Welcome to Sweetpea's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Sweetpea
well, it's over. He gave us a last little pee waiting in the doctors office (so like him to have the last word).
And then he stood on his hind feet and was hugging me. It was very bizarre, as he had never done that before....for like 15 minutes. It was almost like he was saying 'Dad, it's ok. I'll be fine."
........he went so peacefully that I didn't know he was gone.......
We sat with him after for awhile.

He had the softest fur and the sweetest face. I rescued him from the streets of Detroit, later flew him to California when I moved. He was happy, grumpy, curious, aloof.....and one of the best friends I have ever had.
He had a habit of standing there, and suddenly falling to his side with a loud "thump" announcing to the world that it was time to play.
I will miss him deeply. He was 17 years old when he passed.

Until we meet again, my friend. And yes, I'll bring the dental floss.

June 16, two days since you left us. We miss you so much Sweedles, and never stop thinking about you.

June 21, one week since you left us. We miss you so much. Last night I felt you jump on the bed at about 12AM, and then jump off at 6AM. We see your shadows, we hear your meows. You are always in our thoughts......

June 28, 2006......you've been gone two weeks. I miss you so much. I just want to hold you once more. I think the Human League said it best:

June 14, 2012, 6 years since you left us. I just can't believe it's been 6 years.

I only knew you for a while
I never saw your smile
til it was time to go
Time to go away (time to go away)

Sometimes its hard to recognise
Love comes as a surprise
And its too late
Its just too late to stay
Too late to stay

We`ll always be together
However far it seems
(love never ends)
We`ll always be together
Together in electric dreams

Because the friendship that you gave
Has taught me to be brave
No matter where I go i`ll never find a better prize
(find a better prize)
Though youre miles and miles away
I see you every day I dont have to try
I just close my eyes, I close my eyes

Well always be together
However far it seems
(love never ends)
Well always be together
Together in electric dreams

August 1, 2006 six weeks since you left us. This was the first trip we came home from where you were not there. It was very sad, and so silent. You are so missed my little friend.

Aug 18, 2006 I still see you now and then. I swear you ran down the hall last night. It is so quiet without you. You are so loved.

Aug 20, 2006 Hi Sweedles, I was blessed today. I cleaned my office and found about 25 pictures of you I had forgotten I had, so I can make a little album now. We miss you so much. When I vacumned today, I found some of your fur, and I lost it totally. I hope you've made some good new friends. I love you, baby.

Aug 29, 2006 Hi Sweetpea, I saw a cat who looked just like you Saturday, except he was black where you were gray. It's so lonely here without you. I wish I could hug you once more, or play with you with the dental floos, and heck, I'd even let you bite me. Play nicely with the other ones up there, as they may not be as forceful as you.......and don't give the School Marm look, they may not understand.

Dec 10- Our first Christmas without you. It's been tough, but we welcomed a new member into the family today, Fenwyck, a beautiful 2yr old grey-black tabby.
He is so loving, and needed a home, so we brought him home.
I hope you are doing well up there. Remember you are loved, and we miss you every day. Merry Christmas, baby!

June 13- Tomorrow it is a year since you left us. I can't believe it's been a year, and you are still as missed and loved as ever. I know you are finally happy, and not afraid anymore, but it is still painful without you. rest in peace my little Old Man. We love you.

August 7- Not sure why, but I felt you around me today. For a moment, I forgot you were gone.
We think about you often, and tell Fenwyck about your exploits.
You were such a joy, and will always be our Sweetpea.

June 14, 2008- It's been two years, and I still cry when I see this page. We miss you so much. You were such a joy to me. We love you.

May 18, 2009- I can't believe it's almost 3 years since you left us. In the past year I've lost both my mom and dad, and I hope you've run into them. My dad would really appreciate your craziness. They may have a tiny little dog with them, mean as hell, but you show him who's boss.
I'm convinced I felt you jump on the bed twice one night that we had Fenwyck boarded. I know it was you....you had a certain way of jumping up and running across the bed.
I have to get more pictures of you up here.
We love you and miss you, my little Sweetpea.

June 24, 2009- Three years you've been gone my friend, and not a day goes by that we don't think of you. Just wanted to say we love you, miss you, and feel you around us always.

June 14, 2010- Four years, hard to believe it's been that long since I held you. You are still missed so very much, but now you have my mom and dad to care for you. I hope all is well, and you are happily welcoming others to the Bridge. I just can't believe it's been four years....

July 29, 2010- Been thinking about you recently. Just wanted you to know.

June 3, 2011- Missing you, my friend. I especially miss the way you'd just fall over on your side, announcing to the world that you were ready to play. Have you seen my parents up there? My dad would have loved you...and I'm sure you could have won Mom over. Fenwyck says hi...I think you would have liked him, although he would have led you down the "let's tick them off" road.
I cleaned the filter in the AC a few days ago....there was a bunch of your fur...brought back fond memories. Love you, buddy.

June 14, 2012- It's been 6 years. So hard to believe it's been that long, and so much has happened. The world is just not the same without you. But I know you are in a better place, not in pain, and less confusion. We plod on. You will always be our Sweetpea.

June 13, 2013- Hard to believe it's been 7 years tomorrow. There are times when I can feel you near. We think of you often, love you and miss you.

June 14, 2014- 8 years ago we said goodbye to you, my little Sweetpea. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done. Miss you, love you.

June 2, 2015- Almost 9 years ago you left us. I still get emotional thinking about you. You made my life better.

June 14, 2016- 10 years since you left us. I was remembering how you used to scratch and bite, and I missed it. You are still loved my little Pea.

June 14, 2017- 11 years have passed. I remember how you would jump on the bed and plop down next to my leg when I was sleeping, and not leave no matter what. Fenwyck now has diabetes, 2 shots a day. Steve and I laugh how you would have been a terror to give those shots to. Miss you my friend.

June 14, 2018- 12 years little man...and still I feel the pain of losing you. You were a terror, and you were a sweetheart. Miss you, my friend.

June 14, 2019- 13 years ago you left us and we still miss you. Fenwyck is getting up there in years and may join you in the next few years. Please show him the ropes. Miss you, Sweetpea, and love you.

June 14, 2020- 14 years since you crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We love you and miss you. I still tear up when I think of you.

June 10, 2021- 15 years since you left us. The night before last night, Fenwyck crossed over Rainbow Bridge. We are heartbroken, but know you will go find him and welcome him and show him around. I think you two will like each other. We've had two of the best cats ever, and knowing you will be together makes it easier to deal with both losses. We always love and miss you, Sweetpea.

May 31, 2023- You have now been gone as many years as you lived. I cannot believe it has been 17 years since you crossed the Rainbow Bridge. We miss you so much. I hope you and Fenny are friends. Know that we love and miss you.

June 10, 2024- 18 years...18 years since you left. We miss you, and hope you and Fenwyck are running around together. I pictures both of you as healthy and perfect. We love you, miss you, and think of you often.

Please also visit Fenwyck.

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