Welcome to Tiki's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Tiki's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Tiki
Our sweet Tiki was the most loyal dog, he knew when we were feeling down. He read our emotions so well and always made sure he was there to comfort us or make us laugh. He loved to be outside, smelling the flowers, chewing on sticks and swimming in our pool. He loved the pool so much....he would jump in and swim into the deep end in circles. We always had to tell him to "get out and take a break" He was an excellent big brother to Kona and Chase. He was very special to me, we been through a lot together. He moved 4x with me, each time with a big smile on his face ready for our next chapter in life. He was so accepting when I brought a 1 year old golden home named Lulu...It was the best thing for him as they turned out to be best friends, she gave him a run for his money. WE lost Lulu suddenly and Tiki knew how upset we were, once again he was there for us, as we were for him. I miss his loud boisterous barking when he demanded attention or wanted to play. I will miss everything about him.....he was my sweet Tiki Bear. I hope he is at the Rainbow Bridge with Cuffs and Lulu waiting for me. I will love you forever Tiki, you truly were a gentle and kind soul.......Love, your Mommy

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