by Allyson .........................................
Some people are blesseed with children. I am blessed with a miniature horse child named Uptown Girl. Since my husband and I have no kids we treat her as our child. Back several years ago, we had the priviledge of meeting a lovely family who owned a miniature horse chid named Dakota. They were looking for a mate for their son, so we had the two meet the next day. I say it was love at first site. Hoping to make our family bigger, we allowed them to do what came natural. Sadly, my Uptown never had a baby with Dakota, but she proposed later that year. So, in August of 2007, the two miniatures were united in marriage. Yes, with a everything a girl would want at her wedding. My husband walked her down the isle, as I stood there crying. My daughter was getting married. Dakota was a gentleman and always sent her cards and greetings throughout their two year marriage. The in laws never fought, we always stayed in touch via email. Then, tragedy struck. On November 9, 09 I received a horrible email about Uptown's husband and my son-in-law, Dakota. He was killed sometime over the night by a bear. My heart just sunk to the floor. Even though I am not his "mommy" I felt such a lose. I cried and ran outside to my Uptown. I sat with her in the pasture for about an hour holding her and crying to her. I explained what happened and that her husband has passed. I feel she knew what I was saying. As she tried to comfort me, I realized how greatful I am to have her as my child and how much Dakota meant to all of us. I remembered the meeting day with Dakota. As my husband held Uptown and I held Dakota, I remember my husband saying, "He can't do that, that's my little girl." I remember Dakota eating the grass standing next to his love, Uptown. I remember all the planning for the wedding and making the gown and tux for the little two miniature horses. I remember the day of their wedding, and how everyone took it so seroiusly. My husband with his big smile as he being the proud daddy, and me as the crying mom. Dakota waited so patiently for her to walk down the isle. The two miniatures had a great time throughout the whole day. Dakota was an amazing little guy. He did so much for his family. He took his owner, Jack around in a cart. He loved everyone. Dakota, my son-in-law you are never going to be forgetten. I only knew you for a couple of years, but you made such an impact on me and Uptown. Your family loved you so much and I know they truly miss you. Please never forget your family and in-laws. When your up there trotting and cantering around please continue to enjoy life and keep Robin, Brooke, and Jack in your thoughts. These people were your true parents and are missing you every day. I, your mother-in-law will always have you in my heart and remember the fun times you had with my daughter, Uptown. Dakota Hicks, forever in our hearts and prayers. Keep trotting.....