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Memories of Tia
"Tia" 5-8-93 to 4-5-06

My son Michael brought Tia home on May 8th 1993. I was not particularly fond of the idea. My first impression was "no pets" Michael was going off to graduate school and said she will only be here for a couple of months and he would be taking her. It did not take long before I fell madly in love with her. He would come home and find her asleep on my chest or she would be at one end of the sofa and I would be at the other. When he finally left for school I was sad. I would dog sit and give her all the treats that Michael insisted I don't give her. Eventually Michael realized she would be better off with us because of his schedule. So she officially became ours at the age of a year and a half.

She brought so much joy into this house. I remember coming home one day and found her out of her crate just lying on the sofa. I could not figure how the heck she got out. After watching her for a while we saw her take her teeth and slide the lock open and push the gate and get out So we had to push the crate up to a wall so she would not disappear. When my Father was alive he used to get the biggest kick out of watching her escape. It was like a game we would say "kennel up" she would get in the crate and sit there until we said "okay you can come out now" and she would slide the lock and escape. My father laughed so hard.It brings a smile to my face when I think of both of them.

She was a warm, friendly, affectionate loving dog. She made us laugh. I have so many fond memories of her. I will miss the side-to-side tilt of her head when you talked to her or the way she jumped on the bed and nudged the covers for you to lift them to crawl down to the bottom. She loved to lie on her back while her Dad had a rope bone in her mouth and dragged her around the dining room table. After she had dinner she whined for her desert, a frosty paw, she knew she was supposed to have one. On the day of my daughter's graduation from college we were having a party; I had ordered a large sheet cake with the school colors on it. I had placed the cake high up on a bar table and ran out to pick up a ballooon bouquet. When I returned Tia was sitting in a corner with a smug look; when I went into the kitchen she had managed to jump up on the bar and chew the cake from end-to-end. At first I was horrifed but then all I could do was chuckle. It was very difficult to get mad at Tia. Needless to say the cake was not touched by anyone.

Pulling into the driveway is especially difficult because she would always run to the window looking for me with that wiggly butt and stubby tail. I so miss that. If I had a miserable day in work it would all disappear when she greeted me with those big sloppy kisses as if to say "I am so glad you are home".

I know I was blessed to have had her for 13 years, although not long enough for me. She made me laugh with joy and and at times cry with worry. She started to have seizures and was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She was medicated with anti-seizure meds and had 4 more months before they returned with a vengeance. I held my precious baby till she breathed her last breath. The pain of losing her was unbearable but I still wouldn't have traded all those years for anything . I adored her, still do. I would like to think she is with my Father and that they are both happy and healthy and that maybe one day we will all meet again. We will always love you and miss you. Till we meet again Dad and Mom

December 2006
Our first Christmas without Tia and it is still painful. We miss her as much today as the day she left. She will always will be remembered and loved. I have so many fond memories that I will forever treasure.
12-24-06 Christmas Eve and Michael has surprised us with another boxer, Sascha. She is 12 weeks old and adorable. She does not like the cold weather and wants to cuddle with someone all the time. It is nice to have another boxer to cuddle with. I hope she brings us as much joy as Tia did. Tia will always remain in our hearts.

February 2007: 10 months since Tia left us and not a day goes by that I don't think of her at some point during the day. Sasha is 4 1/2 months old and she does help to fill the void after Tia left. I cannot believe it coming up almost 1 year; so hard to believe. I am grateful for the many years I had Tia in my life. I will cherish the many wonderful memories we had with her. She will forever remain in our hearts

4-5-07 It is so hard to believe one year has passed since you left; it seems like just a couple of months ago you were here. You are always in my thoughts. I sometimes smile when I think of some of the funny things you did but oh how I still ache to have you here. I miss that sweet face, always glad to see me when I came home. People in the neighborhood still comment about how good you were outside, the way you never would cross the street unless we said it was okay.

We have Sascha now who is 6 months old and a little terror but she does have a lot of your traits. She does the same thing with the blankets as you did trying to get under them and crawl down to the bottom of the bed. She, like you, is also very effectionate. Sascha will never replace you but she sure helps to fill the void that was left after you went. We will always love you.

December 2007
Our second Christmas is here without Tia. We still miss her so much. She will always hold a special place in our hearts. Sascha is now 15 months old and does a lot of things the same as Tia did. Sascha has helped to fill the void we felt without Tia.

It is so hard to believe you have been gone for 2 years. These 2 years have flown by. I still miss that sweet face with your lovable disposition; I miss those sloppy kisses. I never imagined that I could still be tearful after this much time has passed. You were special and I'll never, ever forget you.

so long since I have come to write anything and it is not because I have forgotten you, that would never happen. Time has helped the pain subside; it is when I come to this site that I get teary eyed all over again. I cannot believe it will be coming up 4 years since you've been gone, how time just rushes by. I still miss that beautiful face and big sloppy kisses, you will always be remembered and adored.

Wow 5 years later!! hard to believe all this time has passed. I don't come as often as I once did but Tia is never forgotten. I now can deal better with the sadness of her passing which I never thought would happen, although I still miss her. It is true when they say time heals. I miss you.........

I just came to visit as I have not been doing it very often. Meghan got a boxer named "Oscar" and boy he looks just like you, I cry every time I see him because it is like looking at you when you were a pup. God I still miss you; so much time has gone by and I still get teary eyed when I visit this site. I will never forget you and wish you could be here.

Hard to believe it has been 6 years....... I still miss that sweet face, great disposition and the happy wiggly butt when I came home. So many fond Memories

I know it has been a long time since I have written but it does not mean I forgot you. Today is your birthday, so many years have passed. I still cannot fathom you were born 24 years ago. How great would it be if we could have our pets as long as humans. We never forgot you, never will. I still smile about some of your antics. After all these years it still pains me your gone. Both you and Sascha were very special, very loved and adored. My heart is broken and empty without both of you..........we love you both to the moon and back💜💜💜💜

It's been too long since I visited but know you're still remembered and loved. I always think of your sweet face and wonderful disposition, I'll never, ever forget you. We'll love you to the moon & back 🌸💝

Tia girl, this photo always warms my heart, every time I see it I remember the day so well, you loved lounging on the deck. It still amazes me that it was 30 years ago you were born. If only our beloved pets could live the years humans live. You're never forgotten and always remembered with so much love. ♥️♥️♥️


It's hard to believe you've been gone 18 years. We always remember the joy and laughter you brought into this home. If only we could have our pets for many more years. We have so many fond memories of the joy you brought to so many. I'm blessed to have beautiful photos of you. We will always remember you, smile when we reminisce and cry when we think of your loss. I still see you in my dreams, you were so loved. Run free sweet girl💕💕💕

Please also visit Sascha.

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