by Amanda Torres .........................................
I have had a dog named Mocha since I was a baby. She was a very healthy girl, but got sick occasionally. This is a story about my day, her life, and how loving she was. My dog was a very simple female dog. Even though she was simple, she was the best dog on earth. She was very healthy until one day....
It was exactly September 26, 2004. I had spent the night at my sister's house, while my dog Mocha had been sick. It was a very sad time, and we all knew she was sick because she loved me most, and she had just snapped at me out of the blue. Anyway, I came home from my sister's house, and went straight upstairs to go wath cartoons. My grandma came up and said that the dog was very ill and she needed to go to the Vet right away. Me and my grandfather had taken her. The Vet said she was very sick and had arthritis, kidney and liver infection, and uncontrollable bladder (as she had to wear a diaper, and got many cuts from it. :''''( } The Vet said that we could keep her overnight, but that was 1,000 dollars. We didn't have the money, so they said that we could take her home and if we had any problems we could contact them. We were taking her, and she didn't want to go. She looked at me like," I have to stay..don't take offense. It is my time to go back where I came from..I love you very much Amanda. Good- Bye" We left her there, and I didn't have time to say good bye. I was very sad and they took her away. Me and my Papa had gone home and they called us right after. "They said, we are so sorry sir, but your dog is having a heart attack." I was so angry, I kicked, screamed, yelled, and everything else you could imagine.I was very upset. So, I wanted to go with my brother and my sister and my Papa to go see her one last time. My mother said I was to young and could not go, and I hated her. My Papa and sister and brother said that they had got there just in time. She was about to pass, but it seemed like she waited for them. They said there was a certain twinkle in her eye saying," I love you guys. Tell Amanda I love her, and will be seeing her shortly. Good Bye, and keep me alive..don't forget me." I miss my dog so much. She was so humble. I wish she didn't go, but there just had to be a reason why. I don't hate my mother anymore, because as time went by she gave me a hamster. But that's not why I dont hate her anymore. Because my hamster died, and it was so hard to see her; imagine seeing my dog die. I am now 12 years old, and my dog was 13 when she died. We bonded through those grand years, and I can't wait to see her at Rainbow Bridge when I cross.
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