Annie's Ashes
by Aase (Osa) .........................................
Her ashes hold her spirit, my spirit. They hold the memories of fifteen years of unconditional, unwavering love.
She was my shadow, so intertwined in my life, bonded so tight by love. She knew my strengths and my weaknesses. She held my spirit in her heart. She was my mountain of strength, my support.
If I felt down, and wanted to give up, she would give me the strength to go on. When life seemed unbearable, she would come to me, and with her soft, gentle look, she would let me know that she would be by my side, no matter what.Unconditionally, she would love me.
She was so wise, her eyes told me so. She would look at me, and through her gentle eyes I would see the meaning of things, that I, myself, could not see. She never knew how she guided me. I would look to her for comfort, and she never faltered. She stood rock steady by my side, never doubted me. She would have given her life for me, protecting me, loving me.
She was my friend. My unconditional friend. She never questioned my love for her. In her eyes, I was her hero, but what she did not realize, she was MY hero. She was my pillar of strength. She gave me goodness and love. She gave me her life, to stand by me, for as long as she could. I learned so much from her. She was so wise, her eyes told me so.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Aase (Osa)
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