by Amy McDonnell.........................................
Pucci came into our lives when I was 4 yrs old, he was a stray puppy beagle/german shepard mix dog had abandonent issues but not bad always came back to us paper trained. In 1979 he was hit by car police thought he was dead he came around they got my mom and dog in back of police car they radioed around for a vet that was open my dad took me with him there was pucci sitting on the metal table panting with a big gash on his head they operated on him cleaned the wound he was weak for few days no permenent brain damage. We took him on vacations to the mountains he was always first up there but he would wait for us. When I was 13 he got leukemia it was tough to watch him weaken.It was warm august day the final straw was when we noticed blood all the rugs in the house there was the dog panting by the stairs looking towards the front door. So my mom called the vet she said renal failure time to put him to sleep I helped my mom carry or walk him to her car memory fuzzy here we put an old beach towel down on backseat so the blood did get all over drove the less then a mile I think in my mind I thought they could help him put to sleep okay that just what he needs. She explained this is last time we see him say goodbye they handed us his collar with the tags we walked out of the examining room we could not watch it, behind by back I heard his claws scrape the table as the vet lifted him up and a jingle of tags though we had the collar. That sound has stayed with me for the next few days I would hold that collar smelling his flea powder and cry his essance still there. My mom had to comfort me a few times my dad was on travel he was upset he could not be there.