Welcome to Taz-Mahoney's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Taz-Mahoney
A girl from work asked me to come look at her plants at home, I went over and this ball of fur ran towards me. I sat down on the couch and he ran and jumped and put each of his paws around my neck like a hug. I was smitten. She needed to leave him behind so I took him. I loved him so much and he loved me. He would strut his stuff when in a pet store tho he was only 13 pounds, he would go up to the big dogs and want to show them he was bigger. He was beautiful with black eyes, but when he died, his eyes were so blue due to blindness. Every day was a story with Taz, into everything, eating everything in sight. A few scares where he ate things and I thought I was going to lose him and now he is gone due to human error. When I found him panting, I knew he was overheated and tried to cool him, but it was too late, the dog walker had walked him too long in the heat. I tried to cool him off but to no avail. I rushed him to the hospital. Nothing they did helped. I held him in my lap and put my hand near his face, he could not see it but he could feel it and put his paw up and hit my hand (a game we used to play). His head laid limply in my arms so I called the Doc to let him go and we laid him on the table with me still holding him while they gave him the drug to put him to sleep. My baby was gone. From the time of the walk to his death was 7 hours, way tooo fast to say goodbye. He was 12 years old and still had many good years left. I am so sorry baby boy. He loved everyone and anyone who met him loved him including my other dog who is now grieving over him too. His name is Taz but because he was so silly at times I started calling him Mahoney, don't know why but I did. It is too hard to write much more this just happened two days ago. Keep smiling TAZ and make everyone else smile, that is what you were good at. You may have been small, but you filled my heart and my home. Both seem empty now without you.

It has been four days baby boy, I can't sleep because I can't hear you snoring. Max is missing you too. When your ashes come in both Max and I will wear a heart with the ashes. I am not really eating because you are not here to share it. You were my little Tazmanian devil weren't you? Keep smiling baby.

Hi baby boy, hope you are having a great time with all the friends you have made. Have they told you to be quiet yet? I just wanted to let you know, your favorite area in the backyard is getting fixed up with a big heart and your name. It is a dedicated area for just you. If you have time to visit, come and visit it, I think you will really enjoy it. Also, like you were before, there is a little guy named Chip that needs rescuing, I don't think you would mind much if I take him in. He is older like you, and he needs a home. I am waiting a few weeks before I get him though. If you can Taz, give Momma a sign that it is OK to take Chip in and give him a home. Miss you sweetie.

7/10/12 1 wk today my boy you left us. Max is still looking in the yard for you, he can't find you. I don't think it will be long before he comes to you. I miss you my little Taz with the smile. It is so empty without you, not only at home, but in my heart. I know you are better off now, I just wish we could have had more time. Diana says she is sorry for what she did, she did not know the heat could hurt you so bad that quickly. I hate what she did, but I do know she does feel really sorry. Send some snores my boy so I can sleep to the music of your snoring. Do you hear our native music baby boy? Will love you forever my sweet. Smile and keep an eye out for your brother, I don't think it will be long.

Taz, I wrote Jill, remember Jill? She was your mommy before me and she is sad too baby boy, this is what she said, "You gave him such a wonderful life these past 8 years. I still am grateful that you opened your heart and home to him - he was definitely your little man! He kept me company during one of the darkest periods in my life, saw me through my divorce & kept me uplifted throughout it all with his antics. He was one spunky character! I will miss him, a place in my heart will forever now be empty, waiting until we rejoin him across that rainbow bridge. If you could measure the amount of love he gave and received in turn, it would span continents". She loved you too baby boy. Also, I got your paw print today from the hospital, that was nice of them to do that for us. Keep smiling baby boy.

7/20/12 Hi baby boy, I know it has been awhile, Mama has been gone and when I came home last night the emptiness came flooding back. We are all having a hard time. I have to go pick up your ashes today and I can't stop crying. I miss you baby boy. I take Max on walks and it is so odd not to have you on the other side of me. You loved your walks so much, how ironic that is what took your life. Baby boy, you walk all you want now and there will be no suffering from it. Smile baby boy. Also, I am trying to get a better picture of you to put on your memorial.

7/27/12 - Taz, I could not figure out where I got the name Mahoney from, I remember I called you that when you did something silly, well I found out. When I was little there was this guy Paul Winchell on TV and he had a dummy he called Jerry Mahoney, Jerry Mahoney always made me laugh, just like you did Taz. So without knowing it, I related you to something in my life as a kid that just made me so happy - like you my little guy. Love and miss you baby boy. I pray you are happy.

Hi baby boy, it has been a while, it does not mean I miss you less, it just hurts so much to write to you. I miss you sweetheart and wish we had more time together. Mama won't be long, so stand by the bridge and watch for me, but play too and bark as loud as you like. I miss the bark Tazzy, I miss your little bottom wagging since you don't have a tail to wag. I will write again soon, miss you
baby boy.

Hi baby boy, know it has been a while, I miss you Taz, I get so angry when I think of how you died. It hurts, but it cannot hurt me as much as you hurt on that day. I am so sorry baby boy. You were a present from God and I guess he thought it was time for your return. I just want to wish you Merry Christmas Taz. It has been 5 months and the tears keep flowing. Love you baby boy. Also, Momma wears your ashes around her neck so you are always with me.

Hi baby boy, well did you greet your brother? He is there with you. He looked so sad for such a long time, and then he took some medicine from the Dr. and it made him worse and it was time Taz, so Maxi is with you, tell him I love him, and remember baby boy, I love you too. Take care of Maxi for me. Miss you both.

Today is the one year anniversary of your death baby boy, my heart is heavy and I still miss your yappy bark. You were such a good watch dog. I hope you are enjoying your new life. Are you taking care of your big brother? I have not done a memorial for him yet as it hurts too much. I know you will take care of him and help him to adjust. Kisses to you both and a big bone to chew on. Love you guys.

Hi baby boy, long time since I have been here, though I still cry all the time. It has been almost 2 years and I miss you. I miss your brother too, but have not done a memorial yet for him, too hard with both of you gone. Just wanted to say hi sweet boy. Run like the wind guys.

Hi baby boy, I still cry for you and it has been almost 2 years. I miss you Mahoney, hope you are having fun with Maxi and you two are running like the wind. I have Chip, and he is special too, but had I not had you, I would not have seeked him out. Never would I had thought I wanted a little dog, and once you were gone I missed you so badly I went and got another schip, he does not take your place or Maxi's place but he is company when I sit and cry from missing both of you. Love you baby boy, tell your brother I miss him too and cry for him too. You two were such a big part of my life and always will be.

Hi boys, Taz and Max, are you two running wild having a ball? Taz are you attacking Max and making your Tazmanian devil sounds? Miss you two, Tazzy, I am glad Maxi is with you now, he missed you so badly, and he too suffered from that walk your aunt gave you, it just took him longer to succumb to it. You both and walk and run to your little hearts content and Mom will see you on the bridge soon. Love you two and miss you terribly.

I miss you guys, Maxi sorry never put a memorial together for you, but you are with your brother so I can talk to both of you. Miss you guys, watch over us and Tazzy don't bully Maxi he is 3 times your weight.
Time goes by so fast, Taz u have both your brothers with you now. Poor Chip had a heart attack while I was at work, Tazzy give him a big hug and run like the wind with him and Maxi, I miss all 3 of you, miss you guys, see you soon .

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