Place your Baby on the Tribute list for the upcomming Monday Night Candle Ceremony

The Monday Night Candle Ceremony is a free service offered to all visitors. It is a very special healing ceremony to honor our furchildren & feathered friends who have crossed over the Rainbow Bridge.

To participate, please fill out the form below. You need only to have compassion, empathy and respect for those who have lost a Baby. As most of us have lost a precious baby at one time we know the loss, carry it with us still, and know the comfort we can offer is apprecited beyond what words can explain.

Fur Baby's Name:
Fur Baby's Breed:
Date of Birth:
Date Passed On:

Parent Name:
Home Town & State:
Parent's Email:

Please provide a special tribute for your Baby.
300 more characters (approximately 50 words) maximum please

Include a picture of your Fur Baby
(Maximim photo size: 1 MB; 1,000 KB)     

We can accept .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .tif, .png, and .exif files.
To post your Monday Candlelight Tribute, please re-type the following security code in the box below and click the "Post Your Monday Candlelight Tribute" button.

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