Welcome to Winston's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Winston's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Winston

You have earned your medals with honor and have served faithfully, dear friend. You knew each of us individually and loved us in this way. You were the faithful one who taught us unconditional love. You always forgave, reassured, and made us feel safe. You were our comic and knew how to make a relaxing night on the couch a time for shenanigans. Your breath always smelled like dad's stinky sox, your farts were unmistakenly your signature reminder that you were near, even though you were out of sight. You never stopped eating or seemed to care about leaving leftovers. You cared for my sons, your brothers, sometimes better than a human could have and were their childhood confidant. I will never forget how you took care of me during my darkest time, always making sure I kept moving forward and not giving up. You were fearless, always investigating the bumps in the night, keeping us safe while we slept. You were mom's dishwashing sidekick, pre-licking the dishes clean before the wash and her shadow, perhaps her king. You and Marcello had a routine of taking out the garbage and taught him how to trust his own ability to care. You always sought out Lorenzo, and remained by his side when he was sick and slept with him on that stinky brown couch in the game room. You really loved Uncle Mike and his Kennel, always the first one in and the last one out of that pond. We will never forget the pond and river days, which seemed not enough as time seemed to move fast with human obligations. Even though you led, you humbly took a back seat and taught us by example how to wait patiently. Your sister Gracie Girl really loved you and even took the risk of cleaning out those ears. You loved her back by not bullying her, or at least until we turned our back. LOL. That only touches the silver lining of what you were to our family, we love you and look forward to seeing you again in God's perfect place and in his perfect time. Rest my friend, and to your first nickname given by the boys, "Winnie, the Poo Poo but" dog, we will always love you.

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