Welcome to Susie's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Susie's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Susie
The sweetest sharpei I've ever had. She tried so hard to make it to her 12th birthday but I had to make that choice. She was such a good little traveler. Could stay in a hotel, throw her bed down, open curtain, and turn tv on and she never barked and always waited for us to come back.
Miss that so much whether I was gone 5 min or 5 hours, she was so excited. So wish I could find another one, but don't think there is one out there.
Love you baby girl always
12-19-20 Still miss you baby girl and cry almost every day. I hope you have some across Snuggles, Pudge, and Zoe and have fun. Love you
3-13-21 Still cry for you sweet girl. Almost 9 months now and still miss you terrible. I will always love you
4-3-21 Happy Easter sweet baby. Miss you still so much. Hope you have a fun fay. I love you
5-18-21 Hope you are doing good baby girl. Still cry and love you so much. Will be great to see you one day
7-31-21 Still miss you so much and will always love you.
11-8-21 Still cry almost daily for you sweet girl. Don't know if will ever be the same Love you
01-8-22 I miss you and think of you daily. Your what I seen when I turn computer on and last I see at night. Still love you so much.
4-11-22 Still not easy I still cry for you and miss you more all the time. I love you Susie
6-25-23 Still miss you so very much and still cry for you. Don't know if I'll every stop. You were by baby girl and brought so much joy. Love you sweet Susie
6-23-24 Its 4 yrs today sweet girl and still miss you so much There will never be
another Susie. Love you mommy

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