Welcome to STANLEY's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of STANLEY
What can I say? In early February, 2016 we lost Chase, a rescue beagle we adopted from Tampa Bay Beagle Rescue. The pain was so severe I did not even want to think about getting another dog...but Pat said "then who is going to go to the island with us?" Next thing I knew I was on the TBBR website looking for another rescue beagle to adopt. There I saw a tri-color beagle with black and brown ticks. He was awesome and his name was STANLEY. Chase was a brown and tan coon hound type beagle so we wanted a tri color that did not remind us as much of Chase. I immediately contacted TBBR and they told me this Stanley was being adopted by someone else. I was disappointed but continued to look in Florida for other beagle rescues. The next day I looked on the Southeast Beagle Rescue website and....you won't believe this...there was another tri color with black and brown ticks and guess what his name was? STANLEY! What are the odds of that? I thought, at first it was the same dog who had been put on both rescue websites. I called them and asked if this STANLEY was available and they said YES and told me it WAS NOT the same dog that I had seen the day before on TBBR. UNBELIEVABLE. Well, they brought him to us just about 10 days after we lost Chase. They said that, after a week, if we don't want to adopt him they would come and pick him up. Well, it was love at first sight. Chase had been more attached to my husband Pat than me but STANLEY became my boy immediately. We began a relationship that lasted over 8 years until I had to make the hard decision to send him over the RAINBOW BRIDGE yesterday after prolonged medical complications got the best of him.

Stanley's life was a miracle. As the story goes he was living under a building at a Flea Market in Lafayette, Alabama. On January 25, 2016 he was picked up as a stray by the Lafayette Animal control Center. I was told he was close to being euthanized as no owners had come to claim him. As it happens in miracles, the network of dog rescue groups who look for adoptable dogs found out that Stanley was available. The "FREEDOM WAGON" (that's what they call the (angels) people who save these dogs from euthanasia) picked up Stanley in Alabama and brought him first to Ocala at one of SEBR's foster homes. He only weighed 21 pounds at the time. He was then brought to Sarasota, FL (near us) where he tested heartworm positive. On February 4 (one day after we lost Chase) Stanley was neutered (4 years old, he was still had his boy parts:) and treated for heartworm then went to another foster home in Tampa. We got him shortly thereafter and he never left until yesterday when he went to his heavenly home.

Stanley, used to being outdoors, love to hang out under our back deck. He was a ferocious HOLE DIGGER and the yard looked like a mine field, especially under the deck and in the flower beds. He liked the feel of the cool soil and was famous for huge holes on the beach at Cayo which, many times, would be dug by the leg of the chairs knocking the person in the chair over! We gave him so many new experiences he had never had such as riding on our boat to our cabin on Cayo Costa Island. He was not in love the the transport over and back but when he got to Cayo he was in love with the mangrove swamps, long hikes with Pat and me, baying for rabbits and racoons, sea oats, and his cool mid-century "round" chair he slept in, inside the cabin. He did not, however, like walking on the hot sand up to the cabin from the beach and I don't blame him.

About two years ago Stanley was diagnosed with a thyroid problem and was put on meds. Suddenly it was like he was a young dog again. He had an enhanced sense of smell (if you can believe it could be more than he already had!) One morning we woke up and he was nowhere to be found. The fence appeared intact and no holes under it. Since we live on a busy highway I thought the worst. I notified the Missing Animals Facebook page and called the animal shelters. Nothing. Then about 3 hours later I got a call from a man who said he found Stanley about a mile away at a convenience store and it appeared he had been hit by a car. I went to get him and took him to the vet. He was ok thankfully but had some lacerations. We think he smelled a female (imagine that) and just went for it. They say beagles have 200 million sensory receptors or some unbelievable number like that! Not too long after that he developed a cough and our Vet Dr. John Taylor at Pet First Animal Hospital diagnosed with congestive heart failure. We had that pretty well under control with meds. Stanley was turning very white and slowing down a bit but that didn't stop us from taking him on a 4,700 mile camping trip to Maine and back in September 2023. . He was a champ and had so much fun. It was just what Pat and I envisioned when we got out little 19' camper. Suddenly, there was Stanley in Cape Cod, on top of Cadillac Mountain at Acadia National Park and in a restaurant with us in Bar Harbor, ME. It was so much fun. He went everywhere with us!

Then, Stanley's kidneys started to act up. Again, Dr. Taylor got the symptoms under control and life went on but Stanley was slowing down.

A little over a week ago I was awakened by hearing Stanley violently fall out of the chair beside me he slept in. He was laying upside down on the floor paddling his legs wildly. It scared me so much. This was the first of several severe seizures he had....and the beginning of my boy's ending on this earth. Dr. Taylor got the seizures under control and we ruled out the kidney issue being a trigger for the seizures. This pointed to a neurological issue. So it was not just day by day, it was now hour by hour taking care of him, making sure he was ok. He was ok and still eating well, taking his walks, even up to two days ago. But then it all went south day before yesterday. He started having these facial seizures where he would salivate profusely, shake his head and try to swallow his tongue. Then he stopped eating and could barely walk. He forgot who I was and became very paranoid yelping when I'd get close to him. With Pat away and me home taking care of him by myself I knew I had to be strong and make the big decision with the advice of God and Dr. Taylor. Yesterday we made the call together. I held Stanley in my arms and felt his soul pass into the heavens. I needed to be with him more then than ever. I was hugging him for all of our family and friends who have been his guardians on this earth.

Thank you if you've read down this far. We will not be getting another dog this time. Pat and I have already discussed it. It is too hard to lose them and we just can't go through it again.

Stanley...I will miss your VELVET EARS, the sound of your click click click toenails on the wood floors following me around the house, up and down the stairs and yet, even into the bathroom. You never left my side, you are my sweet boy and I love you so much. Gosh, you are not by me now, everywhere I go there are reminders of you, your many Victorian sofas you slept on, the cool spots on the floor when it was hot. Just think, you don't have to be afraid of the thunder storms and fireworks anymore! You are over the RB with Chase (bet you can share stories!) and Sadie and Inky the black cat. You are laid to rest with our other pets who we have loved over the years.

Well, I may think of more later but I will just leave it with you now and tell you that

YOU RESCUED US not the other way around!

We love you hound dog, bubba, STANLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I love you boy, you are always right by my side. We will walk on the beach soon side by side,.

your loving Mom....margi

P.S. It has been a few days now since Stanley passed. There are just some things I can't remove from the house yet, like his water bowl. I continue to put fresh water in it and place it where he drank. His fluffy bed is still on the sofa downstairs. Each evening I take his collar and leash and we go on our walk in the back yard then I visit his grave and pray. Gosh, what a mess I am!

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