Sparky, you became a member of our family when you were barely 8 weeks old. I loved you from the moment I held you in my arms. I watched you grow into my handsome Prince. You brought our family so much joy during your 10 1/2 years. I will be eternally grateful that I had you as my best friend over the years. I will never forget your last day with me. I was outside watching you run along the fence as your friends ran along in their yard. I even remarked how I never saw you run so fast. Little did I know it would be the last time I would see you run. You came into the house and you laid down on the den floor and let out the loudest cry I ever heard. After that whatever room I was in the rest of the day you laid on the floor next to me. You wouldn't eat or drink anything even when I brought the bowl to you. I was hoping you would recover but after a few hours we took you to the hospital emergency room. The Vet there did an x-ray and found a large mass on your spleen that burst. He said if he operated he couldn't guarantee he could get it all. I had to make the hardest decision that night to put you to sleep as I cried my heart out. I cried for weeks and still cry now 2 1/2 months later when I think of that day. I made a memorial garden for you outside our front door to the right of the steps where the rock garden is. I put a garden flag with a picture of a dog that looks like you with the word "Woof" printed on the bottom. I got a memorial stone engraved that says "Our Prince SPARKY" 2000 -- 2010. Also I put statues of a rabbit and squirrels because you used to like to chase them. SPARKY
All my Love
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