobelle pinned down and Snowflake came to her rescue like Kimba the White Lion and she fort with him and then he turned on her and had her pinned down. I came to the resue can picked up Alexander a put him into his bedroom. What are we to do???? its a real problem. Snowflake is such a gentle little girl and now even gets harrassed by Christobelle as she is not really a kitten anymore. Poor little Snowflake has cancer on her nose and ears and her eyes weep so much. We know she hasnt got that long with us but we want her to feel safe in her own home. Alexander is also unwell as you have probably seen from up there. He brings up his food often and now he is just eating the tinned tuna. He has got so skinny and he is so sad at times he calls for you and Josepine. Now he is kept out of the other part of the house and separated from Christobelle and Snowflake and he doesnt like this. Poor Alexander his life has changed so much since you and Josephine left him after being his companion for so many years. He will not accept Christobelle or Snowflake.
I dont know if there is anything you can do to help this situation???? I dont want any of our cats to get sick and leave us I am not ready to lose any more furchildren but it would be nice for all the cats to be free to go where ever they wish in the house especially as Alexander and Christobelle do not go outside. Anyway I miss you so much and I am ever greatful that you sent little Snowflake to our home I know she is much better off with us and we will do everything to help her live a happy painfree life with us and I do hope Christobelle and Snowflake become very close and good friends. Take care Simba and take care of Josephine and all the other cats passed over from our home and watch over our little furfamily now, I love you always.
Dearest Simba today is the 4th of July 2007 and my girlfriends beloved bernese mountain dog Barney died on the 28th of June please go over to him and make him feel so welcome he is very gentle and loving. My girlfriend has lost a faithful lovely protector and is missing him so. Barney go to her and he bishon in their dreams at night it will help. Also Simba have you noticed Alexander looks very frail and weak you can see it in his eyes. His body is very weak and he isnt strong any more. He cannot eat many things now but loves what we do give him and what we have found he can eat. He now eats tinned tuna and cat milk as he has stopped drinking water. He often brings up stuff and his toilets are awful. He stays close by my side but I know he is getting very weak especialy when I stroke him his whole body nearly falls to the side. I cannot let him go yet I just cannot but I dont want him to suffer so guide me to do the right thing he seems to not be in pain and he can be like this for a very long time. Also watch after Christobelle and Snowflake they are a funny pair but I really want them to be friends and enjoy their life. I miss you Simba very much and hope you stay close by myside and Alexanders side so he knows you are near. Also go to mum in her dreams as she misses you very much. Give Josephine a hug for me and for Alexander. I am glad you are both there together love you.

Welcome back my lovely Simba its the 2nd of July 2008 and I wasnt able to renew your residency and you were gone from the residance however I knew you were not lost just that I couldnt see you at this website. I wrote a letter to Ginny and she has placed you back up there with your story. Your story I will never forget but I have forgotten some of the details and I havent saved it anywhere. I thank you so much Ginny and have renewed Simbas residency for two years.
I have also seen all the beautiful visits we have had and I havent been able to access through my work. I am at my local library able to see all this. What wonderful words you have all used to help me live without Simba. I was wondering Simba did you send the Grey Cougar Kitty to us for a reason? he came to us in mid March and disappeared on the 7th of June. I thought you may have sent him to us because he needed a home and we needed his love and personality however he has since gone?? I say prayers everymorning and only yesterday I stopped leaving out food for him. I know he has another owner but was not sure of his actualy situation. I did think that maybe when a new cat comes around needing a home it seems to me another cat is ready to depart and the reason you send us a new furchild is to help us through a sad period but maybe one of our cats was unwell and the possibility was they would depart and then this somehow changed and so the Grey Cougar Kitty decided his other family was alright after all. It was so strange and I hope his is ok we had a strong connection. I am just so glad that you are back there for me to talk to you like this about all these things I need to and I will find one of your photos and get it back there as soon as I can so everyone especially me can see you looking back at me so I can retain the memory of how you looked when you lived with me. take care up there I guess you have a lot more friends if the guest list here at Rainbowbridge is anything to go by. All these furchildren grew up in a different country to the one you lived in but I guess from the sounds of it all we are all the same after all.
talk to you soon love your mummy soul mate kindred spirit and forever friend.
Hi there Simba I guess you have been watching whats been going on about the Grey Cougar Kitty. The cat haven phoned me to say that a cat has been brought in and they thought from the photos on the missing cat form that it may be him and they wanted me to identify him. So I went in and I must say it was hard to tell I would think about 90% chance it was him. He was hit by a car and died instantly apparently and not far from out place but further than usual. So I was going to collect him on Saturday and bury him under the diosma in his favourite garden. HOWEVER his real owners have claimed him and are devested. So now I am confused why did he go missing for so long (almost 2 months) when he clearly wanted to be with us?? unless his family was away and he wanted company and came to our place. Then my other theory was they had moved so maybe they didnt go far and he was trying t find us??? Then of course the other thing is that I wasnt sure if it was him/her as they thought so Grey Cougar may be still alive and living somewhere else. Either way he had a loving family that now miss him or another precious cat or Grey Cougar is fine. ITs a mystery and I doubt we will ever know the truth. His family that have positivey identified him will take him home and bury him now so I dont get a last goodbye. If it was him why did he visit us for two months every night and day and eat all him meals with us then disappear?? Take care of this cat who ever he his and if he is Grey Cougar tell him I am so sorry I didnt take him into our home. When I did he would hiss at the smell of the other cats and also I thought if I take him his other family the ones that put the red flea collar on from time to time would miss him so much and he never once said where he lived.
If only our little ones could talk Simba we could have done more. He was hit on a very busy road the one that runs at the back of the houses behind ours so I dont know. The cat haven are keeping our missing cat report incase that wasnt him and the real Grey Cougar appears. But I dont want him being brought in injured badly or dead I wish for him happiness and a healthy life with a loving family. We loved you so much Grey Cougar Kitty where ever you are with your wonderful friendly personality and love.

Love you Simba and Nanna loves you too.

mummy loves you

Please also visit Alexander, Josephine and Marigold.

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