by Abby Riibe
I had a little shadow
She went in and out with me.
And everywhere that I was
My puppy was sure to be.
She was a very friendly dog
She loved to romp and play.
She also was so very smart
She would hunt around all day.
She would chase around the rabbits
And send the squirrels up the trees.
She would layout in the yard
And snap at all the bees.
But after living many years
My old dog turned light gray.
And although she tried very hard
She could no longer romp and play.
She just rested quietly
Resting by my chair.
Deaf and blind, stiff and slow
Sleeping without a care.
Now my shadow has passed away.
I sit without my friend.
The best dog I ever had
Has finally met her end.
I had a little shadow
She went in and out with me.
And now I walk all alone
My old dog has been set free.
DFRiibe- 7/27/2016