by Amanda & everyone Allocca.........................................
There is no other bunny who was loved as much as him. Every day that we had him, was a blessing. We got Stewie from my religion teacher, she couldn't keep him because her daughter was allergic to him.We had him for a year, then thought that he needed a good friend. So we wen't to the Pet Den, and bought our other bunny, Maggie. When we first got her, she was a baby, and didn't like Stewie, and Stewie didn't like Maggie. But as the year wen't by, they started to grow on eachother. When Maggie got older, they became best friends, and cuddled up with eachother every time they saw one another. Two years later, Maggie got sick. We noticed that she stopped eating, pooping and drinking. The Vet told us to give her pineapple juice to break up the poop inside her intestines. About a week later, she recovered, but something else was wrong. Now Stewie wasn't eating, or drinking, or pooping. We brought him to the vet, he said that he had 7 huge clumps of poop in his system. The vet said that he didn't have much time. So I did what I can. I looked up things to help him,for hours and hours, and I finally found something. It said to really press hard on his stomach and massage it, while giving him pineapple juice, and water to keep him hydrated. Two days later, he took 2 giagantic poops (which would be all seven combined) and he was more perky and happy, and he started eating and drinking again. We were all releived and happy. Two weeks past, and we noticed that he wasnt eating, drinking or pooping again. We put him back on Pineapple juice, water, and we massaged his stomach again. It wasn't as bad as last time, so we thought " If we got him through the first time, then we can get him through the second time". About 5 days past, and nothing was working. We tried and tried so hard to get him better. Today, i noticed he was trying to poop, so I picked him up, and found something slimy coming out. We figured that it was him getting ready to go poop. As I was laying him down on my lap to give him pineapple juice, i noticed that he wasn't controlling his neck, he just let it go back. I panict and told my mother. She told me to put him down on the floor and walk around. I put him gently on the floor, and waited until he got up and moved. After waiting 2 minutes, he got up, and tried, but it was so hard for him to move. My mother told me to wrap him up in a blanket and towel, and lay down with him, close to my heart. Every minute, he jumped up in pain. He was so unhappy, and uncomfortible. I couldn't watch him anymore. Then as I was falling asleep, he started screaming. I picked him up, and put him on the floor. As he was gasping for air, I pet hid head, and said," It's okay Stewie, I love you, and I always will. Be a good bunny in heaven, I'll see you again someday, It's okay to let go." He's not in pain anymore. He knows that I tried so hard, He knows that we all love him, and never will forget him. Good bye Stewie Maxwell Pez Allocca. We love you<3 Janurary 24, 2009 <3
P.s, this is what he looked like, but cuter...