There are no words we can say sweet boy, no words to take away the pain and abuse you suffered at the hands of the man you thought was your forever friend. All you wanted was to show love and to receive love in return and what you got was unbelievable cruelty, abuse and pain. He only had you for a few months and I wonder what pain you suffered during that time. You are one of many of Gods creatures who suffered sexual abuse by a so called 'human being'. There is nothing 'human' about this man he is a deviant of the highest and he deserves no place on this earth among men or animals. Your story is not over yet though. There are 1000's all over the world who have heard of you and the suffering you had to endure. They are fighting for justice for you, for animal rights and stronger sentences for these heinous crimes against the innocents like you. They march in RED and carry banners in your name and they will never stop marching. It is so sad that you had to die this way so young and wanting so much to be a part of a loving home. There are people all over the world who would have loved you in a heartbeat and cared for you until you took your last breath. I am one of those people and I wish you had been mine little Angel. It would have been a joy to see you romp and play in the meadows and swim in the rivers where I live............I shall picture you there when I walk with my own fur children and imagine the fun you would have had walking and running with us all. It would be an honour to cross the bridge into eternity with you when my own rainbow time comes, will you wait for me with my own fur Angels? You never got to share your love here on earth so share it now with all those who love you and want justice for you, the ones you never had the chance to meet. Rest in Peace sweet young Angel Tyson, fly high and run free and one day we will meet with a wagging tail and a friendly bark and I will hold you and tell you you did not die in vain. I thank each and every person who is fighting for you and for justice for all abuse and neglect in this world, they are many but their numbers are not enough, it seems it is easier to turn and walk away. I hope and pray that one day that will change. You are held now in my heart and in the hearts of many who wish your short life had been very different. For now know that you are never alone and you will never be unloved again, for I will love you until the end of time. A Dog's Prayer Do not break my spirit with a stick for though I should lick Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, When it is cold and wet, please take me inside, for I am no Keep my pan filled with fresh water for although I should not Then, my Beloved Master, should the Great Master seek to deprive me --AUTHOR UNKNOWN This was all you ever asked for.............why was it too much, why was your wish not granted to you, why did you suffer so - I will never understand, never. If you had been mine I would have loved you beyond words beautiful boy. Peaceful sleep be yours, you are free now. I heard from someone who knew you before sweet boy - she is sad that you are gone and misses you barking at her when she visits her friend, that makes me sad too. She told me your name was ALDO, now that is a sweet name and suits you much better. I hope you have found your wings now, beautiful wings of gold and silver gossamer, which shimmer in the sunshine and the moonlight of the bridge. You have many new friends there and they all want to love you and play with you. I know there is no more pain there and I hope you have no memory of the bad things that happened to you. The fight goes on for you sweetie and people still come every day to see you and learn your sad story. June 2010 It seems my angel, that the 'man' who tortured you is to be sentenced on the 10th September 2010. We can only hope that all his pitiful excuses are dismissed by the judge and that he can see through the evil that this man did to you. He is not fit to walk on this earth among us. We pray and we ask that justice is done for you. We cannot bring you back and you suffered so, that is a crime in it's self. And so we wait, and we hope, that one day the world will sit up and man will be judged for his crimes against the voiceless and the innocent..............I guess that will never happen in my lifetime. Go now, and run free with your new friends, for you there is no more pain and suffering. One day we will meet and I will tell you, you did not die in vain. xXx 17/9/2010 Sleep in peace now little Aldo, wrapped in the arms of the angels and free from all your pain. Know that you ARE loved and that you will NEVER be forgotten by those who remember you and what you went through before you reached the gates to the bridge. I love you as if you were my own and when the time comes you will cross with me and my fur angels into eternal peace. Fly high, run free in the green meadows and swim in the silver streams of Heaven. You have many friends there and many on earth who love you too. God bless you little man, I wish you had been mine. xXx Forever in my heart. :-)
Chrsitmas Eve 2010 February 2011 May 2011 May 2012 I see you shining among the stars and sometimes I see you fly too when your star shoots across the Heavens and disappears over the rainbow. One day maybe I will fly up there with you too sweetheart, I sure hope so. You have 3 friends at the bridge with you now and I just know that Kip is playing with you and you are having such a great time together in the beautiful green meadows and silver shimmering rivers. Tell my Kip I love him and as soon as I can I will make a residency for him too, perhaps when the tears don't come so quickly and the pain of loosing him is a little less :((( Be good sweetheart, run free, fly high and wait for me........I will come for you one day. Love you ~ mommie xxx
3 years my little man, beloved friend of man. I think of you each night as I say goodnight to all the Rainbow Bridge babies and my own little ones. How the time has flown by and so many fur angels have left this earth to come and be with you since you found your wings sweet boy. People say they will never forget, but in time they do ~ so many to try and remember who have suffered and died at the hands of man. You are always in my heart though, I will not forget you sweetheart, I will remember your suffering and your cries and I will continue to fight for the rights of those who cannot speak, like you my sweet boy. Run free now little man, play with your angel friends and know the love I send you from my heart. You are loved and cherished and one day we will meet in the meadows and I will hold you for real in my arms then together we will ALL cross over the bridge into eternal life to be forever free from sorrow and heartache. Sweet dreams darling Tyson, nite nite, sleep tight and dream of our forever love.......I am holding you in my heart, always and forever. I love you beautiful boy. God bless.... mommie xxx
4 long years since you left, gone so long sweet boy but at Peace in a place more beautiful than our human eyes can ever imagine, beautiful like you with your gossamer Angel wings. You are still not forgotten my lovely not by me, always in my heart ~ remembered with sorrow for your suffering and your pain, for what was done to you. Sorrow for the life that was taken away, that you were not allowed to grow into the beautiful dog you were meant to be in a loving forever home, how I wish you had been mine. You are not alone though there are many others there with you who have also suffered abuse and death at the hands of man, so cruel and evil. All over the world we hear of abuse and terrible things that are done to your kind and how they suffer and it breaks my heart time and time again, each and every one of them lost to those of us who love animals and care about you all. You are free now so run baby boy run and play with the Angels, feel the love I send you every night and the kisses sent to you carried on the wings of Angels straight to your heart. I will hold you in my arms one day and I will tell you of the love we have for you and that we remembered you always. Play with my Bella, my Zak, my Harley and my Kip in the fields of gold and tell stories of Heaven and of those on earth who love and miss you and be happy in Heaven waiting for me to come for you to cross the Rainbow Bridge into Eternal life and beyond. Sweet dreams darling boy, I will look for your star and say nite nite as I always do and wish so much I could turn back time and change what happened to you, I am so sorry I can't. God bless you sweetheart ....... I will love you forever ~ Mommie xxx May 2015 One day we will meet in Heaven and you will come running to me and I will hold you in my arms as I have longed to do since you passed away. God bless you little you always and forever baby boy. ~ Mommie xxx May 2016 One day, when we meet I have promised I will hold you in my arms with my own and walk with you onward over the rainbow into eternity and what lies beyond and we will all have eternal peace. Sweet dreams baby boy ~ loved, always and forever. God bless you ..... darling Aldo. Don't Cry for me Never more than a whisper away ....... until my fight is done. Love Mommie xxxx
Happy Easter beautiful boy, remembering you today and wishing I could just spend a little time with you to sit and hold you and talk to you. God willing one day I will, all my prayers will be answered and I will find my Peace, as you have found yours. Tell my Angels how much I love them and all the other Angels too please. I miss you all so much and send you all my love and kisses every night to the stars. Sweet dreams little man, until we walk together, through fields of gold and woodlands of blue. I love you to the stars and beyond. Have fun and play with all your new friends ...... until we meet again <3 7 years at Rainbow Bridge Hello sweet baby boy, you have been gone 7 years now, how quickly those years have passed since you were set free. You are not forgotten little one and never will be and now your day is especially sad because one of my own little ones, my beautiful little girl Jess passed away and found her wings on this same day in 2017. The 10th May will never be the same again. It will be a sad day a painful day and it will hurt for the rest of my life. Please go find my little lady and make friends with her, tell her how her mommy has kept your memory alive and honoured your suffering and pain here. Show her everything in your new world and make sure she knows she will never be forgotten and loved into eternity and beyond. You are such a good boy ~ may you always know peace and wait for me to come Home so you can walk over the bridge with me to our eternal rest and freedom. I love you Tyson, as I love my own, I could not bear to see their suffering and if I had seen yours it would have broken my heart too and I would have set you free, sweet Angel. Until we meet one day and I find my own peace, God bless you sweet baby boy. You live on in our memories always and forever in our hearts .... sweet dreams baby boy. All my love forever ..... Mommy xxx
Hello sweet Angel, I am so sad today, both for you and for my little Jess my heart is so broken and I miss her with all my heart. Although I never knew you I miss you too because you should still be here living a beautiful life with loving people a family who would have cared for you always. God bless and keep you both safe in his care and perhaps today your own little Joy Angels will give you extra cuddles and love from Mommy πΎππ«ππΎ Live on in our hearts, there are some who will remember you and talk of you and I am one. You will not be forgotten and loved always ~ until we meet one day in Heaven be free, run and play with my little ones and tell all of Heaven how much you and they are all loved and missed. Sleep well, sweet dreams little Angels. Love you always ..... your adopted Mommy xxx
Hello beautiful boy, this time has come around so fast I don't know where another year has gone in time. You are never far from our thoughts and as promised I will never forget you Angel Tyson. You are there with many other babies who have no one to come for them at the bridge but if you wait for me I will take you over and you can be with me forever. I have others who have no one who will come already waiting there for me. The sadness and heartache to hear and read of the abuse in the world is overwhelming and I cannot understand how any God could allow it to keep happening and even get worse. The things man does to innocent animals is terrible, I hope man will be punished for his wrong doings when the time comes. I cry so much because I can't help them and they need help, they suffer terrible fear and pain before being brutally murdered and tortured. Baby boy you never had a chance of life, I wish so much you could and if you are reincarnated baby I pray that you will find your way to me one day soon. Go and play with the others and the Joy Angels who love you and care for you, it must be so very beautiful where you are filled with happiness and joy and no more pain, how beautiful that must be. God bless you Tyson, you are remembered with love and prayers, always and forever. Sleep well, sweet dreams little man until we meet one day and never say goodbye. Love you darling ..... πΎππππππππΎ xxx 10 years at Rainbow Bridge Aldo Sweet boy, where did 10 years go little man, how did we suddenly get here to this day πΎπππ. If you had been allowed to have a life and to live it you would be 12 years old now, a sweet beautiful old man who loved his family and they loved you. Sadly the abuse you suffered meant your rescuers could not save you and they gently released you to God on 10th May 2010, where you found Peace and comfort in the arms of the Angels. I guess not many will remember you but for those who were involved in fighting for a strong sentence for the evil monster who abused you sexually π’ they marched in RED in memory of you and for you and all those like you who are abused and tortured every day. I hope they do remember you. I promised I would never forget and I never will. Run and play now Aldo, play with my little Jess, also a black dog. She joined you 3 years ago today and my heart broke so much that day. It was so sudden and I had not expected to have to make the most heart breaking decision that day that we ever have to make for our fur friends we care for and love πππ. Be the happy dog you should have been and know that I will love you forever even though you weren't mine, I wish you had been so much. God bless little man, you are loved, you are missed and you will never be forgotten ~~~ I promise. Rest in Peace sweet Angel. πΎπππΉπππΎ
You are not forgotten and you never will be darling boy. You suffered so much and you did not deserve to die that way. I have said many times over the years so many things over and over and I hope you hear my words and see my tears for you. The abuse goes on every day in so many terrible ways and so many little innocents die from the evil that men do its heart breaking. You are free now, there is nothing more I can do for you except to remember you and to love you enough to share your loss with others who will read your story. Sleep well beautiful boy, no words can bring you back nor make right your loss. When my time comes baby boy I will look for you and I hope to see you come running over and I will hold you and walk with you over the rainbow into eternity sweet beautiful Angel Tyson. Run and play now with my little Jess, she is gone 4 years today and my heart is aching to hold her once more. Perhaps it will not be too long now ..... it will be so beautiful to see you ALL again. God bless you little Angel ππΎππ I love you ππΎππ xxx
You are not and never will be forgotten sweet Angel. I will always remember you because you died on the same day as my little Jess although in a different year and many years before she passed away. I know you are together and you are running free now. You do not remember the torture and horror that evil man put you through and I hope you never do darling. Still had you lived you would only be 13 now. Many dogs have lived way beyond those years and are still going strong. It was not to be for you baby boy and you found your Peace early. Much has already been said to you and people still cry at the things you went through. I could make a million wishes for you sweetheart but nothing can ever bring you back and you have been over the rainbow for so long and have so many beautiful friends to play with now. Go find my little Jess my own little black dog, and play and run and swim and know you are loved and cherished in memory and with so much heart felt love. Until we meet and walk together one day ...... I'll look for you in the stars as I do each night and maybe one day find you in my dreams. You are loved beautiful Angel. Always in my heart ~ sleep tight sweet baby. πππΎπππ Love always Mommy xxx 13 years today you are gone. But you are never forgotten Angel boy. I hold you in my heart still, always and I love you as deeply today as I did the day I learned you had died and how ..... Here is the final link the chain for Tyson (Aldo), but not the end of his story for he lives on in those who fight for justice and against animal abuse. FOR LITTLE JESS ~ IN MEMORY OF THE SWEETEST BABY GIRL ππΎπππ€ For Jess, 3 years today on 10th May 2017 There are no words anyone can say, not even the words I say when I talk to you can bring you back or make your passing better or less painful. 3 hours was all we had that last day when I got to the vets. They confirmed you had Pancreatic Cancer and because you couldn't eat they didn't think they could save you even with an operation. You were in so much pain, on the highest dose of Morphine and still banging yourself on the side of the cage you were in, I dont know why, if it was pain or you were delirious or both, but watching you there I could no longer watch your pain and had to make the hardest decision to ask them to put you to sleep and give you Peace. And so from 3pm until 6pm I held you tight snuggled into my chest, your head nuzzled right up under my chin and your warmth passed through from your body into mine ..... as peaceful eternal sleep was administered and you were given back to God for safe keeping baby girl. I had never felt that warmth and peace before with any of those fur children I had held as they were returned to God. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever felt and I am unable to describe it other than "you flowed into me, we became one ~ 2 hearts beat as one and all your pain was gone". Today I still mourn your loss, I still miss you more than words and the ache in my heart and in my arms lingers, day after day all I want is to hold you again and feel the living warmth of you there, even though I know that can never be. You were my world and I was yours and that will always be. I am so sorry I could not save you, I tried little girl, I tried so hard for 4 months until, in the end, they finally told me you had cancer and I knew you would leave me that day. π’ππΎ You earned your rest darling girl, go and play with your Sam and your brothers and sisters now baby, play with Aldo (Tyson) and all those we have come to know who have died, tortured and murdered at the hands of man. Tell them I will not forget them and when my time comes to leave this world we will all walk across the beautiful Rainbow Bridge together and there will be no more Goodbye's for us. We love you sweet Angel, sweet dreams, ...... until then ππΉππΉπ We love you little Jess πΎπΉβ£οΈπΉπΎ kisses, baby girl ..... so many kisses π .... Mommy xxx
Another year gone by baby girl ~ 4 years ago today I held you one last time, in my loving arms tightly, next to my chest. You laid your little head under my chin and nestled in so close ~ to my heart, the heart that was breaking into a million pieces, minute by minute, as I felt you falling asleep and the living warmth of you fading into me ... out of this life and on into another place and time. I will never forget the colours of your love ππΉπΎπΉπ nor the light that shone in your eyes ...... I could see the universe there, I could see into our forever, the place I now long to be. I love you more than mortal words can say. I miss you with a longing that will never end and I ache to feel you once more in my arms. πππΉπΎ You drew memories in my mind
And so we come to another anniversary, this one is 5 years since I held you so close in my arms next to my heart as you finally fell into a peaceful sleep and drifted away to the stars. As you left I felt your warmth leaving too, your soul found wings and your little spirit passed through me letting me know you were finally free from pain and suffering. As the living warmth left you I realised that was the last time I would hold you in my arms and my world just fell apart forever. Today, 5 years on I still love you so much and miss you with a heart that will never mend and an ache that will never leave. Be at Peace now beautiful Angel and know that I will come for you and we will walk across the rainbow on to the stars and then we will shine together into eternity. I long for the day. Sweet dreams baby girl, I saw you star last night, a flash of green light and a little star falling from Heaven. It was telling me you are not gone and are with me always, just here, resting peacefully in my heart~ always and forever ..... Nite nite my darling, sweet dreams my baby girl ~ you are loved beyond the stars, God bless. Until I hold you again run and play now with old friends and many new ones too. β€οΈπ§‘ππππ Love Mommy πππΉπΎ 6 years gone today. A light went out on Earth for me She was my world, my life, my yesterday and my tomorrow. Now she is my forever and remains in my heart a true and faithful friend and soul mate always. My little girl. π
3 very special Angels playing together in the meadow by the bridge of colours with many many others some never had a family and some never knew love they lived their whole lives in shelters and tragically died there. They are as special as all of you and I love them too ~ all of them, yes ..... all of them. I have come to realise today that this post will be different to the sad ones I write every year. I say the same things and thoughts in nearly every message to you and yet ~~~ it changes nothing. My heart is still broken and I still mourn your losses, that will never change. But today I will celebrate your lives short as they were and some were very sad but you lived once and you live again now in a new form; in a new place; in a world filled only with love and Peace. I treasure every memory I have of all of you and I will forever. Go now little ones, run and play and be happy and free. Tell stories of your lives on earth sad and happy, all will understand and all will care. Remember Mommy and Dad and know we love you and our memories of you are our treasure forever. I'll look for your stars in the night sky as it should be clear here. I hope to see them shimmer as they always do and maybe a shooting star or two then perhaps at the next fall of rain ~ a rainbow ~ bright and brilliant with colour. I'll be able to say "there they are my children, my babies, and the ones I never knew but have always loved and always will" God bless you all Jess; Aldo; Sam and the Borodyanka and Gostomel Angels. Run forever free ........ We'll meet one day and how beautiful that meeting and reunion will be. Sending a million million kisses and hugs, hope you can all feel them πΉπππΎβ¨π» xxxxxxx Please also visit Zak. |
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