Butchie Blue
by Amy B.........................................
I know you are in a better place Butch, but its only been two days since we had to lay you to rest and you are already missed so much. You were always there to listen to me and to lay your head on my belly when I was pregnant with your neice serenity and your nephew Myles. You were the best cuddlin buddy. We had the best life with you Butch you were almost like a cat having nine lives you over came so many problems from heart worms, dying on the operating table while being neutered and so much more. You were the best dog ever. You were so special, mom always managed to get rid of all our other pets, but there was just something about you that we always got to keep you. You were just that special. I enjoyed every minute I got to have with you. You were always by my side, there to lick my face and let me know everything was gonna be ok. This last month has been so rough for me seeing you get skinny and not being your self. I knew the other night when I gave you a bath that you were starting to go down fast when you wouldn't even stand up in the tub. I just wish there was something more I could have done for you. I'm sorry I probably humilated you by putting baby diapers on you because you couldn't control yourself anymore, but I was willing to do whatever it took just to have you with me as long as I could. I tried to get you to eat. I thought that maybe when we took you to the vet they were just gonna say you were dehydrated and they could fix it but when they said you were just old and it was your time to go that was the worst news, you are a fighter and like always I thought you would pull through, but we didn't want you to suffer Butch. You looked so bad and we didn't want to see you hurt. I'm just glad I got to hold you and tell you how much I love you, you don't know how bad I just wanted to run out of the vets office and just take you home and lay in the bed with you hoping you would get better! I know you are in heaven chasing basketballs and squirrels. I just miss you so much and just don't want to feel like this forever because I know you are all better now. I love you butch and you never have to worry about any other pet taking your place. Frankie is so lost without you too. He misses you so much. He lays on your blanket and at night I try to get him to lay in the bed with me and he just stares out the window hoping you will come home. We all love you so much! I can't wait to see you again. Just watch over us while your up there. Theres not a day that goes by that I don't shed a tear. This house is so empty without you! I will be able to cuddle with you again one day until then have fun up there. I love you Butchie Blue Bueno
Comments would be appreciated by the author, Amy B
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