How to fall in love with a bunny
by Amber .........................................
I got a baby black bunny at a fair 5+ years back. I couldn't resist they were so cute and she was the only black one in the bunch. I knew i wanted her before she even saw me. She was different just like me. i took her home and it was a struggle at first because my mom and i have grown up around cats, we knew nothing about bunnies. But everyday that passed we learned and we grew attached to her. She was in my room all her life, she grew up with me. Always right next to me. My mom and i would always give her kisses and treats. Yogurt treats were her favorite, she went crazy for them. She would always look up at us in her cage as if to say " hi I'm down here". She was so precious. We never got her fixed because we weren't sure whether to breed her or not. A lot of the things you have to worry about with rabbits she never got. She was in perfect health. until about a year ago we felt a lump on her stomach. Where her mammary chain is. We took her to the vet and found out it was a mammary tumor from not getting her fixed. Bunnies are meant to breed and if their not fixed it can cause complications. The price for surgery was ridiculously expensive and she was already more then halfway through her life. So we were afraid of any complications that could happen afterwards. So we decided to wait and see what happens. The tumor grew and became open. We took her to the vet again and it was the same response. And we came to the same decision. We didn't have the money and we weren't ready to lose her. But then we started seeing her bite at it, and making it bleed. She still ate and went to the bathroom. Still loved her treats, but we knew this was most likely cancerous. And even though she seemed herself, we didn't know what it was doing to her internally. It was definitely spreading over her body, and her movements seemed more difficult. The only option we had left was to get her put to sleep. And afterwards, we examined her further since she was getting so sore to even hold. We found 2 more tumors we didn't know about. So that helped us realize we did the right thing. We wanted to remember her happy not suffering. The longer we waited the harder it would have been. She died in my arms, it was peaceful. She was the first pet we've ever got put down, so were having a hard time dealing with the guilt and what ifs that comes with that decision. We are going to get another bunny soon, not to ever replace her but to fill that void. She taught us how to fall in love with a bunny. We have all this love for her, it's only fair to use it. its very hard to be in my room and not hear her or see her in her cage. Walking into my room and not seeing her look up at you is the worst. Every time we left the house we'd say bye to her, and we still find ourselves doing that. My mom is always asking did you feed bunny. I guess when you have a pet for so long, it's hard to adapt to not having them there anymore. It's a process i know, it's the price any animal lover pays. But no matter what, getting the chance to love an animal is worth it. They will always be more then just a pet to us, their family. And i think most people can agree, their better then humans sometimes.
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Amber
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