by Allin Woodward.........................................
Bonnie, My Cairn Terrier was born on August 31, 1989 and died on January 5, 2005, she lived a good and prosper life. That is for a dog. But I miss her, and will more than likely fall to pieces when her Birthday comes around. As, I mentioned before, I had a Lab, but she was the family dog. Bonnie was my dog and will forever hold a place in my heart. I miss her and look at pictures of her when she was alive. What I can't understand, is why a loving God allows terrible things like this to happen. Dogs aren't the only things, God created that die, humans die too. And I wonder why, animals as well as people have to suffer so much. Is this what God intended for us. Even as I'm typing this, a phrase keeps repeating over and over again in my head. It is "People Have Fallen Into Sin, And Come Short Of The Glory of God." I don't know where that is in the Bible, but I know its there. Do animals have to suffer also, just like humans do? Thanks alot Adam and Eve. Now, because of your sin, and disobeying God, Everything on Earth will die.