Welcome to Tashi's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Tashi's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Tashi
And if I go, while you are still here...
Know that I still live on,
Vibrating to a different measure,
Behind a thin veil that you cannot see through.
You will not see me, so you must have faith.
I will wait there for the time when we can soar together again, both aware of each other.
Until then, live your life to the fullest.
And when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart,
...I will be there.

Wow! Moms, you wouldn't believe how beautiful Home is! One minute I was looking through the mist and then I saw the most beautiful Rainbow and a Bridge. On the other side of the Bridge Katy and BG were beckoning me to join them along with other kitties..Nina, Joe, Maxine and so many others including Friskie Moolie Moo and all of Sidni's furbabies. And there were doggies too, Jamie and Daffodil, Benny, Amy, Koby, Butch and so many others. I wasn't afraid though. I started walking and looked back and couldn't see my back legs and then I realized that I was walking just like I used to. I started to run with purpose just like I used to, and within seconds I was between Katy and BG, and they were giving me all kinds of whisker kisses and welcoming me Home.

I looked back kinda' wistfully 'cuz I didn't see you coming with me, and Katy said, "It's all right. They'll be along in a little while. In the meantime we're going to be their special angels" and then I saw my beautiful angel wings just like theirs. Thank you for helping me come to this most beautiful place. No more insulin for diabetes...no more methimazole for hyperthyroidism...no more dragging my back legs...no more arthritis of the spine. I'm young again and can run and play. Thank you for taking such good care of me while I was with you. I couldn't have had better mommies.

There were three others at the Bridge to meet me...St. Francis, my gorgeous guardian angel and Bastet, the Queen of all kitties. I feel so privileged. Please don't feel so sad. I miss you both too but we'll be together again, and in the meantime I'll hold you in my kitty heart and you hold me in your mommy hearts and all is well.

Please tell Dr. Ballard and Michele that what they did for me was to release me from my body which was so very tired, and I went to sleep just like always, with my head on your hand and thigh, Mommy Clare, and woke up here! That was so neat. Thank Dr. B and Michele for me, 'k?

Well, I think I'll take a nap now in the lap of my guardian angel. Well, maybe not the lap but alongside with my head on her lap. It's so peaceful here. And there must be a pair of athletic shoes here somewhere to use as a pillow sometimes! You know how much I love athletic shoes!

6/13/13 at 1:51 p.m. To all our loving friends and family who stood with us through our Tashi's passing, please know how much we love you and cherish your friendship and caring. She slipped away so peacefully at 12:30 p.m. One of our dear friends said that if the passing is peaceful, then it was meant to be. And so it was! She was so tired. We couldn't ask her to stay with us here any longer. We know that one day we'll be together again with the most gorgeous kitty of da' world, our precious Tashi (chocolate chip punkin cookie), Katy (sugar cookie) and our BG (Da' Beej) and there will be no more separation. Their sweet presences fill our hearts and home, and the newest angel is tucked deep in our hearts forever and always.

To Dr. Ballard and Michele, thank you for coming to our home and helping our precious little girl go Home. It means more than you know. God bless you both for your compassionate caring.

And to one and all, we love you soooooo much, and we will all be together again with our precious ones one day in God's time. Until then, rest well, little ones...we love you to the moon and back. Your mommies

6/14/13 - You have many dear friends who have signed your book and love you very much. When I, Mommy Clare, got up this morning, I went looking for you to say "This is the day that God has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Mommy loves you and God loves you and that's the best." And I couldn't find you. Then I looked in my heart and there you are! Your sweet presence, along with Katy's and BG's, fill our hearts and home with comfort. Just remember that you are loved forever and always and we'll all be together when it's time. We love you with all our hearts, all three of you. Your mommies

6/20/13 - Dearest Tashi, you've been at the Bridge for a week, and we still look for you to come from your bedroom, walking so purposefully. Sometimes I, Mommy Clare, still thinks she sees you rabbit kicking your mouse and pummel pillow. We know that you are safe and well and running and playing with Katy and BG, Sophie, and so many other friends whom you've met there. Please watch over us with Katy and BG, and know that you're thought of each and every day, loved and missed, and remember that we'll be together again one day forever and always. You are loved and treasured, sweet chocolate chip punkin cookie, the most gorgeous kitty of da' world. Your mommies

6/26/13 - Sweetest Little Girl, you've been at the Bridge for two weeks and it seems like so much more. You are cherished and loved and while we know that you are with Katy and BG, you are missed by us. You are our 3 Musketeers, watching over us and loving us and filling our home with your sweet presence. We love you and thank you for gracing our home for those 13 precious years. We'll all be together again one day....promise. In the meantime, run and play and know that you are loved to the moon and back. Your mommies

7/4/13 - Our sweet girl, you've been there for 3 weeks now, and it seems much longer. This is your Freedom Day to celebrate being free of all physical limitations and to run and play with Katy and BG and all the others. Please know that you are missed and that we love you with all our hearts. There will come a day when we'll all be together again, and it will be the grandest day of all. Stay close to Katy and BG and know that we love our 3 Musketeers so much. You are deeply loved and you're still the most gorgeous kitty of da' world. Your mommies

7/11/13 - Precious Tashi, it's hard to believe that you have been at the Bridge for a month. We brought you home yesterday and we'll be tucking you into your urn today. We know that your sweet spirit is in such a beautiful place with Katy and BG and many others, and we know that your loving presence is right here with us too. You are sorely missed and dearly loved and will be for all time and into eternity when we're all together again. We love you, sweet Chocolate Chip Punkin Cookie. Thank you so much for bringing Callie and Blackie to us. They will never take your place or Katy's or BG's but we will love them for who they are. We will see you 3 Musketeers again one day. In the meantime know that you are the most gorgeous kitty of da' world. You are loved and cherished always. Your mommies

8/1/13 - Doris very graciously had your portrait done for us by a friend in Florida. It is pawsitively gorgeous, and it is at the framer's now. It will help us remember you in such a very special way. You are forever and always in our hearts and thoughts. We love you sooooo much, all the way to the moon and stars and past the planets and back again. We know that you are safe and full of health and that special Tashi walk with such purpose. We will all be together again one day with you, Katy and BG. In the meantime, please watch over your family here and know that you are a treasure beyond measure. You are loved. Your mommies

12/1/13 - Dearest Tashi, this is your very first Christmas at the Bridge, and you are missed by your family here. We know you're with BG and Katy and that all is well. Your loving presence is felt every day, and that is the greatest gift you could give us. Take in all the good food at the Christmas banquet, gaze with wonder at the gold and silver trees, enjoy the warmth of the fire in the fireplace, look at the snow gently falling outside your window, and know that your mommies love you with all our hearts. Watch over your family here and know that you are the best present we could ever have. You are dearly loved always, and we'll see you again one day, our Chocolate Chip Punkin Cookie, our Tashi.....Your mommies

12/29/13 - Soon it will be 2014, and we want you to know that as the New Year dawns, we'll be thinking about you, Katy and BG, knowing that you can feel our love. You are so much with us in our hearts, and we love you to the moon and back. You are watching over us and we feel your sweet presence each and every day. You are our Tashi Tortie Furpurrson, our Chocolate Chip Punkin Cookie, forever our Tashi, and we'll be together again one day, we promise. You are loved forever and always. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

6/13/14 - Sweet Tashi Tortie Furpurrson, this will be your first anniversary at the Bridge, and your mommies miss and love you so much. Thank you for bringing Jackie and Callie to us, and we know that you and Katy and BG all had a paw in that! We just want you to know that as you enjoy your banquet along with all the other kitties and doggies who crossed the Bridge with you a year ago, that you are loved, cherished, held in our hearts, and that we will see you again one day, and we'll never be parted. Tashi, our precious Chocolate Chip Punkin Cookie, you are loved to the moon and beyond and back. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

12/25/14 - Merry Christmas, sweetest girl, our chocolate chip punkin' cookie. You are truly cherished and loved at Christmas and always. Enjoy this beautiful season and know that one day we'll be together again forever. We love you! Your mommies and sisters here, Callie and Jackie

6/13/15 - Beloved Tashi Chocolate Chip Punkin' Cookie, this is your 2nd anniversary at the Bridge, and we still think of you all the time and love you so much. The banquet will be grand, and we know that BG and Katy will be on either side of you at the feast and that all of our other precious ones will be there, along with all the others who crossed the Bridge today. Just know that we feel your presence with us here and that one day when we make our final journey Home, we'll all be together again. You are loved and cherished to the moon and back. We love you soooooo much! Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

12/2/15 - Sweetest Tashi, it's almost Christmas, and you are so loved. Please be our Christmas angel and watch over us. You are in our hearts always. We love you. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

3/6/16 - Thank you, dearest Tashi, for helping Callie and Jackie to adjust so quickly to their new home. We love you and one day we'll be together again, sweet chocolate chip punkin' cookie. Your mommies and sisters, Jackie and Callie

6/13/16 - Dear sweet Tashi Tortie Furpurrson, this is your 3rd anniversary at the Bridge. It doesn't seem possible that you have been gone from us in purrson for 3 years. You are always in our hearts and at special times like your anniversary, we hold you so close and cherish your love. You be sure to eat lots of good food at the banquet set for you and all those who crossed the Bridge on June 13th. Katy and BG will be right there with you, and the rest of our precious ones will be there too, and don't be afraid of the big cats like Marjan the lion. They all love you too. Just please watch over your family here, feel our love always and know that we'll all be together again one day. We love you surely to the moon and beyond and back again. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

12/25/16 - Dearest Tashi, it's Christmas, the season of Love and Light. You are always in our hearts and we look forward to being with you again. You are truly loved by your mommies and your sisters, Jackie and Callie

6/13/17 - Beloved Tashi, today is your 4th anniversary at the Bridge. You are loved and missed and always tucked deep in our hearts. Eat lots of good food at the banquet and we know Katy and BG are there with you along with our other precious ones. Please continue to watch over your family here, know that we love you to the moon and back, and one day we'll all be together again. We love you sooooo much. Your mommies and your sister here, Callie and Jackie

12/25/17 - Happy Christmas, Sweetie. You are forever with us and one day we'll be with you there where all is Love, Light, and Peace. You are cherished always. Your mommies and sisters here

6/13/18 - Sweetest little Tashi, today is your 5th anniversary at the Bridge, and we want you to remember that you are always loved and cherished and in our hearts. Be sure to enjoy the magnificent banquet with all the others who crossed the Bridge today, and we know that Katy and BG and all our other precious ones are right there with you. You watch over us with so much love and one day we'll be together again forever. You are truly loved to the moon and back. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

9/8/18 - Just remember that you are forever loved and that we'll be together again one day. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

12/25/18 - Merry Christmas, our precious one. Enjoy all the lights and most of all the peace, love and joy. We'll be together again one day. We love you so much. Your mommies and sisters here

6/13/19 - Beloved Tashi, you are celebrating your 6th anniversary at the Bridge with Katy and BG and our other precious ones by your side. The banquet is all ready and we know everything is magnificent. We love you so much and miss you and we'll all be together again one day at the Bridge. Please watch over us until then with your love and know that we love you to the moon and back. Your mommies and your sisters here, Jackie and Callie

12/25/19 - Happy Christmas, beloved Tashi. It's beautiful there and there is so much Love. Be with Callie, please, as this is her first Christmas at the Bridge. Snuggle her and know that as you do, you are snuggled in our hearts. We'll be together again one day forever. You are loved always. Your mommies and sister, Jackie

6/13/20 - Dearest, sweetest Tashi, this is your 7th anniversary at the Bridge with Katy and BG and Callie and our other beloveds right there with you to share in the banquet and all the good foodies. You are missed always and forever loved, tucked deep in our hearts and living in our memories until we're together again. You are truly our Tashi Tortie Furperson and our Sweet Chocolate Chip Punkin' Cookie, loved to the moon and back. You are truly loved. Your mommies and sister, Jackie

12/25/20 - Merry Christmas, sweetest Tashi. You are surrounded by Love and Light and Peace. Know that you are loved and we'll be together again. You are loved to infinity and beyond. Your mommies and Jackie

6/13/21 - Dearest Tashi, Tortie Furpurrson, this is your 8th anniversary at the Bridge, and we know you are running and playing with all the kitties and doggies and chasing butterflies and, yes, climbing trees! You are in our hearts always and forever, and one day we'll be together again. You are loved to infinity and beyond. Your mommies

12/25/21 - Happy Christmas, dearest Tashi. We love you so much and miss you, and yet we know you live in Love and Light. Please stay with Jackie because it's her first Christmas there. Thank you. Just remember that you loved to infinity and beyond, forever and always. We'll be together again for sure. Love you, your mommies Clare and Martha

6/13/22 - Beloved Tashi, this is your 9th anniversary at the Bridge and this year your Mommy, Martha, is with you and our other beloveds there. You are in my heart and I love you to infinity and beyond. We'll be together again one day for sure. Love you so much. Your mommy Clare

12/25/22 - Merry Christmas, sweet Tashi Tortie Fur Purrson. You're loved and tucked deep in my heart. Love you to infinity and beyond. Be with your mommy Martha. Love you, your mommy Clare

6/13/23 - Sweetest Tashi, my chocolate chip punkin' cookie, here it is, your 10th anniversary at the Bridge. Please remember that I love you so much and that we'll all be together again one day and you'll be walking that purposeful walk you have. I am blessed with precious memories of you and all my beloveds there. Love you to infinity and beyond. Your mommy, Clare

12/25/23 - Happy Christmas, beloved Tashi. You are truly loved and tucked deep in my heart. Love you to infinity and beyond. Your mommy Clare

6/13/24 - Dearest Tashi Tortie Furpurrson, this is your 11th anniversary at the Bridge. You are tucked deep in my heart forever and loved so very much. Your mommy Clare

Please also visit Callie, Chucky, GW, Jackie, Jimmy, Katy, KITTEN ANGELS, Lady Grace, Marjan, Michael Patrick, Mittens, Nina, Ohio Majestic Ones, Owlie and WhiteKitty.

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