Since Forever Ended
by Ally .........................................
Ozzie was a cairn terrier, 3 years old at the time when my mom and dad brought me home from the hospital, wrapped in blankets. Although I didn't know it yet, Ozzie would be there with me until I was 11 years of age.
On Tuesday, April 18, 2006 my mom recived a call on her cell phone that no pet owner would like to ever get. Ozzie had previously been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that effects the kidneys. At first he had an uncontrolled bladder, leading him to have accidents everywhere, very unlike him. So at first they had thought it was just a simple kidney stone that would have to be removed by a surgical procedure that the vet was used to performing. But it was much more than just a simple kidney stone. On Tuesday, April 18, 2006, my mom got the phone call while her and my brother and sister and I were in town that Ozzie would have to be put down on that Friday.
She didn't tell us the news until we got into the car. I was severely devistated. How was I going to loose the animal, the family member I had loved all my life within a few days?!
I cried and was very afraid to go near him, as much as I hate to say it. I didn't want to get to close, knowing only tears would come out of that bond.
I regret avoding him on his last few days on Earth.
On that Friday morning, before I left for school, I remember vividly..
He was sitting on top of the couch looking out the window. I went up to him and hugged him, one last time and I said to him:
"Ozzie, I love you so much and I am going to miss you more than anything..." I began to cry... "Please, please if you can do one last thing for me, always remember me and never forget how much I love you. Please watch me from heaven, and I promise, no matter what, I will love you...forever."
Forever, where had I heard that before... I realized as I was walking out the door...Ozzie had been with me forever, from the moment I first got home as a new born until today. And now, since forever was ending, what was supposed to happen next?
I went to school that day, obviously in a sad mood. I was not going to be able to return home to my kisses that I always got upon arriving in the door from school.
When I got home, it wasn't so bad. I cried a little, but I was anxious to fill the empty space in my heart with another puppy.

On April 29, 2006, 8 days after Ozzie's passing, we bought a new puppy we named Potter. The same type of dog as Ozzie was. Everytime I look at Potter, I see Ozzie. And I know that Ozzie had granted my last request, he is clearly watching over me, through Potter.
Now I have two doggies to always love, Ozzie and Potter.

Potter is 3 years old now. And while in the midst of convincing my parents that Potter needs a puppy playmate (successful so far), I always keep in my mind my first dog, my first puppy playmate. My best friend forever, Ozzie.

I love all dogs.
God bless man's best friend.

Comments would be appreciated by the author, Ally
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