I had nothing prepared as such to describe my cherished friend. and my feeble words will not do him justice, words could never describe what he meant to me,and still does, in fact Tiny to me represents Pure, total, unadulterated love I feel so very sorry for people who have not known the love of these beautiful creatures, be they cat dog or whatever. they personify pure love, their love is total with no reservations, no limits and no ifs or maybe's . It is Total and Pure love . I shared this wonderful love with dearest Tiny for 17 wonderful years. he was the dearest friend one could ever have. and undoubtedly the greatest and most treasured friend I will ever have. they teach us so much, and we are by far better people for having known them. They constantly give so much and yet ask for so very little in return, other than kindness, love, and a gentle hand. Friends are indeed so very special, so genuine, I have had only three genuine total and very dear and very close friends , and one feels so very thankful for that beautiful friendship. I am in Australia, and two of those three are in the states, they knew tiny personally only a short time, before returning to the states, but they knew what a wonderful friend he was indeed. Friend, the word itself is so very special, And now he has passed on. but he like they, taught me, of the wonderful gift of friendship. genuine,and cherished friendship. I have had cats before , and I have cats still, I do not even wish to contemplate what I would be without these wonderful creatures, but Tiny was so very special to me. I picked up this tiny beautiful little kitten and carried him home in the top pocket of my shirt. he was a lovely pet. but he became far more than a pet , he became my closest and dearest friend. Tiny is so very much , family. I have so many beautiful memories of my dear friend. I have never felt such pain as I do now at the terrible loss of losing tiny. a day does not pass that I do not shed a tear, and usually many. I still, and always will. love him dearly. and he shall stay always and forever in my heart. I have no doubt there is a God, and I honestly believe him to be a very caring God, a genuine and loving God, and because of that wonderful love, I have but one wish, , that He reunite me with my dearest and much beloved friend, that I be reunited with a very special family member, My Tiny. My Dearest Tiny. I had said many times during his precious life that Dearest Tiny, was indeed a gift from God, and I most sincerely still believe that to be the case, he came when he was so desperately wanted and needed. We can indeed learn so much from these wonderful creatures and Gods precious gift, did indeed teach me so much. and not least being the treasure of total and unconditional love plus pure and wonderful friendship. Yes, Tiny has passed away, he has left his ageing body, But in truth Tiny has never left me, Tiny will be with me unto eternity, Tiny will be forever with me, in my thoughts, in my actions, in everything I say or do, because tiny is part of me. , God does not take away that which he has given, My dear Precious tiny. will always be loved, cherished, and in my heart always. because, this delight,this treasure, is part of me, and always will be. loved and cherished always. I dearly love you. sweet, dearest tiny and I always shall. we are together and united for all time, My dearest tiny. They do, most certainly, leave their pawprints forever etched upon our heart. Rest easy, dear one. 23rd February 2017 Dearest Friend, Dearest Tiny, Even though you have left your ageing body, we are as close as we ever were, you have never left me, I feel your beautiful presence, and I am strengthened by it. what a beautiful, wonderful friend you were for those seventeen wonderful years we spent together, knowing that you have never left me, and never will just makes me so very thankful for the eternal love we share, and will always share. Whatever you do, My dearest tiny, always feel and know that you are totally loved, always know, that our love is always present, and is eternal. 5 August 2017 Dearest tiny, it is strange, it seems so long in some ways, since your passing, and yet in other ways, it seems like it was yesterday. the pain does not diminish, and I doubt it ever will, because l love you dearly. I always shall. hardly a day passes I do not think of you, talk to you. and shed a tear . you are forever in my heart my dearest tiny 23rd October 2017 12 months since you left dearest tiny, and without doubt the hardest, and most miserable twelve months I have ever spent, you are as much loved now as you ever were, a day does not pass that I do not think of you, you are forever with me little one, and for those that say the loss eases with time, I can honestly say it hurts as much now as it ever did, I miss you so very much. you were my dearest friend, my very loved companion. and nothing can replace you . rest easy my dearest tiny, until we are again together. You are indeed, my dearest tiny, my once in a lifetime friend and companion. your memory is so deeply treasured. and the love we share just as bright and endless as time itself. 6th January 2019 My dearest friend. It seems only yesterday that you left. the pain of losing you, still strong, and i miss you deeply. Little Angus has developed into a lovely boy and he and misty are inseperable. 14th July 2020 Dearest Tiny, seems so long since you passed away dearest friend, yet the pain of losing you is ever present, a day does not pass I do not think of you. and in many ways seems like only yesterday when you were taken Dear one. Three and a half years since you passed little one, yet you have never left me, your beautiful presence is still with me, and always shall be. remember the beautiful love we share tiny, it is eternal. I was so very blessed, to know you, love you, and have you as such a beautiful friend. 26th December 2021 Christmas, and what would christmas be dearest tiny, without beautiful memories of you, as i have said so very often dear friend. it seems like only yesterday that you passed away, a day does not pass that i do not think of you. you are constantly in my thoughts, and forever in my heart. the love we share, my dear tiny, is eternal. you are, and always will be my dearest friend. love you, my little one. 17th october 2022 Dearest tiny, sixth anniversary of your passing, the pain of losing you still hurts, love you now as strong as i always have, and still a day does not pass that i do not think of you my dearest friend, we shall be together again soon little one, the bond we share dearest tiny, is as strong as it ever was. 30th Sept, 2023 My beloved tiny, not a day passes i do not think of you. seven years dearest little one, and it still seems like only yesterday. and the pain is still with me. think of me , and the love we have little one, it is still as strong as ever, and always shall be. with love, my dearest friend., |
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