Welcome to Zak's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Zak's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Zak
Here it is my beautiful 'old man', my tribute to you, to your constant and undying love and devotion. For 15 years of joy and happiness, precious memories and unconditional love.

You left us on 3rd Feb 2007, you finally found your wings old man, you are free. We sent you on to a place free from all your pain, not because we didn't love you, but because we loved you too much to ask you to stay. Your pain ended, ours began the day we said goodbye. I was privileged to stay with you the night before, to hold you in my arms and to feel your warmth and your love. You passed away so quickly and so peacefully in my arms that next morning, I felt your soul leave you, I felt Harley there with us, she came to take you home, to Heaven, to peace and eternal rest.

We shared so many memories and happy times through those last 15 years, did so many things, went to so many places, shared so much love and joy together......those special times and memories we will never ever forget.

Be at peace old man, rest easy now and snooze in the shade of an old tree, swim in the sparkling streams and rivers and wait for us to come home...............until we meet again, your love will never die.

God bless you angel, and yes....we remember the love.
Love from your special moma and dad xx

Hello my angel boy,
Here we are 5 months from loosing you, 5 months from the day we said that final goodbye and let you go on ahead to that place where you are young again, healthy and your little soul is at peace. My goodness how we miss you, how we miss that glowing presence and love in our lives, the emptiness of loosing you.

I hope and pray that one day we will be where you are, we will see you again and hold you in our arms. To feel your soft fur, smell your musky scent and kiss you on your velvety head over and over again. You were that special one we waited so long for and who gave all he had to give until there was simply nothing left, you were so tired my beautiful old man.

Come down and see us sometime, your dad wants so much to dream of you, to feel you there like moma does, how I wish it was for real. I would give my world to be with you again, you and Harley Bones.

Our hearts will never completely mend old man, but we have so many beautiful memories and so much love to keep safe and for now that is all we can hope for. We love you sweet boy, always and forever.

God rest your weary soul, until we meet again.
There is no love in the world greater than yours and Harley's and we have that for all time.
Love you angel boy.......fly free.
Moma and dad xxx

6 months today you left us, my beautiful old man. We held you in our arms and watched as you slipped silently away, your tired, failing body worn out and ready for eternal rest.
Oh how we miss you angel man, how we miss holding you and kissing you and caring for you, our walks together, playing at the beach and swimming in the sea, special places we walked and all the things we did together throughout your long and wonderful life.
You left us lasting memories, of pure love, devotion and 15 happy years together, what more could we ask?

You travelled that day with another little one who passed over to the bridge on the same day as you my darling - Alex was his name, he was a little kitty, a beautiful little man, just like you. I remember how much you loved kitties so I know that you are together there and you look after each other. I know that Harley our beautiful staffie is with you too and of course all the other bridge babies who have become friends since you arrived. They are too numerous to name them all, but their moms and dads know who they are.

My heart will never mend completely, the pieces are shattered and broken and you took a piece with you when you started on your journey. I have your fur clippings, your old collar with your name tag on it, your old lead, your food bowl and frame, they are all safe tucked away with your memory box. The only thing I don't have is you...............the one thing in the world I would wish for above all else, you and Harley. So, until my own rainbow time comes I must be content with all your memories and all your love, I keep them safe in my heart where I treasure them.

Good bye for now old man, I shall always remember you and all that you taught me, you gave me a gift, the greatest gift in all the world .... you gave me love.

Be at peace old man, until we meet again one day.
Loving you was the best.

Hello my angel boy,
I wanted to stop by and leave you some new treats and things and to say hello to the best boy in all the world. I need to tell you how much we miss you angel, how we long for the day we can hold you in our arms again and never let you go. We will love you until the end of time and then some.

I hope that you are with Harley and all your new friends at RB, I know that you are free now, free from all the aches and pains you had and that you can see again through those cloudy eyes, you can run again and you can fly.............fly free beautiful boy.

Come see us in our dreams and tell us of this new place you are in, tell us you are ok and you are happy.
Until we meet again angel, peaceful sleep and sweet dreams are yours.
We love you, mom and dad xx

Hello, my beautiful old man,
Missing you right now, I felt the need to come and be with you in some small way, the only way I can now. It will soon be a year since you left us, where has the time gone? We have come to your favourite place, the farm. We have been to your favourite beach and walked its shores..........you were there with us, but there were no footprints like there used to be, they are gone now. Your shadow running, oh how you loved to run, how you loved the water and fetching an old stick or two along the way. They were good times Zak, happy memories of days gone by. But how we miss you, sorrow comes and goes, in waves of pain and then a happy thought returns a smile when we remember the little things we loved about you. Walk with us on our journey old man, stay with us and love us as we love you, always and forever.

The winds of time may blow away the sorrow but the memories will remain forever.
Love you beautiful boy.
Mom x

One year ago

You left us and found your wings, hearts shattered and rivers of tears flowed freely and unconditionally, just like your love. I have cried an ocean since you left old man and I miss you so very much, much more than words can say.
We celebrated your life - we went to your beach and we walked along the sands of time in sweet reflection of you and the beautiful times we shared together for all those years. I looked for your footprints, for your reflection in the water, but there were non. Still somehow I know you were there with us and you always will be.
My heart aches to hold you again, I long to smell your musky scent, it was intoxicating, and those eyes, ah yes - those cloudy knowing eyes, full of love, yes, I miss those too.
My darling Zak, it hurts so much, this emptiness.

Sweetheart, be happy, be free and remember this.........I will love you always and forever, my heart belongs to you, until the end of time.

See you in my dreams old man, I look to the stars and maybe one day I'll see you fly.
Sleep in peaceful sleep old lad, you earned it angel.

Love mom xx

Loving you always beautiful old man, missing you forever too. You certainly were 'the best' sweetie and we will never forget you. Not a day goes by that I don't kiss your photo goodnight or that I sit in quiet rememberance and think of you. I long for the day I will hold you in my arms once again and never have to let you go. Walk with me old lad, by my side as always, silent and true. I am so lonely without you and I would give my world to have you back, but that can never be, not in this world. So, I will wait until it is my time and then we will be together again into eternity.
Fly free talky boy, young once more and no more pain and old age. Walk with the Angels and Harley and please ............. remember me.
Love, your furever moma xx

Hello old man,
Just stopping by to say hello again and to visit with you for a while. How wonderful that would be, but then I would never want to leave you would I. So many things I want to share with you and places I want to walk with you but you are gone. It is nearly time for Harley's 3rd anniversary and I am missing you both oh so much. I have an ache in my heart which will never leave me until I am with you both again. Your love was so precious and beautiful and I miss being with you angel.
Yes, life goes on and I go from day to day wondering what life has in store for me and when I will be able to hold you in my arms again. Until we meet again...........I'll see you in the stars and long to be where you are. Goodnight my wonderful old man.
Your loving mom xx

3rd August 2008
Zak, my angel boy.

Today is 18 months since you left for Rainbow Bridge and also it would have been your 17th birthday, Happy Birthday beautiful angel.

I don't know where the time has gone and it seems like forever since we said goodbye to you that sad day. Through all the tears and heartache Zak you send us endless love, undying and unconditional love that will remain with us forever.

We miss you so much my beautiful old man, we love you always and forever but it doesn't stop the pain and the heartache of losing you. There are no words of comfort today or any day that will take away the sorrow and emptiness of loosing you.

Still, we did what we did for you because you were so tired and in pain although you would have struggled on like the soldier you were. It was time to say that last goodbye and let you go on ahead. And so it goes, the weeks and months go by and another day comes and goes without you by my side.

We waited for you for so long and then, there you were, with us for the rest of your days, loved and cared for and so so special. We shared so many wonderful memories my lad, so many happy days and holidays at the beach, walking along the river you loved so much and swimming in the sea, fetching sticks and balls and lazing in the warm sunshine by your moma. Then one day - suddenly the puppy was gone, we saw an elderly dog who for so long had been the fastest, uncatchable and so so happy running like the wind. You slowed down and as the next few years came and went your eyes clouded over and your muzzle turned to grey. The days of running were over and you started to hurt. You could no longer run, even walking became painful and even though we gave you pain killers it was obvious that you were tired, your old body no longer able to stand up without help and sleep soon became your best friend.

So, it was that we sent you on your way, on the 3rd Feb 2007 we let you go and our hearts were once again lost in a sea of emptiness and sorrow. There were no more footprints in the sand, no more cuddles, no more days in the sun watching you sleeping and dreaming...............you were gone from our lives, forever.

You are never gone from our hearts though old man, never gone from our memories and we have your things. Your beautiful soft fur, your collar and lead and your food bowl - we have them all, reminders of you of our special boy our beautiful Zak. You lived a life long and well and we will never forget you sweet angel, never.

Fly high and free and be happy in Heaven with Harley and all your new friends, until we meet again one day.......................your love will live in our hearts forever.

Love and miss you - old soldier.
Mom and Dad xxxx

Hello my angel boy, it's been a while since I last posted but you are never far from my thoughts and dreams. Not one singel day passes me by that I don't think of you and wish that you were still here with me and Harley too. I have your love but I don't have you. One day I will hold you in my arms once more and I live now for that day. I wish you peace old man, no more aching bones and weary body. You are young once more and you fly through the Heavens like a shooting star. I miss you more than words can say and I have your love wrapped up in my heart forever. Sleep in peace little angel..........until we meet again. God bless you my beautiful old man. Love mama xx

Christmas day 2008
Merry Christmas angel boy. Missing you as always, remembering the special times and the love you left behind in our hearts. Christmas is never the same without you and Harley, you made it so special and no you are no longer here to share the day with us. I always think of you when I dish up our babies special dinners and remember how much you enjoyed playing with your toys and eating turkey and treats. I miss those days so very much.
Still, you are in a better place now and you can have all the turkey you want and play as much as you like with all your wonderful new friends there. You are free old man and you will never be old and frail again. Fly free beautiful boy, fly high and free forever.
Loving you was the best thing that ever happened in our lives and we will never forget that.
Go now, find Harley and all your wonderful fur and feather friends. Chase butterflies and swim in the streams of love at RB.
You have my love now and forever and remember..............my heart belongs to you.
Peaceful sleep old man, until we meet again.
Love moma and dad xxx

You found your wings and flew away, my beautiful 'old man'. We sat in silence this morning as your time passed us by, and we remembered you. We remembered all the beautiful memories we made together and all the good times we had for all those long and happy years. We remembered your joy, your playfulness, how very clever you were, the long walks along the beaches and through the woods, through many trails and places of great beauty and wonder. We remembered how you loved to swim and swim and run in your youth and how you just loved to be around us wherever we were and whatever we were doing. In the garden or around the house, you were always there.
Then one day I can't quite remember when, you were an old man and you were hurting, you were tired and weary and you told us you needed to rest. And so it was that 2 years ago today we let you go, we sent you on ahead to find that eternal rest so that you would no longer hurt and be so tired. Our hearts broke and then you were gone, forever from our sight and touch and smell. The healing is long and hard, there are good days and bad and there are many times when tears are shed, both happy ones and sad. But your love is with us always and the lessons you taught us are learned.
May you have peace and rest in Heaven my beautiful 'old man', we long for the day we can hold you once more and smell that musky scent. If we could have time in a bottle there are many times we would love to share once more. Until we meet again beautiful boy.................our hearts belong to you.
Love mom and dad, always and forever. xxx

Hello my angel boy,
I just stopped by to see you and to say hello, wishing I could run my fingers through your fur and breathe in your scent, how we wished we could bottle that smell. Missing you special boy today and always. You are never forgotten and always loved sweet angel. You are free now, so fly high with the wind and spead those golden wings, over the rainbow and into paradise. We will see you again one day and there will be no more goodbyes.
Peaceful sleep my beautiful old man...............until we meet again.
Moma xx

Hello Sweet Boy,
I wanted to talk to you today and although I have not left you a message for a while you are never out of my thoughts. I kiss your photo every night and ask the angels to grant you peaceful sleep and eternal rest in Gods garden. We are away soon to a place you never saw in life but I know you would love it. So please stop by and come say hello my darling. Sometimes when I sit there in reflection of our special time together I think you are there with me, feeling the warm sunshine and peace of our garden. You would have been happy there old man, Harley too and I hope you visit often. Go now and chase the butterflies in the meadow, sleep in the shade of an old tree and drink from the cool silver streams of Heaven. You are with me always, I treasure the love you left behind and remember our special time together with love. Harley my angel girl, look after our beautiful boy and remember angels..............my heart belongs to you, always and forever. Love you - moma xx

Christmas 2009
Our 3rd Christmas without you, how the years have flown by and how we miss you still. My beautiful angel boy with knowing eyes full of love. I send you all my love, my hopes, my dreams that one day we will see you and hold you in our arms again. You are a glorious angel now with gold and silver wings which twinkle like a star in the night sky more beautiful than anything on this earth. Fly high, run free darling and sleep wrapped in the arms of the angels, safe and warm.................until we meet again. My heart is yours for all time, sweet dreams and happy memories little angel Zak. Loving you was the greatest gift of all. Love moma xxx

27th Jan 2010
Happy New Year beautiful boy.
I wanted to see you once more and I miss you so. We are nearly there angel, nearly 3 years since you left us and joined the angels in Heaven. It may seem a long time to some but to me it is as if it was yesterday, such a sad day for us all. But in my heart I know we did the right thing for you and ended your pain that is what matters most. I will never stop loving you and think of you and Harley every single day, I always will. I wish you a peaceful sleep my lovely boy until we meet again. Love you forever. moma xxx

3rd Feb 2010 - your 3rd anniversary in Heaven
For you, my special angel.









Loving you always moma and dad XXXX

November 2010
I remember the love, I remember the dance, I remember goodbye................and I will always remember you. When next I hold you in my arms it will be forever. I love you always and forever. Moma xx

Christmas Eve 2010
I miss you, I love you and I long for the day when I will hold you in my arms again. Run free my darling boy in the meadows of Heaven and play with your Harley Bones. I love you both so much, more than words can ever say. One thing I do know - my eyes will never be dry of tears for you both. Rest in Peace beautiful boy and when me meet again I will hold you in my arms forever. We will walk together again through the fields of gold, my clever boy. Sweet dreams angel......Mommie xxx

Remembering you today with so much love and pride my beautiful boy. There has not been one single day I have have thought of you and treasured the beautiful memories we made through all those wonderful years together. I love you with all my heart and today I will think of all the wonderful years we had together and the fantastic memories we made, not just think on the day you died, for that is one fateful day in a million beautiful ones.
Run free my boy, you are young now and you have such beautiful golden gossamer wings. Soar across the skies and sprinkle your love on me. There will never be another you but there will be others who I will love and care for in your name.
When I walk with you once more I will never look back again.
God bless you and Harley, be free my angels ~ we will walk through the fields of gold again, together forever and free.
Love you Zak, you truly were "the best". Moma xxxx

5 years without you
And so my boy, we are here, a day I never dreamed would come. It feels like forever, such a long time since last we held you in our arms and said goodbye for one last time. I speak to you each morning and each night before I go to sleep I wish you peace and good night. I have not seen you in my dreams for so long but in my heart I know you are free, for you there are no more aches and pains, the light no longer hurts your beautiful eyes and you can hear again.

You have your brother with you now, your Kip came to join you in September 2011.........oh how my heart burst with sorrow when he left, I had forgotten how much it hurt, how much pain I would feel at his passing. Such pain bitter and raw. You are all together again, Harley and Kip are with you, as it once was and always shall be from now until eternity.

I will never forget you, I will never stop loving you and I will carry my memories of you in my heart for all time. Run free my darling, fly high on skies of blue and sleep in peace wrapped in the arms of the angels safe and warm and free.

The sands of time flow as always, the breeze blows softly over the fields of gold where once we walked together, the waters of the rivers run carrying our memories and happy times along it's path.

I will walk with you again one day my darling boy.......run on ahead with Kip and Harley and wait for me at Heavens gates. I will come and we will cross over the bridge into eternal life never to be parted again.

You truly were "the best" and you always will be. Nite nite sweetheart~see you soon.
Love moma xxx :*(

May 2012
Remembering you today my sweet old man as I do each and every day. The tears still come, the heartache never leaves and the longing to be with you all and hold you all again remains.

We have a new little one with us now, his name is Herbie, he comes to us in memory of your old friend Kip.......our Golden Boy, who runs with you now at the bridge. Look down on us old man and know that as we go from day to day living what remains of our earthly lives we cherish your memories most of all. We will love Herbie as we love you and care for him as we did for you ~ he reminds us of the beautiful life we shared and the wonderful life we had together with you, and he makes us smile again, just like we did when you came to us all those long years ago in 1992.

Run free darling boy, knowing that when we meet again it will be forever......always yours, your loving Moma xxx

3rd Feb 2013

Hello my darling boy. Another year passes by further away from the day we set you free 6 long years ago and closer to the time we will hold you again in our loving arms. I have tried to be brave today but still the tears have come in memory of you. I saw your star last night shining so brightly over me and I knew you were there with me, your sweet soul soaring high over the Heavens free from pain, renewed and young once more.

I remember you struggled at first when your time came, you were frightened of leaving us and wanted to stay. But then you began to fall asleep, one last time into my arms and as the nurse gave you that final injection I held you and whispered 'it's ok my darling, let go now, Harley is here, she has come to take you home to be free. Go find your wings my boy, let go my sweet Zak we love you beautiful angel' Finally you were gone, you became a memory. Oh how we sobbed, how we wanted to bring you back how we wanted you to run again how we wanted to feel your sweet kisses.....but all that was gone, in the blink of an eye, you were silent and still.

We must celebrate your life now, not dwell on the day you left us because there is so much more to your life than one day. There were 16 wonderful years, 15 of which you chose to share with us, our beautiful Battersea Boy. No regrets, no more sorrow, joy and smiles, for the way you lived, the life and love we shared and the wonderful happy memories we made through those long and fruitful years. We have your fur, we have what remains of your earthly body but most of all we have your precious love.......treasured forever, safe in our hearts for eternity.

One day we will walk again through fields of gold, we will swim in rivers with you and we will hold you so tightly in our arms and never have to say goodbye again.

Thank you for being you my Zak, thank you for everything ~ you were one dog in a million.
Love you for all time, go run and play with Harley and Kip, tell them they are loved and missed and be free. See you soon ~ beautiful angel ~
Mom & Dad xxx

3rd Feb 2014 ~ 7 years without you

The day my world fell apart once more. Where have all those years gone my darling, passed by so quickly. Reading through all the messages I have written to you through those years I see nothing much has changed. I still love you more than words can say, I still miss you so very much, I still long to hold you and smell your scent one more time and my heart is still broken for your loss.

Not one day will ever pass that we will not remember you and the things you gave so unconditionally to us both, to all who met and knew you ~ everyone was your friend and you loved everyone and everything you met, that is one of the reasons why we miss you so much, your joy for life and your happiness to be with us. Today I am remembering all the things we did together over the 15 years you were with us 20/8/92 - 3/2/07. Remembering the joy you gave, your love of life and how much you fought when the time came to remain with us, I'm not sure you were ready to go that morning or were you afraid of the strangers in the room with us? I go over it again and again and still I do not know. One thing I do know is how tired you were, the light hurt your beautiful cloudy eyes and you could not stand up for long or get up without some help and that told me you were suffering my darling, something I had promised the first day that you would never have to do, never suffer so that we could keep you with us.

I know you knew how much our hearts would break and you tried so hard to remain. We could not see you hurting anymore beautiful boy, we loved you too much and so we helped you to cross the bridge into eternal life and youth. You gave us everything you had to give and in turn we gave you the greatest gift we could ever give you ~ peace and our everlasting love.

My tears flow again as they do often and I am told, control your emotions, but I can't my love and grief is too deep and I can't let go. It's your time now, 10.00 am as I sit here holding your collar and some of your fur clippings the tears roll down my cheeks and I pray that one day I will hold you in my arms again and we will be together forever, wherever that may be.

Fly high, run free my beautiful Angel boy and live on in all that is good and beautiful ..... forever free and forever in my heart, loved beyond mortal words. Farewell my Zak, tell Harley and Kip how much I love and miss them too and that I see you all each night as I look to the stars and listen with my heart to hear you happy and free, playing ~ over the rainbow.

Our eternal love and gratitude for all you gave to us.
Yours ~ always and forever ..... Mom & Dad xxx

3rd Feb 2015 - 8 years without you

Where do I start, what do I say that I have not said before, over and over again my darling Zak. I love you and miss you with all my heart, each and every single day, not one day passes by that I do not think of you or look at your photos or tell you how much I will always love you.

It is nearly your time ~ 10.30am ~ the time I last held you in my arms and felt your warmth, your love and kissed your beautiful face and breathed in that beautiful musky scent from your fur around your head......you were scared and we should have held you tighter but I cannot change what was and you left so quickly my darling, you were gone in a few seconds, you were so tired and weak. There have been times when I wondered if we did the right thing and should have let you stay longer because it was clear you did not want to leave that day, but when I look at the photos of they days leading up to that day and see that you could hardly stand or remain sitting and your eyes closed at the light I know in my aching heart it was your time. No matter how long you are gone we will remember you with pride and love always and some days even smile now at the memories we made together for 15 years, for the joy you bought to our lives and for the love you gave us to keep forever.

Run free my beautiful boy, run through the fields of gold and swim in the silver streams and rivers with Kip and your new rainbow friends. You have many that much I know because everyone and every creature was your friend ~ you loved them all. We will meet again one day and I will see you run to me, the one thing I long for again ...... until then we love you ~ always and forever, sweet dreams, happy memories beautiful Angel.

Love you puppy ~ Mom and Dad xxx

3rd Feb 2016 ~ 9 years without you

My beautiful boy 'Zak' I sit here typing through the tears even after all this time, 9 years ago today you fell asleep in my arms and danced away with my heart to the bridge and to Peace.

You truly were the best boy we could ever have wished for and you made us so proud that you chose to come and live with us for nearly 15 years. Those years passed so quickly and suddenly one day the puppy was gone and we saw an old man frail and tired and ready for your final journey.

And so we carried you Home in our loving arms after saying the last goodbye and sending you on ahead to make sure the way was safe for us when its our time to return to you. I would give my world to put my face into the soft thick wondrous fur on your sweet head, to soak up the fragrance of you around your neck and shoulders and to hug you again and let my tears fall on to your sweet soft beautiful black and tan ears ..... oh my darling boy how wonderful it would be.

I have your photos and our memories and your ashes ~ but I can never have the one thing I long for again .... my ZAK .... my friend, soul-mate and my son. These things will have to do for now for they are all I have along with the tears that fall in your memory and the smiles you gave us for 15 years of joy. You danced away with my heart that morning and you are dancing still among the stars .... free from the aches and pains you had a young dog once more, I see you there when I see a shooting star "thats my Zak, dancing across the heavens sending me his love to keep and to treasure"

I am not 'over' your loss, I never will be truly, no matter how many books I read or how many people tell me to 'get on with life'. But I can smile now through the tears and remember the love we shared that grew into something many never have ..... we are the lucky ones you and I our love will never die, it lives on forever in our hearts my beautiful Angel.

God bless, sleep peacefully in my heart, sweet dreams my darling ~ until we meet again along the path through the fields of gold that leads me Home to all of you .... I love you my beautiful boy .... yours forever Moma xxx

We have a secret, you and I
that no one else shall know,
for who but I can see you lie
each night in fire glow?

And who but I can reach my hand
before we go to bed
and feel the living warmth of you
and touch your silken head?

And only I walk woodland paths
and see ahead of me,
your small form racing with the wind
so young again, and free.

And only I can see you swim
in every brook I pass
and when I call, no one but I
can see the bending grass.

I love you into eternity my boy, always and forever my beautiful Zak ..... loved and missed beyond measure.
Until we meet again ...... wrap you love around my heart and dance among the stars my darling boy. xxx


Loved and missed always ~ treasured memories and photos of you remain sacred in our hearts. There are no more words I can say than I already have, over and over again I have said how much we miss you how much we love you and how we long to be with you again. Memories are all that are left, hopes and dreams long gone but you and your love and remembering the joy you gave to us for so long will have to see us through the years to come until we meet again and hold and touch you in loving arms once more.

This poem is for you, I do not ask where you are because your spirit is free and your soul transcended into beauty and light. Please just know our love like yours, is eternal and it will never die ..... God keep you and love you like we did and you watch over all those in need and suffering on this earth. You are charged with their care and I know you will carry them Home to be free.

God bless you and thank you for everything you did and everything you were ..... our beautiful sweet loving Zak.







To the memory of a life, so beautifully lived
And a heart, so deeply loved ....

Sweet dreams ~ until we meet again beautiful Zak xxx


Happy Easter beautiful boy, remembering you today and wishing I could just spend a little time with you to sit and hold you and talk to you one more time. God willing one day I will, all my prayers will be answered and I will find my Peace, as you have found yours. Tell my Sam how much I love him Harley and Kip too please. I miss you all so much and send you all my love and kisses every night to the stars. Sweet dreams little man, until we walk together again, through fields of gold and woodlands of blue. I love you to the stars and beyond.

Have fun and play with all your new friends ...... until we meet again <3

Please watch over Jess my darlings she is very poorly and needs your guidance and love more than ever God bless you, how much I miss you all .... until we meet again. Love Mommy xxx

11 long years gone ......

We remembered you this morning at 10.30 UK time, the time I held you in my arms and you fell into your eternal sleep leaving behind a million memories and 2 very broken hearts. But the one thing you left that can never leave is the love in our hearts that will never diminish or change. We had 15 glorious years with you ~ the best years of our lives have been spent with you and Harley, Kip, Bella, Sam and little Jess. She joined you soon after my last post to you darling 10th May 2017, just 11 months after her special Sam. Together again with her brothers and sisters she never knew in life but who she plays with and is happy with now.

They say time heals all wounds, not so ...... I will never forget you and my tears will never stop. There will be days when I smile and think of your beautiful life and there are days when the tears come, over and over again. My eyes will never be dry of tears for any of you, but I know that and live with that and try hard to smile when I remember you all.

Be free darling Zak, knowing you were and are loved beyond the stars and on into Eternity. I just miss you so much Angel so so much. Tell my little Jess she is loved and missed so very much 9 months in Feb on the 10th, gone so soon and so quickly in the end but for her ..... there is no more pain.

I love you Zak I love you ALL ~~~ see you again soon beautiful boy. You have our hearts for all time, Daddy says hello beautiful boy, so special and so very missed. God bless run free, until we meet again ..... watch over your Daddy he has an operation coming up and needs your guidance and love.

Sweet dreams, beautiful memories ..... Love Mommy xxx

Just sat here thinking of you almost 1 year since our beautiful little Jess left this world for yours and the tears are streaming down my face like a river. I feel so sad, so lost and alone without you all. Little Herbie does his best and I am ever thankful for having him with me all the time. But it does not diminish the emptiness I feel when I look back and see the old days in my heart and memories. My heart will never completely heal.

God bless you beautiful boy, go play, be happy and free from all your aches and pains and know that you are loved so much, always and forever you will live on in our hearts and in the beautiful precious memories we made in those wonderful 15 years we had with you, so long ago. Never forgotten, deeply loved and missed ~ until we meet again my darling Zak πŸΎπŸ’œπŸΎ Sweet dreams puppy πŸΎπŸ’œπŸΎ Love Mom xxx

12 years today 3 Feb 2019

Where have all those years gone Angel? Where did all the years you had with us go? August 92 ~ February 2007 This coming August it will be 27 years since we went for a ride to Battersea Dogs Home and found you beautiful boy. Hard to understand how so many years have gone and hard to try and remember all the memories we made together for the time we had πŸŒΉπŸ’–πŸŒΉ 15 glorious years πŸŒΉπŸ’–πŸŒΉ. It all seems so very long ago today, like it was another lifetime, another place, a memory in my heart as well as in my mind ~ and it was beautiful 🐢🐾🌻

You gave us the best years of your life and I am so thankful to God for guiding us there that day and showing you to us, a scared pup who was bearing his teeth in the kennel but one who wouldn't come out of hiding behind the kennel girl when she took you out to show you to us. One big beautiful wus πŸ•

You gave us everything, joy, happiness, laughter, pleasure, a lifetime of memories so dear and beautiful that we could never forget .... you shared your life and never asked for a thing and gave us all of you, right up to your very last breath. You slipped gently away on your last day, so quickly you were gone, so tired and so ready for your final journey. So you took the path we cannot yet follow and walked with Harley on to the green meadows of Rainbow Bridge to be renewed, young again and free from pain and suffering ..... the young and beautiful dog we had adopted all those long years before.

Your memory lingers and often I pause to listen, sometimes I hear a bark in the distance and ask 'was that you my boy'? but of course your golden voice is silent now 4 paws at rest and you are free. I have asked many times for you to forgive me for the things I did and didnt do and I know you would say, Mom there is nothing to forgive, I love you so. And I love you too beautiful Angel.

So today we celebrate your 12th Angelversary and thank God for sending you to us and for allowing us to care for you and ..... for letting us know that you were calling your boy Home to rest, your journey done and our time drawing to an end. Run on ahead old friend, go play with your brothers and sisters, there are many there with you now. Know that you are loved and your memory is cherished for all time. Until we meet again one day ...... πŸ¦‹πŸŒΊπŸŒˆπŸ’—πŸ’“πŸ’— xXx

13 years today 3rd February 2020

My eyes refused to watch you leave ...
So tears will blur the memory πŸΎπŸ’”βœ¨πŸŒˆπŸ’§πŸŒˆβœ¨πŸ’”πŸΎ

13 years ago we held you beautiful Angel in our arms as eternal sleep carried you to Heaven. Today we remember you with love and pride and gratitude for you shared your life with us for 15 beautiful years.

How could we ever forget a dog, who gave us so much to remember ~ Sleep in Peace darling Zak ~ our beautiful Battersea Boy. πŸΎπŸŒˆπŸ’žπŸŒˆπŸΎ

You are loved and missed so much my darling boy, not a day has passed that I have not thought of you, remembered your beautiful face and kissed your photo and talked with you at some point. The tears have come, both Mom and Dad have shed them today but we have also smiled and talked about you and how wonderful, clever and beautiful you were, so how could we ever forget you, just so special, truly one in a trillion my beautiful boy. Until the day comes when we can hold you in our arms again ~ we will hold you in our hearts always πŸ’žβœ¨πŸ’ž

The tide recedes but leaves behind
bright seashells on the sand.
The sun goes down, but gentle
warmth still lingers on the land.
The music stops, and yet it echoes
on in sweet refrains.....
For every joy that passes,
something beautiful remains. 🐾✨🐾

Zak's Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxIrjAij73A

14 years today 3rd February 2021

How quickly these 14 years have passed us by, yet, so long gone from our arms .... beautiful boy. So much has happened recently here where we now live. Happy and sad things and it brings back memories to beautiful to ever forget. I go over your last morning with us, over and over again but it cannot change the fact that you are gone. Dogs lives are never long enough and my heart is still broken that you had to leave. But you were 16 years old and your sweet body was so tired and getting so frail ~ even getting up from the floor had become difficult. It broke our hearts to see you struggle and find it hard to go on our walks together. So, we sent you Home to rest and renew knowing our hearts would break but your tired heart would be young again and your body renewed and free.

We celebrate your Rainbow Day today darling Zak. Your star will shine as it always has and its golden light will glow in the evening skies. Your candle will be lit and I hope you will see the light shimmering below so you can see we still remember you and love you always.

I found a poem I have loved for a long time. I lost it but found it again recently when I was looking for another after the death of a very very dear friend. Little Black Dog's Daddy ~ Mike. You have played with and run with LBD since he came to Heaven in 2015. Thank you for watching over him for Mike and now Mike will watch over all of you for us, until we come Home to meet you again.

Sleep peacefully beautiful boy. You are loved deeply and you are such a special Angel to God. You have my heart and love forever and your Daddy send you hugs and kisses, he misses his 'Talky Boy' with all his heart.

Nite nite Angel Zak ~~~ send us a sign there have not been any dreams for so long, it would be so beautiful to have one tonight. Farewell for now darling πŸŒΉπŸ’žπŸ™πŸ€—πŸ™πŸ’žπŸŒΉ

Solace By Lisa Carmel Singer

From the Silence of your pain,
I heard my name and on the wings of light
I have come to see the sadness in your eyes that cry without tears
Can you see me, I am here I will always be near you,
to calm your shattered heart
and to make you smile at the memories
Do you feel me, perhaps a soft brush of fur
You ache to believe it's real but you are afraid to hope
you brush away a strand of hair
But it was I, whispering
I am only here for a moment
The silver thread gently quivers
I will leave behind my love in a dream
When you awaken and without really knowing why
Your heart will know at last
That it is all right for now to say goodbye.
πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ΄πŸŒ³πŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸŒˆ xxx

15 years today 3rd February 2022

How can it be 15 years since I last held you and looked into your beautiful eyes for the last time? Where have all those years gone. You are now gone for longer than you were with us and my heart aches as much today as the day you found your wings. An ache that really never leaves, never really stops. To hold and caress your soft fur and look into the eyes that stayed on me as you left this world and travelled on that day. I remember it all my darling, every moment, every tear and all the sorrow that came as you journeyed on to find our Peace. I have doubted over the years that we did the right thing that day because it was clear you didnt want to leave you weren't ready. But looking back today I know it was your time and you gave everything you had already, there was nothing left within you darling, you were ready after all.

We think of you today and remember the days we shared, the holidays, camping, running along the beaches and through the woodlands, chasing butterflies and living your life so well. You are our forever, we love you ~ always you are our boy, our sweet Zak, Gods best and brightest star. Shine on Angel, I saw you this morning in the glow of the sunrise and the colours of the sky that shone down your light and love. I knew it was you, I will never forget the colours of your love my boy ~ never ever forget, I promise.

We'll meet again one day and there will be no more 'goodbyes' only 'I love you, I've missed you, I'm Home now too'. Until then ....... πŸ™πŸŒΉπŸŒˆπŸΎπŸŒŸπŸ’žπŸŒ… sweet dreams beautiful boy. xxx

16 years 3rd Feb 2023

I wasn't able to post for my beautiful Zak on his anniversary on the 3rd Feb 2023 as we were dealing with Herbie and the vets that day :( Then the next day I had that terrible fall down the stairs and since then haven't been able to sit and type for long. But today I find the strength to write a memorial post for him as I do every year and one of my favourite poems with a photo or two.

16 years ago ~ 3rd Feb 2007 ~ we said farewell to the most beautiful soul who came to us 15 years before that from Battersea Dogs Home in London. August 1992, one of the most wonderful years of our lives. He was special beyond mortal words to me. I cannot begin to put down on paper just how special he was and what he came to mean to us both through all the wonderful years we had with him. 15 of them in all.

From the first day to the last he was loved and he always will be. Some have said to me 'never was a dog loved more' and that is so true. But I cannot say he was loved more than any of the 9 dogs we have adopted, loved, cherished and lived with since 1976 when we found our first rescue Bella in Birmingham Dogs Home. All are equal and different in so many ways, but non loved more than another.

Each character was unique, funny, cheeky, challenging and wonderful and I'd do it all over again and brave the bitter sweet sadness when they leave. Knowing how beautiful their lives were once we found them and how they treasured every moment we gave them from beginning to end.

So my beautiful Zak keep running, keep running and playing on the beaches and through the woodlands you loved and knew so well. With all those you have come to know, siblings and friends, whose Moms and Dads have become special friends of mine. You ran away with our hearts that last day. Hold them close as we hold yours and your love in ours. You will never be forgotten, love endures, it is a treasure that belongs to us alone, no one can take it away, it is ours forever.

Until we meet again my darling Zak ~ my arms ache to hold you once more and I know for sure, one day I will my beautiful boy. God bless. πŸ’žπŸ™πŸ•πŸΎπŸŒ³πŸŽ‹πŸŒΉπŸŒˆ xxx

17 years
Another gone by and without you still. That's how it will always be now for you are gone from our lives and our arms but never from our hearts. I seem to say the same things year after year. All are true and you are missed more every day that comes to pass. The longing for one more day never ends and the tears still fall when we think certain memories and hear certain songs as I'm sure they do for moat people who truly loved a precious soul beyond mortal words.

I saw your star last night shining bright and shimmering star dust down from the bridge. I wondered if you were there watching down on us with all the other beautiful rainbow angels. With old friends and new ones and special human friends of Mom and Dad's who now know you well too. Today the clouds cover the skies and maybe I will not see your star again this time but your love shines down into my heart and always I feel you are by my side when we walk. So many memories of you and the others my boy, so many happy times to remember and smile at and tears come too. This day is etched in my heart and I will never forget how brave you were. I'm sure you knew we were letting you go to find your peace and be young again. You gave more than we could ever have hoped for and we love you for all of that.

Thank you for being you Zak. For your devotion and love and the happiness you bought into our hearts for 15+ years. You ~ my darling fur friend ~ truly were 'the best' We'll walk with you again beautiful angel and when we do we will never leave your side nor your puppy heart. Our yesterday; our tomorrow and our forever 🌹🐾🧑πŸ₯ΉπŸŒˆπŸ’žπŸ˜₯

Sleep in Peace angel then run and play again and remember all the places we loved to go with you and run there too. We are in your heart as you are in ours......Until we meet again. Love you sweet Angel Zak πŸ’–πŸ’œπŸ’–

You drew memories in my mind
I could never erase
You painted colours in my heart
I could never replace

You are so loved ........ β€οΈπŸ©·πŸ§‘πŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ©΅πŸ’œπŸ©Ά

18 years ~ 3rd Feb 2025

My beautiful old friend Zak.

Another RB anniversary and how time has flown once more ~ 18 years today at 10.30am this morning 3rd Feb 2007 you fell into your final sleep in my loving arms. A blanket of love wrapping you tight, a ribbon holding it together with so many beautiful memories of the last 15 years ~ the best of mine and almost all of yours. πŸ’žπŸΎπŸ•ŠπŸŒΉπŸŒŸ
Our sweet Battersea boy. The one dog we had waited for for so many years our next forever rescue. So handsome; clever; caring and loving; gentle and beautiful beyond words. You gave us more than we could ever return darling but we did our very best and kept you safe and warm and loved to the stars and on into Eternity.
You are deeply missed still. The hole you left when you found your wings can never be filled. You sent us a sweet lovely boy to care for after you left and he stayed with us for 9 wonderful years ~ our sweet Sam. He too is deeply missed and loved and over the Rainbow with you now for 9 years in June. 😞

You will never be forgotten, always missed and loved to the stars. We celebrate your life today ~ a sweet soul who loved every creature and person you met and lit up the room each time you came in to it. My world changed forever as you drifted into that deep sleep and I knew we would never walk side by side again in this life but I feel you with me in my heart every place I go and in my memories of the days, months and years we shared so long.
The sun has come out and the morning mist has lifted and as I walk down the lane where I live now I hear a soft whisper on the gentle breeze. "I'm here Moma, by your side always, walking with you, guiding you on your journey, sending you all my love as I always did ...... into your heart faithful and true to the last beat".

"Until I walk with you again and never leave your side I love you Moma, remember me and smile through your tears and hear my voice calling you Home ~ I'll be here waiting as always and it will seem like yesterday once more, as it once was ~ beautiful and pure into Eternity together again".
Thank you for loving me I will never forget you, you are my Moma and you are in my heart as I know I am in yours.
Your Zak xXx

For Zak and all my beautiful fur kids. The video I made with the song which was released the day he went OTRB. Could have been written for him, for all of them. It still makes me cry πŸ˜₯


Please also visit Little Angel Tyson & Jess.

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